Mejores Libros sobre Linux
Sumérgete en el mundo de los sistemas operativos con estos libros de Linux que debes leer, aclamados como indispensables por publicaciones y blogs de tecnología líderes. Encuentra tu guía hacia el dominio, ya que estos títulos están clasificados según su frecuencia de recomendación.

29 libros en la lista
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Learn to navigate the depths of your Linux computer with The Linux Command Line. Author William Shotts takes you from basic terminal keystrokes to programming in Bash, the popular Linux shell. Along with practical knowledge, you'll also learn the philosophy behind these tools and gain insight into the rich heritage your Linux machine has inherited from Unix supercomputers. Master file navigation, system administration, input/output and file editing, and even automate tasks with shell scripts. Embrace the power of the command line and communicate with your computer like a pro.
Presentado en 18 artículos
Looking to understand the inner workings of the Linux operating system? Look no further than this best-selling guide, which has sold over 50,000 copies since its release in 2014. From system booting to networking to the Linux kernel itself, this book covers it all. With over 60 million Linux users in the world, understanding how it works is essential for developers and system maintainers alike. This newly updated third edition includes even more coverage of important topics like virtualization and containers.
Presentado en 15 artículos
Si utiliza Linux diariamente, esta guía de bolsillo será su acompañante ideal. Esta obra es válida para cualquier distribución de Linux y cuenta con información práctica sobre la mayoría de los comandos más habituales y prácticos de este sistema operativo. Para los usuarios noveles que deseen adquirir práctica y para los usuarios experimentados que requieran una referencia concisa y funcional, esta guía ofrece respuestas que puede consultar de forma rápida. Además, ofrece una curva de aprendizaje organizada para el uso de Linux y agrupa por funcionalidad los comandos y opciones de mayor utilidad.
Presentado en 12 artículos

The Linux Programming Interface
A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook
This comprehensive guide covers the Linux and UNIX programming interface, which is used by nearly every application that runs on a Linux or UNIX system. Written by Linux programming expert Michael Kerrisk, the book offers detailed descriptions of over 500 system calls and library functions, accompanied by clear example programs, tables, and diagrams. The book covers topics such as file management, process creation, network applications, and interprocess communication, and emphasizes UNIX standards, making it valuable even for programmers working on other UNIX platforms. With its thorough coverage and ease of use, this reference source is a must-have for both new and experienced Linux programmers.
Presentado en 10 artículos
Recomendado por
Julia EvansThis comprehensive guide is the ultimate resource for installing, configuring, and maintaining any UNIX or Linux system, including those that power the cloud or the core of the internet. Covering everything from security and storage management to virtualization and DNS, this book is an essential desktop reference that every UNIX and Linux user needs in their library. The authors are world-class technologists who offer new coverage of essential topics like containerization, cloud platforms, and the DevOps philosophy. Whether you're responsible for automation and configuration source code, network design and administration, or performance analysis, this guide is packed with practical tips and best practices that will help you solve even the toughest problems.
Presentado en 8 artículos
This comprehensive guide, written by a Red Hat expert, is the ultimate hands-on Linux user guide for beginners and advanced users. The updated tenth edition covers the latest versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL 8), Fedora 30, and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, while also providing guidance on cloud computing, containerization, and automation. With step-by-step instructions, users can quickly master basic operations and tackle more advanced tasks, all while simplifying Linux administration through the Cockpit Web Interface. Whether you're looking to bring Linux to the cloud or navigate Linux with Amazon (AWS), Google (GCE), and Microsoft Azure Cloud services, this book provides the clear explanations and techniques needed to seamlessly integrate new features into your workflow.
Presentado en 8 artículos

Linux para Principiantes
Una Introducción al Sistema Operativo Linux y la Línea de Comandos
Saber por dónde empezar cuando se aprende una nueva habilidad puede ser un reto, especialmente cuando el tema parece tan vasto. Puede haber tanta información disponible que ni siquiera puede decidir por dónde empezar. O peor aún, empieza a aprender y rápidamente descubre demasiados conceptos, comandos y matices que no se explican. Este tipo de experiencia es frustrante y le deja con más preguntas que respuestas. Linux Para Principiantes no hace ninguna suposición acerca de sus antecedentes o conocimiento de Linux. Usted no necesita tener ningún conocimiento previo para beneficiarse de este libro. Se le guiará paso a paso utilizando un enfoque lógico y sistemático. A medida que se encuentre con nuevos conceptos, comandos o jerga estos se explican en un lenguaje sencillo, lo que hace que sea fácil que cualquiera pueda entenderlo. Esto es lo que aprenderá al leer Linux Para
Presentado en 7 artículos
Discover the ins and outs of Linux kernel design and implementation with "Linux Kernel Development." This comprehensive guide is perfect for those seeking to write and develop kernel code, as well as programmers looking to become more efficient and productive in their coding. Written by a core kernel developer, this book covers major subsystems and features of the Linux kernel, including process management, memory management, debugging techniques, and more. The new third edition includes updated material on virtual memory, memory allocation, kernel data structures, and submitting kernel patches. Gain valuable knowledge and experience on the 2.6 Linux kernel with this practical and theoretical guide.
Presentado en 5 artículos
Enhance your Linux skills with Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible. This guide teaches you how to communicate directly with your computer, bypassing the graphical interface and enabling automation. With updated features and new examples, this book begins with command line basics and progresses into shell scripting, demonstrating the practical application of commands. Learn to automate frequently performed functions by producing email, web, and database scripts with expert advice and examples ranging from basic to advanced. This book is an essential read for anyone looking to maximize their Linux system's potential.
Presentado en 4 artículos

Learn Linux Quickly
A Friendly Guide to Easily Master the World's Most Powerful Operating System.
Learn Linux Quickly is a beginner-friendly book that teaches Linux in a fun and friendly way. You don't need any prior knowledge, just the desire to learn! The book covers a wide range of topics, from installing Linux to advanced Bash scripting and automation. Perfect for beginners and useful for intermediate and advanced users. Don't wait any longer to kick start your Linux career!
Presentado en 4 artículos
Advanced Programming in the UNIXEnvironment by W. Richard Stevens
Linux Basics for Hackers by OccupyTheWeb
Linux Administration by Jason Cannon
Command Line Kung Fu by Jason Cannon
Linux by Nathan Clark
Linux by Richard Petersen
Kali Linux Revealed by Raphael Hertzog, Jim O'Gorman
Understanding the Linux Kernel, Third Edition by Daniel P. Bovet
Linux System Programming by Robert Love
A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming by Mark Sobell, Matthew Helmke
Learn Kali Linux 2019 by Glen D. Singh
Mastering Linux Shell Scripting by Mokhtar Ebrahim
Linux Administration by Wale Soyinka
Advanced UNIX Programming by Marc J. Rochkind
DevOps for the Desperate by Bradley Smith
Linux Essentials, Second Edition by Christine Bresnahan
Linux in a Nutshell by Ellen Siever
Linux For Dummies, 9th Edition by Richard Blum
Linux Kernel Development (Novell Press) by Robert Love (12-Jan-2005) Paperback by Robert Love