76 libros en la lista
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Modern, vibrant, easy-to-make food. East is a must-have whether you're vegan, vegetarian, or simply want to eat more delicious meat-free food.
Drawing from her 'New Vegan' Guardian column, Meera Sodha's stunning new collection also features plenty of brand-new recipes inspired by a wide range of Asian cuisines. There are warming noodles, curries, rice dishes, tofu, salads, sides and sweets, all surprisingly easy to make and bursting with exciting flavours. Taking you from India to Indonesia, Singapore to Japan, by way of China, Thailand, and Vietnam, East will show you how to whip up a sprout nasi goreng and a swede laksa; how to make Kimchi pancakes, delicious dairy free black dal, and chilli tofu. There are sweet potato momos for snacks and unexpected desserts like stem ginger chocolate truffles and matcha roll cake.
Presentado en 10 artículos

How to Cook Everything Vegetarian
Simple Meatless Recipes for Great Food
Discover the ultimate guide to meatless meals with How to Cook Everything Vegetarian. With over 2,000 recipes and variations, this cookbook covers everything from salads to desserts. Learn how to cook simple, delicious meatless dishes that even health-conscious omnivores will love. With special icons highlighting 30-minute recipes and vegan options, Mark Bittman's cookbook is perfect for anyone looking to make meatless cooking more accessible. Hailed as "a more hip Joy of Cooking," How to Cook Everything Vegetarian is a must-have for your culinary library.
Presentado en 9 artículos

El gourmet vegetariano
Vibrant Vegetable Recipes from London's Ottolenghi
Gracias a sus famosos restaurantes y al éxito de su libro Ottolenghi: The Cookbook, Yotam Ottolenghi está considerado como uno de los más destacados nuevos valores de la cocina mundial. Esta recopilación exclusiva de recetas vegetarianas incluye 120 platos originales, muchos de ellos creados para la columna "The New Vegetarian" del magazine Weekend de The Guardian. Aunque él no sea vegetariano, su enfoque para esta cocina es completamente original e innovador, y se basa en sabores intensos y en combinaciones asombrosas y refrescantes. Una obra casi obligada para los amantes de la buena cocina, sean vegetarianos o no.
Presentado en 8 artículos
Discover a collection of mouthwatering one-tin recipes in this must-have cookbook - perfect for vegans, vegetarians, and busy families. With 75 simple and delicious recipes, you can now easily create satisfying meals by popping your ingredients in a tin and letting the oven do the work. From flexitarians to plant-based eaters, this book is a game-changer for anyone looking for easy veg-based meals that fit around their busy lives.
Presentado en 7 artículos

Love Real Food
More Than 100 Feel-Good Vegetarian Favorites to Delight the Senses and Nourish the Body
The path to a healthy body and happy belly is paved with real food fresh, wholesome, sustainable.......
Presentado en 6 artículos

The Complete Vegetarian Cookbook
A Fresh Guide to Eating Well With 700 Foolproof Recipes (The Complete ATK Cookbook Series)
Discover a must-have in kitchen libraries - a vegetarian cookbook that will change the way you think about vegetables! With over 300 fast and flavorful recipes, The Complete Vegetarian Cookbook covers everything from hearty mains to soups, salads, and snacks. Gluten-free and vegan options are labeled for easy reference, and gorgeous color photographs bring the dishes to life. Perfect for everyday cooking, this cookbook is a game-changer for all your favorite vegetable-based recipes!
Presentado en 6 artículos

Veg. Recetas fáciles y deliciosas con verduras
Easy & Delicious Meals for Everyone [American Measurements]
El chef Jamie Oliver vuelve a la carga con esta recopilación de recetas fáciles y deliciosas con verduras.
Jamie Oliver nos deleita con nuevas y sabrosas recetas para los amantes de la cocina con vegetales.
Ya sea por razones de salud o medioambientales, cada vez somos más los que optamos por aumentar la proporción de verduras y hortalizas en nuestra dieta.
Jamie se ha inspirado en recetas de todo el mundo y nos propone multitud de posibilidades para no echar de menos la carne: desde curris y guisos, sopas o sándwiches hasta platillos de arroces y fideos, ensaladas, hamburguesas o ideas para un picoteo original el fin de semana.
Tanto si estás buscando reducir la carne en tu alimentación y quieres probar nuevas combinaciones de sabores deliciosos como si prefieres una dieta a base de vegetales, este libro es para ti.
Presentado en 6 artículos

