Los Mejores Libros Para Papás
Encuentra las lecturas definitivas para los padres con esta colección de los mejores libros para papás, desde guías de crianza esclarecedoras hasta crecimiento personal y humor. Estos libros son altamente recomendados por editores y blogueros centrados en la crianza en toda la web.

100 libros en la lista
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Preparate, Papa/ Be Prepared
Un Manual Para Padres Novatos / A Practical Handbook for New Dads
An indispensable survival manual for guys entering the trenches of fatherhood, Be Prepared is loaded with one-of-a-kind insights, MacGyver-esque tips and tricks, and no-nonsense advice for mastering the first year as a dad.Finally, a book that teaches men all the things they really need to know about fatherhood...including how change a baby at a packed sports stadiumcreate a decoy drawer full of old wallets, remote controls, and cell phones to throw baby off the scent of your real gearstay awake (or at least upright) at workbabyproof a hotel room in four minutes flatconstruct an emergency diaper out of a towel, a sock, and duct tapePacked with helpful diagrams and detailed instructions, and delivered with a wry sense of humor, Be Prepared is the ultimate guide for sleep-deprived, applesauce-covered fathers everywhere.
Presentado en 19 artículos
Voy a ser papá es una guía mes a mes sobre los cambios emocionales, financieros y físicos que experimentan los futuros papás.
Más de 1,000,000 de ejemplares vendidos.
La respuesta emocional de los hombres ante el embarazo no es tan distinta a la femenina; los futuros padres sienten todo, desde el alivio hasta la negación, desde el temor hasta la frustración y desde la ira hasta la felicidad. Incluso, 80 por ciento de los hombres presentan también los síntomas físicos del embarazo.
Voy a ser papá incorpora la sabiduría de los principales expertos en paternidad, desde ginecólogos y obstetras hasta psicólogos y sociólogos e incluye las investigaciones más recientes sobre diversos temas como las técnicas de reproducción asistida.
Algunos consejos útiles y tips prácticos que encontrarás:
- Formas de apoyar y motivar a tu pareja durante su embarazo.
- Cómo sobreponerse a la infertilidad.
- Lo que las clases prenatales no te enseñan.
- Encontrarle sentido a tus conflictos emocionales.
- Combinar el trabajo y la paternidad.
- Formas especiales para prepararte si vas a adoptar un bebé.
- Cómo convertirte en el padre que quieres ser.
Presentado en 17 artículos

Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad!
How to Get (Both of You) Through the Next 9 Months
Get ready to be the best dad possible with this ultimate guide for new fathers! From morning sickness to choosing names, this book provides invaluable advice for every step of the pregnancy journey. Written by a seasoned dad, you'll learn how to avoid common mistakes and focus on what you can do to make the next nine months as smooth as possible. Don't be the 3,712th guy to make a rookie mistake - grab this book to become the ultimate partner and future dad.
Presentado en 16 artículos
The First-Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook is a practical and humorous guide for new dads, offering essential advice for pregnancy and beyond. Written by a dad who has been there and done that three times, the book covers everything from week-specific milestones to practical tips for supporting your partner's changing needs. With up-to-date information on the "Fourth Trimester," this handbook will help first-time dads navigate the challenges of parenthood with confidence and humor.
Presentado en 13 artículos
Get ready to become a dad with From Dude to Dad! This essential guide covers everything you need to know about pregnancy, birthing, and parenthood. Learn how to be the best partner and dad-to-be, and start bonding with your baby right away. Don't be scared – this book has got you covered. Get prepared for the life-changing arrival of your little one.
Presentado en 12 artículos
Find your game plan for fatherhood with The New Dad's Playbook by Super Bowl champion Benjamin Watson. While moms-to-be have endless resources for pregnancy and parenting, new dads are often left in the dark. From preparing for fatherhood to navigating life with a newborn, this tell-it-like-it-is book has your back. Understand your partner's pregnancy journey and be their strongest teammate. Get ready for the challenges of fatherhood and know how to handle the unexpected. With this playbook, you'll go from winging it to winning it.
Presentado en 11 artículos
Discover the secret to making your baby's first word "Dada" with this humorous guide from a beloved TV host. With a focus on the father's role, this book by Jimmy Fallon is perfect for dads looking to bond with their little ones. Learn the tactics fathers use to ensure their baby says "Dada" first in an entertaining and lighthearted way.
Presentado en 10 artículos
This guide is a must-read for every first-time father-to-be. It covers everything you need to know during your partner's pregnancy and the first few weeks of fatherhood, from buying buggies and cutting the cord to dealing with breastfeeding in public. Expert advice from midwives, psychologists, and obstetricians is combined with first-hand accounts to explain what's happening with your partner, your baby, and what you should be doing every step of the way. Stay prepared for your new role as a father with tips, explanations, and fascinating facts.
Presentado en 9 artículos
Lleno de agudas observaciones y de un humor explosivo, Papá está gordo es el homenaje de Jim a su vida rodeado de su familia, con todas sus alegrías y también con sus horrores. A la vez, es una petición de ayuda de un padre que se ha dado cuenta de que él y su mujer se han convertido en minoría en su propio hogar.
Presentado en 9 artículos

