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Mejores libros de Reiki

Embárcate en un viaje espiritual de sanación y equilibrio con estos principales libros de Reiki. Mencionados frecuentemente en plataformas de bienestar y por profesionales de la salud holística.

Recomendaciones de 9 artículos.
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Reiki book cover
Manual Original del Dr. Mikao Usui
Mikao Usui, Christine M. Grimm - 1999-01-03
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Dr. Mikao Usui developed the Reiki System and founded the original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai organization. This book shows you the original hand positions of Dr. Usui's Reiki Handbook. It has been illustrated with 100 photos to make it easier to understand. The hand positions for a great variety of health complaints have been listed in detail, making it a valuable reference work for anyone who practices reiki. Now that the original handbook has been translated into English, Dr. Usui's hand positions and healing techniques can be studied directly for the first time. Whether you are an initiate or a master, if you practice Reiki you can expand your knowledge dramatically as you follow in the footsteps of a great healer.
Reiki esencial book cover
Reiki esencial
La guía más completa del antiguo arte curativo con información inédita e imprescindible para el sanador, el practicante o el maestro de esta disciplina.
Diane Stein - 1995-04-01
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la guia mas completa del antiguo arte curativo con informacion inedita e imprescindible para el sanador, el practicante o el maestro de esta disciplina.
Reiki for Life book cover
Reiki for Life
The Complete Guide to Reiki Practice for Levels 1, 2 & 3
Penelope Quest - 2010-04-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2002)
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Discover the healing art of Reiki with this comprehensive handbook suitable for beginners and masters alike. Reiki for Life covers everything from basic routines to advanced techniques, revealing the power and potential of each level. Learn how to perform Reiki on yourself and others, and get direction on using Reiki for spiritual growth. This revised edition includes the latest findings and techniques, as well as comparisons between the West and East origins of Reiki. Complete with helpful illustrations and resources, Reiki for Life is essential for anyone interested in this fast-growing practice.
Reiki Healing for Beginners book cover
Reiki Healing for Beginners
The Practical Guide with Remedies for 100+ Ailments
Karen Frazier - 2018-07-10
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Heal over 100 emotional and physical ailments with Reiki Healing for Beginners. This beginner's handbook offers clear, step-by-step instructions with fully illustrated basic techniques for reiki healing. The guide also includes an essential introduction to the history and principles of reiki. Empower yourself with the power to heal others and yourself.
Sanación chakra book cover
Sanación chakra
Una guía de iniciación a las técnicas de autosanación para equilibrar los chakras
Margarita Alcantara - 2017-02-14
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Discover the ancient knowledge of chakra healing and restore balance to your mind, body, and spirit. Within all living beings are powerful centers of energy called chakras. Each chakra holds the potential for immense healing and restoration. However, learning how to harness the chakra system’s amazing power can be challenging when so much of the information available is dense and academic or subjective and hard to trust.In her successful New York practice, energy healer, acupuncturist, and Reiki master Margarita Alcantara addresses the most common ailments people experience today. She's successfully taught her clients a wide range of different healing techniques for removing energy blockages and balancing their chakras. Through practical instruction and compassionate guidance, Margarita shows each client how to find the self-healing chakra technique that resonates best for their own unique needs.In Chakra Healing Margarita brings these powerful techniques for chakra healing to anyone who wants to better their emotional, physical, and spiritual health through: A THREE-PART CHAKRA HEALING APPROACH to identify your ailment, discover the affected chakra, and select from an array of effective chakra healing techniques A VARIETY OF THERAPEUTIC METHODS TO CHOOSE FROM including Meditations & Visualizations, Crystals, Essential Oils, Yoga, Food & Diet, Behavioral Changes, and more HELPFUL ILLUSTRATIONS AND PHOTOS of chakra locations, yoga poses, and crystals for easier than ever application of these self-healing techniques The chakra techniques offered in Chakra Healing address a wide array of ailments and concerns, such as: Asthma and Allergies, Back Pain, Fatigue, Guilt, Anger, Digestive Issues, Neuropathy, Disconnection from Self and Others, Skin Issues, Headache, Loneliness, and more.
