Los mejores libros de senderismo y camping
Explora la naturaleza con esta colección de los libros de senderismo y camping más recomendados. Compilados de diversas fuentes autorizadas, estos títulos cubren desde consejos de supervivencia hasta impresionantes senderos, clasificados según su frecuencia de recomendación.

100 libros en la lista
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S Is for S'mores
A Camping Alphabet (Sleeping Bear Press Sports & Hobbies)
Explore the great outdoors with this fun A-Z guide to family camping! From packing essentials to finding the perfect spot and enjoying activities, this book covers everything you need to know for a successful trip. Filled with vibrant images, it's the perfect addition to any adventurer's library.
Presentado en 19 artículos
Con veintiseis años, Cheryl Strayed creía que lo había perdido todo tras tomar la decisión de separarse y acercarse demasiado al mundo de las drogas. Su familia se había dispersado tras la muerte de su madre cuatro años antes y ella se había quedado sin pilares sobre los que construir su vida. Así que toma la decisión más impulsiva que hubiera tomado jamás: recorrer el Sendero del Macizo del Pacífico, una ruta que bordea toda la Costa Oeste de los Estados Unidos, desde el desierto de Mojave en California y Oregón al estado de Washington. Y decide hacerlo completamente sola. Sin ninguna experiencia en senderismo, y ni tan solo habiendo pasado jamás una noche al aire libre, para ella se trataba de «una idea, vaga, extravagante y prometedora». Pero esa promesa se convirtió en la necesidad de volver a juntar las piezas del rompecabezas en que se había convertido su existencia.
Narrada con suspenso, estilo, sentido del humor y ternura, en Salvaje Strayed consigue describir un viaje que dio forma a su vida contra toda expectativa, un viaje que la volvió loca, que la fortaleció y que acabó por sanarla.
Presentado en 18 artículos

Un paseo por el bosque
Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail
Con casi 3.500 km de longitud, el sendero de los Montes Apalaches es el camino pedestre más largo del mundo. Discurre por el Este de Norteamérica a lo largo de catorce estados, desde Maine hasta Georgia, y atraviesa algunos de los paisajes más indescriptiblemente bellos del continente. Sin apenas experiencia en senderismo, desafiando las adversidades meteorológicas y geográficas,y menoscabando el peligro de una fauna hostil (desde el improbable oso americano hasta el amenazado mejillón de agua dulce), el socarrón Bill Bryson decide emprender el camino acompañado únicamente de su ácida capacidad descriptiva, una mochila cargada de cosas inútiles y su tosco amigo Katz, cuya forma física es incluso más lamentable que la suya propia.
Presentado en 18 artículos
Recomendado por
Tim Ferriss
A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee
(Read Aloud Books, Series Books for Kids, Books for Early Readers) (Mr. McGee (MCGE))
Join Mr. Magee and his dog, Dee, on a thrilling camping trip that takes an unexpected turn when they encounter a marshmallow-loving bear. This charmingly illustrated book is filled with playful rhyming text and follows the duo as they race down a mountain, river, and teeter on the edge of a waterfall. Perfect for kids aged 3-6, this outdoor adventure teaches a lesson on overcoming obstacles and is a fun read-aloud for families and elementary story time.
Presentado en 17 artículos
Join the mischievous and beloved Curious George in his camping adventures in this charmingly illustrated book. George tries to be helpful, but ends up causing chaos and meets a forest creature along the way. Full of fun and humor, this book is perfect for young readers who love the great outdoors and all things monkey-related. Visit the website for more Curious George fun!
Presentado en 16 artículos
Join Fred and Ted, two lovable and comedic dogs, as they go camping in a hilarious adventure of contrasting approaches to preparation and fishing techniques. Written and illustrated by the son of P.D. Eastman, this Beginner Book is a whimsical introduction to opposites that young readers won't want to put down. A perfect choice for children to read all by themselves, with simple words and captivating illustrations.
Presentado en 11 artículos

