Los mejores libros de baloncesto
Sumérgete en el juego con los mejores libros de baloncesto, seleccionados de las principales publicaciones y blogs deportivos. Con títulos aclamados por su visión sobre la historia, estrategia y leyendas del deporte, cada libro ha obtenido grandes puntuaciones en varias reseñas.

100 libros en la lista
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Durante su exitosa carrera como entrenador de los Chicago Bulls y Los Angeles Lakers, Phil Jackson conquistó más campeonatos que ningún otro entrenador en la historia profesional del deporte.
Jackson rápidamente fue bautizado como el “Maestro Zen” por los periodistas deportivos, pero ese apodo lo único que hizo fue redundar en una verdad absoluta: la de un entrenador que inspiraba pero no provocaba, que lideraba a través de despertar retos continuamente en todos y cada uno de sus jugadores para erradicar en cada uno de ellos sus egos, miedos e iras.
Esta es la historia de un joven predicador de Dakota del Norte que creció para convertirse en uno de los grandes líderes de nuestra época. En su búsqueda personal de reinvención constante, Jackson exploró muchos caminos, desde la psicología humana hasta la meditación zen practicada por los nativos americanos. En ese proceso, desarrolló un acercamiento hacia el liderazgo basado en la libertad, en la autenticidad y en la necesidad de creer en el trabajo en equipo por encima de todas las cosas.
Presentado en 17 artículos
Recomendado por
Tom Bilyeu
Loose Balls
The Short, Wild Life of the American Basketball Association
Discover the outrageous story of the American Basketball Association, the league that birthed everything we love about modern NBA - the 3-point shot, flashy moves, and flying dunks. Loose Balls is the ultimate history of the ABA, told in the words of players, writers, and connivers who lived through the craziness. This definitive book is a wild, hilarious ride through one of the most bizarre moments in pro sports history.
Presentado en 15 artículos
Recomendado por
Zak KeeferCuando oigo a la gente decir que se han sentido inspirados por la mentalidad mamba, pienso que todo mi trabajo, todo mi esfuerzo y todo el sudor, ha merecido la pena. Por eso he escrito este libro. Todas las páginas contienen enseñanzas, no sólo sobre el baloncesto, sino también sobre la mentalidad mamba. Es decir, sobre la vida.
Presentado en 14 artículos
This book covers the professional basketball industry from players to coaches, road trips, and behind-the-scenes action. Written by best-selling author David Halberstam, it offers a unique and informative perspective on the sport. Discover the fascinating world of basketball in a way you've never seen it before.
Presentado en 14 artículos
Recomendado por
Chris WesselingDiscover the ultimate guide to professional basketball with this all-in-one book written by a true fanatic. In-depth analysis and captivating opinions cover everything from past rivalries to present-day matchups, and even the future of the sport. With a unique and exhaustive ranking system, this book offers an exciting exploration of the top 96 players in NBA history. Packed with controversy, humor, and insider knowledge from one of the industry's top writers, The Book of Basketball is an essential resource for fans of the game.
Presentado en 14 artículos

The Miracle of St. Anthony
A Season with Coach Bob Hurley and Basketball's Most Improbable Dynasty
Basketball coach Bob Hurley has achieved miracles with his team at St. Anthony High School, offering hope to troubled teenagers from Jersey City's mean streets. This gripping and heartrending book follows Hurley's season with his most dysfunctional team yet as he strives to lead them to glory through his unparalleled understanding of basketball and his determination to save children from urban decay.
Presentado en 13 artículos

Las reglas de Jordan
La turbulenta intrahistoria de una temporada con Michael Jordan y los Chicago Bulls
En la temporada de 1990-1991, el célebre periodista Sam Smith tuvo un acceso privilegiado al interior de la franquicia de los Chicago Bulls ―algo impensable hoy en día― y lo aprovechó para escribir uno de los mejores libros de deporte de la historia, "Las reglas de Jordan", donde reveló los secretos inconfesables de un año convulso que marcaría el futuro de la NBA. Intenso, fascinante y escandaloso a partes iguales, "Las reglas de Jordan" lo abarca todo: desde las tormentosas relaciones de Jordan con sus entrenadores y compañeros de equipo, las luchas de poder con la directiva, en particular con Jerry Krause, su obsesión por ser el máximo anotador, su negativa a compartir el balón en los minutos cruciales de los grandes partidos... El propio Jackson ―el gurú que, tras un inicio dubitativo, encontró la tecla que los llevó al éxito― y los compañeros de equipo de Michael, desde Scottie Pippen hasta Horace Grant pasando por Bill Cartwright o John Paxson entre otros, también cuentan su versión de los hechos. Y no se quedan cortos. "Las reglas de Jordan" sorprende por su intensidad, tensión y ritmo narrativo, pero sobre todo destaca por cómo es capaz de transportarnos al vestuario, al avión del equipo, al autobús, al banquillo, y hacernos sentir como si estuviéramos allí. Granular y personal como pocos, este libro marcó un antes y un después en la carrera del astro de Wilmington y en la percepción que el gran público tenía de él.
Presentado en 11 artículos
Recomendado por
Larry EllisonLegendary NCAA basketball coach, Pat Summitt, shares her inspiring story of determination and resilience in the face of early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Summitt, the all-time winningest coach in NCAA basketball history, coached the Tennessee Vols women's basketball team for 38 years, breaking records and leading her teams to numerous championships. Along the way, Summitt learned to balance toughness with communication and kindness, and became a role model for many. Her life took a shocking turn when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2011, but she continued to lead her team to victory and faced this new challenge with her characteristic grace, perseverance, and sense of humor.
Presentado en 11 artículos

