Los mejores libros sobre Raspberry Pi
Ya sea que seas un principiante o un experto en fabricación, descubre los mejores recursos de Raspberry Pi, según lo elogiado por las principales publicaciones de tecnología. Estos libros están clasificados por el número de veces que se han recomendado para dominar esta versátil microcomputadora.

37 libros en la lista
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Exploring Raspberry Pi
Interfacing to the Real World with Embedded Linux
This guide, "Exploring Raspberry Pi," teaches readers how to expand the capabilities of Raspberry Pi with engineering principles, rather than a step-by-step approach. It covers basic Linux, programming, and the ability to incorporate any electronics into any project. The book includes a "learning by doing" approach to cater to both beginners and experts. The companion website provides code and scripts, video tutorials, and supplemental content. Engage in hands-on projects with Raspberry Pi and gain the fundamental engineering skills needed to create any electronics project.
Presentado en 13 artículos

Programming the Raspberry Pi, Second Edition
Getting Started with Python
Create cool programs and games on your Raspberry Pi 2 with no prior experience required. This practical guide covers everything from hardware configuration to writing Python scripts, creating user-friendly interfaces, and controlling external electronics. Projects include a digital clock, RGB LED controller, and RasPiRobot with ultrasonic rangefinder. You'll even discover how to add powerful web features to your projects. Upgrade your tech skills and unleash your creativity with Programming the Raspberry Pi, Second Edition.
Presentado en 11 artículos
Discover the possibilities that come with the world of Raspberry Pi with this essential guide. Written by veteran tech authors, this book covers everything from setting up your Pi and downloading the operating system to creating hardware projects and exploring basic Linux System Admin. Learn how to program with Scratch, edit photos, play music, and create web pages with the credit card-sized single-board computer that sold a million units in its first year. Get started now!
Presentado en 10 artículos
Adventures in Raspberry Pi is the ultimate kids' programming guide that teaches developing fundamentals through cool projects. With easy-to-follow instructions, you'll learn programming skills even if you've never programmed before. You'll discover what your Raspberry Pi 3 can do as you create games, code music, and build Minecraft worlds. This book is the ideal starting point for mastering the Raspberry Pi and taking your skills to the next level.
Presentado en 10 artículos
Originalmente pensado como una manera fácil, barata y divertida para aprender a programar, Raspberry Pi evolucionó rápidamente en un ordenador del tamaño de una tarjeta de crédito capaz de reproducir vídeo HD, trabajar como centro ofimático, vigilar la casa o servir de vídeoconsola. ¡Su potencial es increíble! El límite lo
Presentado en 8 artículos

Raspberry Pi. 200 ejercicios prácticos
Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions
El entorno de Raspberry Pi está evolucionando con gran rapidez, todos los días aparecen nuevas tarjetas de interfaz y librerías de software.
En este libro, el prolífico autor Simon Monk pone a nuestra disposición más de 200 ejercicios tan prácticos como divertidos para utilizarlos en un ordenador de bajo coste del tamaño de una tarjeta de crédito y equipado con Linux, programando en Python, y conectando sensores, motores y otro tipo de hardware y periféricos entre los que se incluye Arduino.
También aprenderemos los principios básicos para ayudarnos a utilizar nuevas tecnologías con Raspberry Pi a medida que su ecosistema evoluciona.
Estos ejercicios prácticos están indicados para programadores familiarizados con Raspberry Pi, tanto profesionales como aficionados, y suponen una manera interesante y entretenida de descubrir el increíble potencial de Raspberry, y dar rienda suelta a la creatividad.
Presentado en 7 artículos
This book is a perfect introduction to Raspberry Pi for kids! With step-by-step instructions, the book teaches children how to write computer games, build websites, create electronic projects, and much more. The guide explains all the cool possibilities of Pi in plain English, from playing Minecraft in Python to playing music with Sonic Pi. With tons of exciting projects included, Raspberry Pi For Kids For Dummies is perfect for aspiring programmers aged 8-18.
Presentado en 5 artículos
"Get inspired by 35 innovative projects you can create with the Raspberry Pi - a user-friendly, affordable circuit-board computer perfect for anyone interested in learning to code, from kids to adults. Build motion-activated cameras, talking toys, weather stations, and more with clear instructions, computer code links, and vibrant photographs and diagrams. Creative Projects with Raspberry Pi is your practical guide to bringing your tech ideas to life."
Presentado en 5 artículos
"Raspberry Pi Projects for the Evil Genius" is an innovative guide that teaches you how to create exciting and practical projects using the Raspberry Pi operating system and programming environment. You'll learn how to build a Bluetooth-controlled robot, a home automation and security controller, a weather station, and much more! Each project includes detailed instructions, material lists, and schematics to make assembly easy. Whether you're a seasoned maker or a newbie, this book is perfect for unleashing your creativity and building your own devious devices.
Presentado en 5 artículos

Learn Robotics with Raspberry Pi
Build and Code Your Own Moving, Sensing, Thinking Robots
Build and code your own robots with Raspberry Pi and a few easy-to-get components! This book takes you from inexperienced maker to robot builder, starting with a simple two-wheeled robot powered by a Raspberry Pi minicomputer. You'll program your robot using Python and add increasingly advanced functionality, from obstacle avoidance to computer vision. Learn fundamental electronics skills like wiring and regulating power, and expand your creations beyond simple robots. Customize your robot with LEDs, speakers, and a Pi Camera to see what it sees. No prior experience necessary!
Presentado en 4 artículos
Raspberry Pi Electronics Projects for the Evil Genius by Donald Norris
Getting Started With Raspberry Pi by Wallace
Learning Python with Raspberry Pi by Alex Bradbury
The Official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide by Gareth Halfacre
20 Easy Raspberry Pi Projects by Rui Santos
DK Workbooks by D.K. Publishing
The Maker's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse by Simon Monk
Las emocionantes aventuras de Lovelace y Babbage by Sydney Padua
Programming Arduino by Simon Monk
Arduino Cookbook by Michael Margolis
Command Line Kung Fu by Jason Cannon
Arduino Programming in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself by Richard Blum
Hacking Electronics by Simon Monk
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 2 by Donald Ervin Knuth
Learn Robotics Programming by Danny Staple
Electronic Brains by Mike Hally
Penetration Testing with Raspberry Pi - Second Edition by Michael McPhee
A Beginner's Guide to Coding by Marc Scott
Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents - Third Edition by Matthew Poole
Getting Started with Arduino by Massimo Banzi
Hamshack Raspberry Pi by James Baughn K9e0h
Learn Raspberry Pi Programming with Python by Wolfram Donat
Raspberry Pi 3 by Timothy Short
Raspberry Pi by James Arthur
Raspberry Pi 3 by Steve McCarthy
Talentos ocultos by Margot Lee Shetterly
By Seymour Papert - Mindstorms (Margin Notes) (1981-01-28) [Hardcover] by Seymour Papert