Los Mejores Libros de Gramática en Inglés
Domina los matices de la gramática en inglés con esta lista definitiva de libros. Compilados a partir de las mejores fuentes lingüísticas, estos títulos son aclamados por hacer que la gramática sea accesible, atractiva y práctica para estudiantes de todos los niveles.
63 libros en la lista
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English Grammar in Use
A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English
Learn intermediate English grammar with Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use! This book is packed with clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. It's perfect for teachers to use in the classroom as a supplementary book, for extension work, or for homework activities.
Presentado en 24 artículos
Looking for a practical and reliable guide to help you improve your English language skills? Look no further than this comprehensive reference book! Written with learners and teachers in mind, this guide covers problem points in grammar, vocabulary, idioms, style, pronunciation, and spelling. With over 600 entries based on current corpus research, you'll find clear explanations and examples that will help you master the nuances of the English language. Plus, the guide includes information on different types of English, including dialects, formality, and variation and change.
Presentado en 17 artículos

The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
An Easy-to-Use Guide with Clear Rules, Real-World Examples, and Reproducible Quizzes
This renowned workbook and guide is hailed as one of the best resources for teaching grammar. It includes easy-to-understand rules, numerous examples, exercises, and tests perfect for students in middle and high school, college, ESL learners, homeschoolers, and beyond. With a new easy-to-read design, the Twelfth Edition provides updated English grammar and usage rules, quizzes, and pre/post-tests. "Just the facts" style of teaching makes it clear and concise. Ideal for anyone seeking a straightforward approach to mastering English grammar and usage.
Presentado en 13 artículos

The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need
A One-Stop Source for Every Writing Assignment
Master the art of clear, concise, and grammatically excellent writing with this indispensable handbook. From word choice to punctuation, English teacher Susan Thurman guides you through getting your thoughts on paper with polish. Learn about the parts of speech, common grammar mistakes, correct punctuation usage, and effective writing techniques. This easy-to-follow and authoritative book will help you succeed in every type of written expression.
Presentado en 12 artículos
Master the art of English grammar with this highly respected resource! Packed with both theory and practical exercises, this book has been a favorite of students and teachers for almost four decades. Learn how to improve your language skills through a proven approach that combines direct instruction with effective practice.
Presentado en 9 artículos

The Best Grammar Workbook Ever
Grammar, Punctuation, and Word Usage for Ages 10 Through 110
This comprehensive instructional guide covers grammar basics, punctuation, capitalization, and word usage for ages 10-110. With more than 100 practice exercises and tests at the end of each chapter, it includes a pretest, final test, and complete list of answers in the appendix. Also included are commonly misspelled and mispronounced words, Greek and Latin word roots, and writing tips. Written in a friendly and approachable tone, the book is easy to use with helpful hints throughout and a complete index.
Presentado en 9 artículos

Perfect English Grammar
The Indispensable Guide to Excellent Writing and Speaking
Improve your communication skills and perfect your everyday grammar with this accessible guide from expert linguist Grant Barrett. From verb conjugation to crafting sentences, this easy-to-navigate grammar guide is perfect for language learners of all levels. With catchy examples, composition guidelines, and seamless navigation, you'll never be wrong and can express yourself fully. Whether you're a busy professional or on the job hunt, Perfect English Grammar helps you clearly say what you want to say, and the best way to say it.
Presentado en 9 artículos
This writing style guide is a must-read for anyone wanting to master the English language. It covers grammar, usage, and composition, and is often used as required reading in high schools and universities across the US. With eight elementary rules of usage, ten principles of composition, and a list of commonly misused words and expressions, 'The Elements of Style' is the most influential guide of its kind.
Presentado en 9 artículos

English For Everyone Gramática Inglesa
Guía completa de referencia visual (DK English for Everyone)
A self-study English grammar guide using innovative visual learning methods to make even the trickiest points easy to understand, for the approximately 1 million adults in the United States learning English as a second language.
Suitable for English-language learners of all levels, from beginner to advanced, and even experienced English speakers looking for a reminder of key language points, English for Everyone: English Grammar Guide is an intuitive way to study English grammar. Clear illustrations put learning points in context and make them easy to remember, and simple graphics and annotated sample sentences break down grammar constructions, making even difficult points easy to follow.
English for Everyone: English Grammar Guide covers the language skills, vocabulary, and grammar needed for the major global English-language exams, including TOEFL. All learning is practiced across speaking, listening, reading, and writing exercises, offering rounded preparation for work, travel, study, and exams. Download the free app and practice online with free listening exercises at www.dkefe.com.
Series Overview: English for Everyone series teaches all levels of English, from beginner to advanced, to speakers of English as a second language. Innovative visual learning methods introduce key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary, which are reinforced with a variety of speaking, reading, and writing exercises to make the English language easier to understand and learn. Visit www.dkefe.com to find out more.
Presentado en 8 artículos

