Why We Can't Wait
Martin Luther King Jr.
Explore the events and forces behind the Civil Rights Movement through Martin Luther King Jr.'s powerful writing in "Why We Can't Wait." In a letter from Birmingham Jail, King explains why it is difficult for those affected by segregation to simply "wait" for change. He vividly describes the struggles of black Americans as they face discrimination, poverty, and degradation. This classic book offers insight into the fight for equality and the enduring impact of the Civil Rights Movement.
Fecha de publicación
publicado por primera vez en 1964
Calificación de Goodreads
A few classics:
- Hope in the Dark, Solnit
- Why We Can’t Wait, MLK
- The Search for Common Ground, Thurman
- Team of Rivals, Goodwin
- Col Poems,Audre Lorde
- Bhagavad Gita
- Capital, Piketty
- 100 Years of Solitude, García Márquez
- Infinite Jest / Consider the Lobster, Wallace – fuente2019-01-21T14:47:27.000Z
A wonderful book by SNCC veteran Charlie Cobb "That Nonviolent Stuff Will Get You Killed," and Martin Luther King Jr. "Why We Can't Wait." Hasan Jeffries "Bloody Lowndes: Civil Rights and Black Power in Alabama's Black Belt." – fuente