Mejores libros de contabilidad
Descubre los libros más recomendados para dominar los principios de contabilidad, recopilados de las principales publicaciones y blogs financieros, clasificados por frecuencia de recomendación.

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Get ready to tackle accounting in the simplest way possible! This book explains complex topics with plain English, no jargon. Learn the significance of the Accounting Equation, how to read financial statements, interpret financial ratios, and understand GAAP. You'll also discover how to prepare journal entries and differentiate between cash and accrual methods. Plus, dive into Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold, and calculate depreciation and amortization expenses.
Presentado en 27 artículos
Learn the basics of financial accounting in a fun and understandable way with The Accounting Game! Perfect for managers, business owners, and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to simplify their bookkeeping, this book uses the world of a child's lemonade stand to teach key concepts like assets, liabilities, and inventory. The accelerated learning method will help you master the basics quickly and retain key concepts through a story format. With easy-to-grasp explanations, quizzes, and worksheets, The Accounting Game is a must-have for anyone who wants to feel confident in their financial skills.
Presentado en 19 artículos

La ganancia es primero
Transforma tu negocio en una máquina de hacer dinero
¡Haz que tu negocio trabaje para ti, obtén ganancias de todos tus ingresos y garantiza la rentabilidad de tu empresa!
En su manera franca y entretenida, Mike Michalowicz revela por qué la fórmula tradicional ventas - gastos = ganancia no sólo es contraria a la conducta humana, sino un mito que te encierra en un ciclo interminable de vender más y aprovechar menos.
La ganancia es primero adopta un enfoque conductual de la contabilidad y propone la siguiente fórmula: ventas - ganancia = gastos. Al obtener beneficios en primer lugar y emplear sólo lo que queda en los gastos, transformarás al instante tu negocio de un monstruo comedinero a una máquina generadora de efectivo.
Usando el sistema de Profit First aprenderás, entre muchas cosas más, que:
- Con cuatro principios sencillos puedes simplificar la contabilidad y facilitar la gestión de un negocio rentable revisando los saldos de las cuentas bancarias.
- Un negocio pequeño y rentable puede valer mucho más que un negocio grande que sobrevive al borde de su capacidad.
- Las empresas que logran una rentabilidad temprana y sostenida tienen una mejor oportunidad para lograr un crecimiento a largo plazo.
Con docenas de estudios de casos, consejos prácticos y su característico sentido del humor, Michalowicz ofrece el mapa a seguir para que cualquier empresario gane tanto dinero como siempre soñó.
Presentado en 14 artículos

Accounting for the Numberphobic
A Survival Guide for Small Business Owners
Become a financial expert for your small business with Accounting for the Numberphobic. Don't let the numbers scare you away from taking control of your company's success. This book makes understanding financial statements easy with plain English explanations of the Net Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, and Balance Sheet. Packed with real-world advice and practical action steps, you'll be on your way to increasing profits and measuring cash flow in no time.
Presentado en 14 artículos

Warren Buffett Accounting Book
Reading Financial Statements for Value Investing
Discover the secrets to picking stocks like Warren Buffett with this informative book. Learn how to calculate the intrinsic value of stocks using two methods and dive even deeper with in-depth techniques for reading income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. This second volume to an Amazon Bestseller is a must-read for anyone interested in mastering accounting and investing.
Presentado en 13 artículos

Financial Shenanigans
How to Detect Accounting Gimmicks and Fraud in Financial Reports
Learn how to detect corporate fraud, misleading metrics and accounting chicanery in the global markets with this bestselling guide from the "Sherlock Holmes of Accounting". Discover the most shocking frauds and financial reporting offenders of the last 25 years and gain valuable tools to detect dishonest practices from corporate cultures or management tricks. Updated with key case studies and lessons from the past quarter century, this guide sheds light on the latest methods companies use to mislead investors and shares how to avoid costly mistakes.
Presentado en 13 artículos
Recomendado por
Sanjay Bakshi
Accounting for Non-Accountants
The Fast and Easy Way to Learn the Basics (Quick Start Your Business)
Learn accounting basics quickly and easily with this must-have guide for non-accountants. Whether you're starting a business, managing your own finances, or just want to understand financial statements, this book is simple to use and covers everything from payroll management to corporate taxes. With straightforward explanations, you'll master accounting ratios, manage budgets, and interpret financial statements in no time. Perfect for beginners, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to brush up on accounting fast.
Presentado en 13 artículos

