Los mejores libros sobre el taoísmo
Embárcate en un viaje a través de las filosofías de Lao Tzu y Zhuang Zhou con los libros más aclamados sobre el taoísmo. Estos títulos son repetidamente honrados por su contenido que incita a la reflexión y su comprensión del Tao.
17 libros en la lista
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A timeless classic of spiritual literature, this Taoist text speaks to the qualities of an enlightened leader and a balanced, harmonious life. Written over two thousand years ago, it offers insights helpful not only for personal growth but also in leadership, business, and politics today. A remarkable English translation by a leading scholar, this compact and portable edition is part of the Shambhala Pocket Library series, featuring short, accessible teachings from renowned figures that distill wisdom from over 50 years of Shambhala Publications.
Presentado en 15 artículos
Comenzando con un discurso elocuente sobre el lenguaje chino, el respetado partidario de la filosofía oriental Alan Watts procede a describir los orígenes y la esencia de la filosofía taoísta, así como los conceptos del wu wei —la acción natural o sin esfuerzo— y del te, el poder que emana de ello. Empleando fuentes antiguas y modernas, este tratado le presta la misma atención cuidadosa al Taoísmo que el Budismo Zen recibió en la obra clásica de Watts El espíritu del Zen. Sus fuentes incluyen escritos por los filósofos chinos Lao-Tsé y Zhuangzi, además del I Ching y estudios modernos por el científico Joseph Needman, el escritor e inventor Lin Yutang y el sinologista Arthur Waley.
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El secreto de la flor de oro es el secreto de los poderes del crecimiento latentes en la psique. A partir de esta definición, Jung y Wilhelm abordan un nuevo enfoque de la sabiduría china (sobre la base de dos fuentes: un antiguo sistema del yoga chino y la psicología analítica) y demuestran el profundo desarrollo psicológico que resulta de una correcta relación de las fuerzas dentro de la mente. Partiendo de dos de las tesis principales de la psicología analítica, la teoría del símbolo como transformación de energía y la teoría de animus y anima, el texto deplora la actitud imitativa de Occidente con respecto a Oriente, "tan estéril como las modernas escapadas a Nuevo Méjico, las beatificas islas de los Mares del Sur y el África Central, donde juega en serio a ser primitivo". Y propone "reconstruir la cultura occidental, que padece de mil males. Y ello debe hacerse en el lugar adecuado, y a ello debe acceder el hombre europeo con su trivialidad occidental, con sus problemas matrimoniales, sus neurosis, sus ilusorias ideas sociales y políticas, y con su completa desorientación en lo que respecta al modo de considerar el mundo."
Presentado en 6 artículos
Five hundred years before the birth of Jesus, a God-realized being named Lao-tzu in ancient China dictated 81 verses, which are regarded by many as the ultimate commentary on the nature of our existence. The classic text of these 81 verses, called the Tao Te Ching or the Great Way, offers advice and guidance that is balanced, moral, spiritual, and always concerned with working for the good. In this book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has reviewed hundreds of translations of the Tao Te Ching and has written 81 distinct essays on how to apply the ancient wisdom of Lao-tzu to today’s modern world. This work contains the entire 81 verses of the Tao, compiled from Wayne’s researching of 10 of the most well-respected translations of text that have survived for more than 25 centuries. Each chapter is designed for actually living the Tao or the Great Way today. Some of the chapter titles are “Living with Flexibility,” “Living Without Enemies,” and “Living by Letting Go.” Each of the 81 brief chapters focuses on living the Tao and concludes with a section called “Doing the Tao Now.” Wayne spent one entire year reading, researching, and meditating on Lao-tzu’s messages, practicing them each day and ultimately writing down these essays as he felt Lao-tzu wanted you to know them. This is a work to be read slowly, one essay a day. As Wayne says, “This is a book that will forever change the way you look at your life, and the result will be that you’ll live in a new world aligned with nature. Writing this book changed me forever, too. I now live in accord with the natural world and feel the greatest sense of peace I’ve ever experienced. I’m so proud to present this interpretation of the Tao Te Ching, and offer the same opportunity for change that it has brought me.”
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The Wisdom of Pooh.Is there such thing as a Western Taoist? Benjamin Hoff says there is, and this Taoist's favorite food is honey. Through brilliant and witty dialogue with the beloved Pooh-bear and his companions, the author of this smash bestseller explains with ease and aplomb that rather than being a distant and mysterious concept, Taoism is as near and practical to us as our morning breakfast bowl. Romp through the enchanting world of Winnie-the-Pooh while soaking up invaluable lessons on simplicity and natural living.
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365 Tao is a modern book of meditations on the natural way of life, the Tao. This ancient philosophy & way of living is constantly moving, and it is vital for our harmony and well-being as human beings to understand its guiding principles. Written by Deng Ming-Dao, author of several books on Taoism, this book will help you become more grounded and in tune with your inner self and the world around you.
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The Taoist Experience
An Anthology (SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
Discover the ancient philosophy and practices of Taoism with this comprehensive collection of sixty translated texts. Divided into four sections, this book covers the Tao, Long Life, Eternal Vision, and Immortality. It offers a deep look into the beliefs, rituals, and health techniques of the ancient Taoists and modern practitioners. Featuring the words of active Taoist practitioners, The Taoist Experience conveys a sense of the depth of the religious experience and unity of the various schools and strands.
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El zen, la variante japonesa del budismo, según muestra Watts en esta obra, tiene mucho que ofrecer al hombre occidental de nuestro tiempo, ya sean propuestas de actitudes vitales o pautas de comportamiento. En este amplio estudio, Watts traza los rasgos principales de esta filosofía de un modo claro, ameno e instructivo, pero también riguroso, y analiza los puntos de contacto del zen con el tao y el budismo indio, con lo que, al cabo, consigue dar al lector una imagen clara, concisa y fiel del pensamiento zen. Esta obra de Alan Watts está considerada en el ámbito académico como una de las más serias y documentadas acerca del zen.
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Steve JobsHerman Hesse's classic novel has delighted, inspired, and influenced generations of readers, writers, and thinkers. In this story of a wealthy Indian Brahmin who casts off a life of privilege to seek spiritual fulfillment. Hesse synthesizes disparate philosophies--Eastern religions, Jungian archetypes, Western individualism--into a unique vision of life as expressed through one man's search for meaning.
Presentado en 2 artículos
Finding a Life of Harmony and Balance by Chen Kaiguo
Cultivating Stillness by Eva Wong
Despertar al Tao. Tesoro de meditaciones taoístas by Lui I-Ming
The Philosophy of the Daodejing by Hans-Georg Moeller
El cuerpo taoísta by Kristofer Schipper
Taoist Yoga by Lu K'Uan Yu (Charles Luk)
Being Peace by Thich Nhat Hanh
En el camino by Jack Kerouac