Linterna Mágica
(Picture Books, Wordless Books for Kids, Camping Books for Kids, Bedtime Story Books, Children's Activity Books, Children's Nature Books)
Hay algo mágico en la oscuridad y hay que ser muy valiente para atreverse a explorar un bosque en mitad de la noche con la única ayuda de una linterna. Este es el planteamiento de esta historia, cuyo protagonista abandona la comodidad de su tienda de campaña y descubre en su paseo nocturno nuevos y curiosos amigos: búhos en los árboles, murciélagos sobre su cabeza y ratones bajo sus pies. Linterna mágica es una aventura sin palabras en la que, sobre un fondo negro pintado con gouache, Lizi Boyd delinea el contorno del niño y los animales del bosque en un tenue color grisáceo. Una obra en la que el uso del contraste y del color, que emerge en el haz de luz, nos revela toda la riqueza poética de la naturaleza.
Presentado en 11 artículos
Hike the 2175-mile Appalachian Trail with one woman as she transitions from an over-confident college grad to a student of the trail. This challenging journey pushes her physically and emotionally, including blisters, heavy packs, torrential rain, and even a blizzard. But the trail also surprises her with unexpected kindness and humor, and teaches her the power of depending on others in times of need.
Presentado en 9 artículos
Explore the great outdoors with this beautifully illustrated book about one family's camping adventures. From fishing to exploring the woods, readers will discover a variety of activities to do from sun up to sunset. The book also includes fun facts about the wildlife depicted in each painting, making it both instructional and delightful. Preserve your summer memories and get inspired to plan your next camping trip with When We Go Camping.
Presentado en 9 artículos
Join Maisy the mouse and her friends for their first experience of camping!...
Presentado en 9 artículos
Hacia rutas salvajes by Jon Krakauer
Llama Llama disfruta acampar / Llama Llama Loves Camping by Anna Dewdney
Bushcraft 101 by Dave Canterbury
Pete the Cat Goes Camping by James Dean
Toasting Marshmallows by Kristine O'Connell George
Goodnight, Campsite by Loretta Sponsler
Wilderness Navigation by Bob Burns
The Backpacker's Field Manual, Revised and Updated by Rick Curtis
Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping by Melanie Watt
The Ultimate Hiker's Gear Guide by Andrew Skurka
Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping by Peggy Parish
Ultralight Backpackin' Tips by Mike Clelland
Oliver & Hopes Adventure Under the Stars by Meg Cadts
Thru-Hiking Will Break Your Heart by Carrot Quinn
Mountaineering by The Mountaineers
Brave Little Camper by Carmen Crowe
Camp Out! by Lynn Brunelle
Trail Tested by Justin Lichter
Pistas by Robyn Davidson
Mal de altura. La gran tragedia del Everest by Jon Krakauer
Las viejas sendas by Robert MacFarlane
Thirst by Heather Anderson
America's Great Hiking Trails by Karen Berger
Medicine for the Outdoors by Paul S. Auerbach Facep Mfawm Faaem
Camping Day! by Patricia Lakin
Just Me and My Dad by Mercer Mayer
La montaña viva by Nan Shepherd
Survivor Kid by Denise Long
Wanderlust by Gestalten
Wilderness Medicine by William W. Forgey
En los senderos by Robert Moor
El manual de supervivencia del SAS/ The SAS Survival Handbook by John Wiseman
Ben Montgomery by Ben Montgomery
Bizcocho Va a Acampar by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
Lighten Up! by Don Ladigin
Our Great Big Backyard by Laura Bush
The Hidden Tracks by Gestalten
Ranger Rick Kids' Guide to Camping by Cherie Winner
AWOL on the Appalachian Trail by David Miller
50 States, 5,000 Ideas by National Geographic
The Complete Walker IV by Colin Fletcher
How to Survive Your First Trip in the Wild by Paul Magnanti
Don't Feed the Bear by Kathleen Doherty
¡Catástrofe en el campamento! by Abby Klein
The Backpacker's Handbook, 4th Edition by Chris Townsend
The Kids Campfire Book by Jane Drake
I Hike by Lawton Grinter
1 2 3 Make a s'more with me by Elizabeth Gauthier
Almost Somewhere by Suzanne Roberts
Fifty Places to Hike Before You Die by Chris Santella
Andar, una filosofía by Frederic Gros
The Camping Trip by Jennifer K. Mann
She Explores by Gale Straub
Wild by Nature by Sarah Marquis
Los Vagabundos del Dharma by Jack Kerouac
Journeys North by Barney Scout Mann
The Ultimate Hang by Derek J Hansen
Wanderlust USA by Gestalten
Neon Pilgrim by Lisa Dempster
Un año en Sand County by Aldo Leopold
Following Atticus by Tom Ryan
Backpack Explorer by Editors of Storey Publishing
Naturaleza virgen by Robert MacFarlane
Las dos ancianas by Velma Wallis
The Unlikely Thru-Hiker by Derick Lugo
La práctica de lo salvaje by Gary Snyder
Hiking Through by Paul Stutzman
Las montañas de la mente by Robert MacFarlane
Let's go on a hike! (A family hiking adventure!) by Katrina Liu
Backpacker Long Trails by Backpacker Magazine, Liz Thomas
The Little Book Of Camping by Laurie Friedman, Zack Bush
Walking Man by Robert Wehrman
Bothy Tales by John D Burns
¡Prepárate! by Vera Brosgol
The Camping Trip that Changed America by Barb Rosenstock
Oh, Beautiful Camping Site by Steve Herman
A Million Steps by Kurt Koontz
Mi primer verano en la Sierra by John Muir
The Yosemite by John Muir
The Last Hillwalker by John D Burns
The Gentle Art of Tramping by Graham Stephen Graham
AMC's Best Day Hikes in New Jersey by Priscilla Estes
La isla de la tortuga by Gary Snyder
The Man Who Walked Through Time by Colin Fletcher
El solitario del desierto by Edward Abbey
Pasando fatigas by Mark Twain
Dirección Machu Picchu by Mark Adams
Guía para viajeros inocentes by Mark Twain
127 horas by Aron Ralston
El sendero de la sal by Raynor Winn