Essential Grammar in Use Spanish Edition with Answers
A Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Students of English
This thorough adaptation of Essential Grammar in Use is specially designed for Spanish speaking learners of English at elementary level. It focuses on areas of English which could be problematic for native Spanish speakers, giving clear, accurate explanations in Spanish, accompanied by numerous examples and illustrations, and takes a contrastive look at the two languages. * explanations on left-hand pages and exercises on the right * supplements the right-hand page exercises with translation exercises highlighting differences between English and Spanish, appropriate at this level * contents and detailed index enable users to select appropriate units * appendices deal with irregular verbs, short forms, spelling and phrasal verbs * provides a comprehensive key to exercises
Presentado en 7 artículos
High School English Grammar & Composition by Rao Prasada V D N
McGraw-Hill Education Handbook of English Grammar & Usage by Mark Lester
Advanced Grammar in Use with Answers by Martin Hewings
Fundamentals of English Grammar Workbook with Answer Key by Betty Azar, Stacy Hagen
ESL Intermediate/Advanced Grammar by Mary Ellen Munoz Page
Gramática del inglés para dummies by Geraldine Woods
Woe Is I by Patricia T. O'Conner
Oxford Modern English Grammar by Bas Aarts
Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing by Mignon Fogarty
Complete English Grammar Rules by Farlex International
English Grammar by Sean Williams
Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English by Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, Geoffrey Leech
Write Right! by Jan Venolia
Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss
The Chicago Manual of Style by The University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff
El sentido del estilo by Steven Pinker
The English Grammar Workbook for Adults by Michael DiGiacomo
The Perfect English Grammar Workbook by Lisa McLendon
Cambridge Grammar for IELTS Student's Book with Answers and Audio CD by Diana Hopkins
Grammar for English Language Teachers by Martin Parrott
A Practical English Grammar by Audrey Thomson
Basic English Grammar For Dummies - US by Geraldine Woods
English Grammar & Composition Very Useful for All Competitive Examinations by Gupta
The English Tenses Practical Grammar Guide by Phil Williams
Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language by Randolph Quirk
An A-Z of English Grammar & Usage by Geoffrey N. Leech, Benita Cruickshank, Roz Ivanic
Schaum's Outline of English Grammar by Eugene Ehrlich
A Student's Introduction to English Grammar by Rodney Huddleston, Geoffrey K. Pullum
Word power made easy by Norman Lewis
On Writing Well by William Zinsser
Objective General English by S.P. Bakshi
Several Short Sentences About Writing by Verlyn Klinkenborg
Garner's Modern English Usage by Bryan Garner
The Best Punctuation Book, Period by June Casagrande
The English Grammar Workbook for Grades 6, 7, and 8 by Lauralee Moss
Basic Grammar in Use Student's Book with Answers by William R. Smalzer
Intermediate English Grammar by Murphy
English Collocations in Use Intermediate Book with Answers by Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell
Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation by John Seely
Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty S. Azar, Stacy A. Hagen
30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary by Norman Lewis
Practice Makes Perfect by Jean Yates
The Infographic Guide to Grammar by Jara Kern
English Grammar Workbook For Dummies by Geraldine Woods
Longman Advanced Learner's Grammar - A self-study reference & practice book with answers by Diane Hall, Mark Foley
Ship or Sheep? Book and Audio CD Pack by Ann Baker
The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language by Rodney Huddleston, Geoffrey K. Pullum
All About Words by Maxwell Nurnberg
The Best Little Grammar Book Ever! Speak and Write with Confidence / Avoid Common Mistakes by Arlene Miller
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate L. Turabian
How English Works by Varios Autores
The Glamour of Grammar by Roy Peter Clark
Mi gran odisea griega by Mary Norris