Financial Statements
A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding and Creating Financial Reports
This book is a comprehensive guide to financial accounting that provides non-financial managers, investors, and students with a clear understanding of financial statements, their purpose, and how they work. With over 100,000 copies sold, the second edition has been expanded and updated. Ittelson's book breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language and uses visual aids to illustrate how transactions affect financial statements. A must-read for anyone looking to empower themselves in finance and accounting.
Presentado en 10 artículos

The Tax and Legal Playbook
Game-Changing Solutions To Your Small Business Questions
This informative and engaging book by attorney and CPA Mark Kohler covers the leading tax and business issues faced by small business owners. With practical advice and entertaining real-world examples, readers can confidently seek out the right professionals, ask the right questions, and save time, money, and potential heartache. Kohler presents a simplified look at complex legal and tax planning FAQs, offering assessment quizzes, invaluable details, and clear solutions for moving forward in each chapter.
Presentado en 10 artículos
This comprehensive accounting guide covers all the essential topics you need to know, including setting up your accounting system, recording transactions, preparing financial statements, budgeting, and making smart business decisions. Packed with information from the For Dummies accounting, bookkeeping, and auditing libraries, this one-stop reference is a valuable resource for students and professionals alike. You'll also learn about auditing and fraud detection.
Presentado en 10 artículos
Accounting Handbook by Jae K. Shim
Accounting for Small Business Owners by Tycho Press
Accounting QuickStart Guide by Josh Bauerle Cpa
Accounting All-in-One For Dummies with Online Practice by Kenneth W. Boyd
Como Interpretar Informes Financieros / How to read financial reports by John A. Tracy
Bookkeeping All-In-One For Dummies by Consumer Dummies
Contabilidad Intermedia by Donald E. Kieso
Finanzas para managers by Karen Berman
Narrative and Numbers by Aswath Damodaran
Small Time Operator by Bernard B. Kamoroff C. P. A.
Accounting Principles - Standalone book by Jerry J. Weygandt
Accounting Best Practices by Steven M. Bragg
Tax Savvy for Small Business, 16th Edition by Frederick W. Daily
A Brief History of Economic Genius by Paul Strathern
Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits! by Greg Crabtree
Accounting All-in-One For Dummies by Michael Taillard, Joseph Kraynak, Kenneth W. Boyd
Schaum's Outline of Principles of Accounting I, Fifth Edition by Joel Lerner
Financial Accounting by Jerry J. Weygandt
Finance for Nonfinancial Managers, Second Edition by Gene Siciliano
Finanzas visuales by Georgi Tsvetanov
Accounting by Carl S. Warren
Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt
Un paseo aleatorio por Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel
Fundamental Accounting Principles, 20th Edition by John Wild
Warren Buffett y la interpretación de estados financieros by Mary Buffett
Taxes Made Simple by Mike Piper
Bookkeeping Essentials by Steven M. Bragg
Financial Accounting by Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso
Accounting by Mayooran Senthilmani
Barron's Accounting Handbook by Joel G. Siegel
Accounting Principles by Gregory Becker
Accounting in a Nutshell by Janet Walker
Accounting by Greg Shields
Fundamental Accounting Principles by John Wild
Financial Accounting by David Spiceland
Managerial Accounting by Ray Garrison
Accounting For Dummies by John A. Tracy
Double Entry by Jane Gleeson-White
The Big Four by Ian D. Gow, Stuart Kells
Small Business by Mark Smith