Magick of Reiki book cover
Magick of Reiki
Focused Energy for Healing, Ritual, & Spiritual Development
Christopher Penczak - 2004-10-08
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Unlock the secrets of the powerful energy of Reiki from a magickal perspective with this groundbreaking examination by Christopher Penczak. Learn about the history, variations, and three degrees of Reiki and how to integrate it into your magickal practice. Discover new ways to use Reiki energy for psychic development and with candle magick, crystals, herbs, charms, and talismans. Winner of the 2005 COVR Award for Best Alternative Health Book.
Animal Reiki book cover
Animal Reiki
Using Energy to Heal the Animals in Your Life (Travelers' Tales Guides)
Elizabeth Fulton, Kathleen Prasad - 2020-09-18 (publicado por primera vez en 2006)
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Discover the power of Reiki in animal healing with this guidebook that covers everything you need to know about energy medicine. Whether you’re a new student, an experienced practitioner, or a dedicated animal lover looking to deepen your bond with your pet, Animal Reiki will show you how to harness the power of energy to promote well-being and healing in your animal friends. The book covers dogs, cats, horses, birds, and more, making it the perfect primer for anyone interested in this growing field of alternative medicine. Written in an easy-to-read style, Animal Reiki will be a valuable addition to any animal guardian or veterinarian’s library.
Self-Healing with Reiki book cover
Self-Healing with Reiki
How to Create Wholeness, Harmony & Balance for Body, Mind & Spirit
Penelope Quest - 2009-12-03 (publicado por primera vez en 2012)
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Harness the power of Reiki for self-healing with this essential guide by Penelope Quest. Discover new ways to use Reiki for a healthier life and a sense of purpose. This holistic approach addresses psychological, emotional, social, and environmental issues while offering special meditations for insight and inspiration. Whether you're new to Reiki or a seasoned practitioner, this book provides innovative and easy-to-follow techniques for unlocking the full potential of self-healing.
El arte del reiki psíquico book cover
El arte del reiki psíquico
Developing Your Intuitive and Empathic Abilities for Energy Healing
Lisa Campion - 2018-10-01
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El reiki es un método de sanación energética suave pero, al mismo tiempo, poderoso. Terapeutas de masaje, profesionales de numerosas diversas terapias corporales y médicos atestiguan su capacidad para sanar. Muchas personas profundamente sensibles se sienten atraídas por el arte sagrado del reiki, pero no siempre resulta sencillo manejar las capacidades empáticas, intuitivas y psíquicas que se abren al desarrollar este trabajo energético tan efectivo. El presente libro te puede ayudar a dominar y a que participes plenamente en esta práctica de sanación. Escrito por una maestra del nivel Maestro de reiki y basado en décadas de experiencia, El arte del reiki psíquico es una guía, paso a paso, para aprender este arte sagrado de sanación mientras se desarrollan las capacidades psíquicas y empáticas, esenciales para llevar a cabo este trabajo energético. Si eres nuevo en el reiki o estás buscando profundizar en tu conocimiento y mejorar tu práctica, este libro te guiará en tu camino de sanación. • Utiliza reiki para sanarte a ti mismo y a los demás (¡a las mascotas también!). • Trabaja y confía en tu intuición. • Desarrolla tus capacidades psíquicas. • Accede a tu sabiduría espiritual superior.
Reiki by Lisa Powers
The Reiki Manual by Penelope Quest, Kathy Roberts
Reiki Healing for Beginners by David Filipe
La Biblia del Reiki by Eleanor McKenzie
The Japanese Art of Reiki by Bronwen Stiene, Frans Stiene
El Espiritu de Reiki by Walter Lubeck, Frank Arjava Petter, William Lee Rand
Reiki The Healing Touch by William Lee Rand
Tus siete centros de energía by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Patricia R. Spadaro
The Reiki Touch by William Lee Rand
Tails of a Healer by Rose De Dan