Birth Partner 5th Edition
A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Partners, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions
The Birth Partner is a comprehensive guide that offers invaluable insight into providing support to new mothers during labor, delivery, and the postpartum period. Now in its fifth edition, this book is a must-have for partners, friends, relatives, and doulas who want to be fully prepared to help women through every step of the birthing process. From preparing for labor to breastfeeding and newborn care, The Birth Partner covers it all in a practical and accessible manner. Don't miss out on this indispensable resource for anyone accompanying a woman through childbirth.
Presentado en 7 artículos
Manual de instrucciones del bebé (Divulgacion) by Louis Borgenicht
The New Father by Armin A. Brott
Qué puedes esperar cuando estás esperando by Heidi Murkoff
Amor de pelo by Matthew A. Cherry
Pregnancy For Men by Mark Woods
Home Game by Michael Lewis
Pops by Michael Chabon
The New Dad's Survival Guide by Scott MacTavish
Diaper Dude by Chris Pegula
Dad's Playbook by Tom Limbert
Que Puedes Esperar en el Primer Año by Heidi Murkoff
Dad's Expecting Too by Harlan Cohen
Fatherhood by Marcus Berkmann
Esplendor y vileza by Erik Larson
Padres fuertes, hijas felices by Meg Meeker
Dummy by Matt Coyne
Commando Dad by Neil Sinclair
You're Going To Be A Dad! by DaddiLife Books
Papá primerizo by Shawn Bean
Las chorradas de mi padre by Aa
Great Expectations by John C. Carr Lcsw
What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding by Thomas Hill
Mi papi tiene una moto by Isabel Quintero
Expecting Better by Emily Oster
Every Tool's a Hammer by Adam Savage
The Reluctant Father by Phillip Toledano
The New Dad Dictionary by Chris Illuminati
El bebé más feliz by Harvey Karp
Don't Just Stand There by Jon Lichtenstein
Horas cruentas by Casey Cep
Leopardo Negro, Lobo Rojo by Marlon James
Guía del nacimiento by Ina May Gaskin
The Office by Andy Greene
My Dad Loves Me!by Richmond, Marianne[Boardbook] by Marianne Richmond
El Cuidado de su Hijo Pequeno by American Academy of Pediatrics
Life Of Dad by Anna Machin
Pregnancy for Dads-to-Be by Adam Carpenter
Prohibido nacer by Trevor Noah
The Expectant Father by Armin A. Brott, Jennifer Ash Rudick
Mejores Papas, Hijos Mas Fuertes by Rick Johnson
Un hombre con suerte by Jamel Brinkley
Dad Jokes by Share the Love Gifts
A Dude's Guide to Baby Size by Taylor Calmus
El cerebro del niño by Daniel J. Siegel
Naciste Para Mí by Zack Bush
You Will Rock As a Dad! by Alex Grace
Mentalidad mamba by Kobe Bryant
Exceptionally Bad Dad Jokes by Spiffy McChappy
El planeta inhóspito by David Wallace-Wells
The Forgotten 500 by Gregory A. Freeman
I Love Mom with The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
24 by Willie Mays
How Not to Hate Your Husband After Kids by Jancee Dunn
As Good As It Gets by Romesh Ranganathan
All new Dad jokes by @dadsaysjokes
Porn for New Moms by Cambridge Women'S Pornography Cooperative
A Father's Love by Hannah Holt
All Joy and No Fun by Jennifer Senior
Cómo ser una mamá cruasán by Pamela Druckerman
Clinica Mayo by Wick
Deacon King Kong by James McBride
Less by Andrew Sean Greer
Una mujer sin importancia by Sonia Purnell
Vacationland by John Hodgman
The Simplest Baby Book in the World by Stephen Gross
Ladbaby – Parenting for £1 by Roxanne Hoyle Mark Hoyle
Best Seat in the House by Jack Nicklaus II, Don Yaeger
The Expectant Dad's Handbook by Dean Beaumont
Commando Dad Raw Recruits by Neil Sinclair
Dad's Maybe Book by Tim O'Brien
Raising Raffi by Keith Gessen
1,000 Places to See Before You Die by Patricia Schultz
Todo está j*dido by Mark Manson
Entre el mundo y yo by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Matar un ruiseñor by Harper Lee
Educar sin mitos ni complicaciones by Emily Oster
Why a Daughter Needs a Dad by Gregory Lang
We're Parents! The New Dad Book for Baby's First Year by Adrian Kulp
The Pregnant Body Book by Publishing
1000 Record Covers--multilingual by Michael Ochs
They Said It Couldn't Be Done by Wayne Coffey
The Dad's Edge by Larry Hagner
The Birth Guy's Go-To Guide for New Dads by Brian W. Salmon Doula Clc
Pregnancy Guide for Men by Francis Wells
Luna de búho by Jane Yolen
Above Ground by Clint Smith
Una arruga en el tiempo by Madeleine L'Engle
El sutil arte de que te importe un caraj* by Mark Manson
El hotel de cristal by Emily St. John Mandel
Dirt by Bill Buford