Leading with the Heart
Coach K's Successful Strategies for Basketball, Business, and Life
Learn from one of the greatest college basketball coaches of all time in Leading with the Heart. Duke University's head coach has led his team to five straight Final Four appearances and back-to-back championships in 1991 and '92. With five National Coach of the Year Awards and many of his players going on to NBA stardom, Coach K offers insights he uses to coax peak performances from his team, relying on lessons he learned as a captain in the U.S. Army, sportsmanship, respect, and leading with the heart.
Presentado en 10 artículos
Discover the hope and struggle of four promising basketball players in Coney Island in The Last Shot. As they strive to escape a life of crime and poverty with their athletic talent, they must also navigate the ruthless world of college athletic recruitment. With vivid storytelling, author Darcy Frey takes readers on a journey into the inner-city and the high-stakes business of college basketball.
Presentado en 10 artículos
Una temporada en el alambre by John Feinstein
Cuando éramos los mejores by Larry Bird
Salt in His Shoes by Deloris Jordan
Toughness by Jay Bilas
Relentless by Tim S. Grover
Dream Team by Jack McCallum
Showtime by Jeff Pearlman
Pistol by Mark Kriegel
Baloncesto (y otras hierbas) by Shea Serrano
Giannis by Mirin Fader
Basketball by Jackie MacMullan
My Losing Season by Pat Conroy
Stephen Curry by Anthony Curcio
El crossover by Kwame Alexander
The Winner Within by Pat Riley
Wooden on Leadership by John Wooden
Basketball on Paper by Dean Oliver
Pacific Rims by Rafe Bartholomew
Shoot Your Shot by Vernon Brundage Jr.
Coaching Basketball For Dummies by The National Alliance For Youth Sports
Players First by John Calipari
Wooden by John Wooden
The Sixth Man by Andre Iguodala
I Came As a Shadow by John Thompson
Life Is Not an Accident by Jay Williams
Nikki on the Line by Barbara Carroll Roberts
Legends by Howard Bryant
STAT by Amar'E Stoudemire
The Gold Standard by Mike Krzyzewski
The Hoops Whisperer by Idan Ravin
Don't Put Me In, Coach by Mark Titus
Coaching Basketball Successfully by Morgan Wootten
B is for Baller by James Littlejohn
Can I Keep My Jersey? by Paul Shirley
Sacred Hoops by Phil Jackson
Coach Wooden and Me by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Michael Jordan. La biografía definitiva (Varios) by Roland Lazenby
Sangre en el Garden by Chris Herring
El Circo de los Tres Anillos; Kobe, Shaq, Phil y Los Años Locos de la Dinastía de los Lakers by Jeff Pearlman
The Last Great Game by Gene Wojciechowski
Seven Seconds or Less by Jack McCallum
When Nothing Else Matters by Michael Leahy
Heaven Is a Playground by Rick Telander
Tuff Juice by Caron Butler
The Boys of Dunbar by Alejandro Danois
Basketball's Greatest Players by S. A. Kramer
Walk-On Warrior by John Willkom
The Final Four by Paul Volponi
Hoop Queen by Marci Peschke
Life on the Run by Bill Bradley
Basketball by Dean Smith
Golden by Marcus Thompson
Practical Modern Basketball by John R. Wooden
When March Went Mad by Seth Davis
Basketball Break by CC Joven
My Life On a Napkin by Rick Majerus
Dino-Basketball by Lisa Wheeler
Furious George by George Karl
Geno by Geno Auriemma
The Carolina Way by Dean Smith
Slam Dunk! by The Editors of Sports Illustrated Kids
How to Be Better At Basketball in 21 days by James Wilson
Teresa Weatherspoon's Basketball for Girls by Teresa Weatherspoon
Rebound by Kwame Alexander
Boy21 by Matthew Quick
Stanford Wong Flunks Big-time by Lisa Yee
Basketball Belles by Sue Macy
Basketball by James Naismith
By Rick Telander - Heaven Is a Playground (English Language) (1995-10-16) [Paperback] by Rick Telander
Becoming Kareem by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Sum It Up by Pat Head Summitt, Sally Jenkins
Air. La historia de Michael Jordan by David Halberstam
The Fab Five by Mitch Albom
FreeDarko Presents by Bethlehem Shoals
Driven from Within by Michael Jordan
Travel Team by Mike Lupica
¿Quién es Michael Jordan? (¿Quién fue?) by Kirsten Anderson
Campo de entrenamiento by Jon Gordon
Last Shot by John Feinstein
The Great Nowitzki by Thomas Pletzinger
InSideOut Coaching by Joe Ehrmann
Raise the Roof by Pat Summitt
The City Game by Matthew Goodman
The Crossover Series 3-Book Collection by Kwame Alexander
Sports Illustrated Basketball's Greatest by The Editors of Sports Illustrated
Stuff Good Players Should Know by Dick Devenzio
The 21st Century Basketball Practice by Brian T. McCormick
True Legend by Mike Lupica
The Women's Basketball Drill Book by Women'S Basketball Coaches Association
El bus de la energía by Jon Gordon