La India Vegetariana
Cocina India vegetariana sencilla, rápida y fresca para todos los días.
Tras su éxito editorial Made in India, Meera Sodha revela un aspecto completamente nuevo de la comida india y propone deliciosas recetas a base de verduras que se pueden preparar en casa en muy poco tiempo.
En este libro descubrirás platos sorprendentes para todos los días elaborados con ingredientes sencillos, como samosas de champiñones y nueces, bhajis de cebolla asada y kebabs de remolacha y paneer; aprenderás a preparar clásicos de la cocina india como dals, curris y encurtidos, y encontrarás recetas que te resultarán menos familiares pero que emplean ingredientes occidentales, como el thoran de coles de Bruselas o las judías verdes con anacardos y coco.
Disfrutarás también de algunos platos que quitan el hipo, como las dosas de diario con patatas y coco, la korma de coliflor, las brochetas pegajosas de mango y paneer, la upma de setas silvestres y el arroz con encurtido de lima, calabaza asada y cebolla roja. Y para terminar, a la hora del postre te deleitarás con una gran variedad de púdines increíbles, como el kulfi salado de jaggery, la halwa de zanahoria y la tarta de pistachos y almendras.
Tanto si eres vegetariano como si lo que buscas es comer más verduras o preparar comida india moderna y sabrosa, este es el libro que buscas.
Presentado en 6 artículos
Discover the art of vegetable-based cuisine with this highly anticipated cookbook from an innovative California chef who's taking the culinary world by storm. With 160 approachable recipes, On Vegetables elevates vegetarian cooking to new heights, showcasing the textures, flavors, and versatility of seasonal produce with creative ingredient combinations that will inspire even the most carnivorous eaters. A must-have for any adventurous home cook looking to expand their veggie repertoire!
Presentado en 6 artículos
Tras Cocina simple y Exuberancia, vuelve el mago de las verduras con un libro completamente innovador.
En este libro innovador, Ottolenghi y Belfrage renuevan los cánones de la cocina vegetariana y la llevan a un nivel superior. Dividido en tres partes, donde se explican métodos culinarios como el braseado, los cuatro emparejamientos básicos de las verduras entre ellas y la gama de intensidad de sabor, esta obra desvela cómo explotar el máximo potencial de las verduras de cada día para crear una cocina extraordinariamente sabrosa.
Sus más de cien recetas, acompañadas de impactantes fotografías, harán las delicias de los seguidores de Ottolenghi y de todos los amantes de las verduras.
Presentado en 5 artículos
Sweet Potato Soul by Jenne Claiborne
Exuberancia / Plenty More by Yotam Ottolenghi
Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison
Seis estaciones. La nueva cocina con vegetales. by Joshua McFadden
The Korean Vegan Cookbook by Joanne Lee Molinaro
The 30-Minute Vegetarian Cookbook by Lisa Turner
The Weekday Vegetarians by Jenny Rosenstrach
Vegetarian Mediterranean Cookbook by Sanaa Abourezk
The Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen
Veganomicón by Isa Chandra Moskowitz
Afro-Vegan by Bryant Terry
River Cottage Veg by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Love and Lemons Every Day by Jeanine Donofrio
Greenfeast by Nigel Slater
A Greener Way to Cook by Anna Jones
La Vida Verde by Jocelyn Ramirez
Whole Food Cooking Every Day by Amy Chaplin
The Vegetarian Flavor Bible by Karen Page
The Simply Vegetarian Cookbook by Susan Pridmore
Meatless by Martha Stewart Living
Instant Pot® Vegetarian Cookbook by Srividhya Gopalakrishnan
A Couple Cooks | Pretty Simple Cooking by Sonja Overhiser, Alex Overhiser
Epic Vegan by Dustin Harder
Elly Pear's Green by Elly Pear
Food52 Vegan by Gena Hamshaw
Super Natural Every Day by Heidi Swanson
Tenderheart by Hetty Lui McKinnon
Vegetarian Soul Food Cookbook by Alexia Wilkerson
The Plant Based Diet for Beginners by Gabriel Miller
Deliciously Ella Making Plant-Based Quick and Easy by Ella Mills
The Love and Lemons Cookbook by Jeanine Donofrio
The First Mess Cookbook by Laura Wright
The Vegan Stoner Cookbook by Sarah Conrique, Graham I. Haynes
A Modern Way to Eat by Anna Jones
Chez Panisse Vegetables by Alice L. Waters
Forest Feast Mediterranean by Erin Gleeson
The Wicked Healthy Cookbook by Chad Sarno, Derek Sarno
To Asia, with Love by Hetty McKinnon
At Home in the Whole Food Kitchen by Amy Chaplin
Fresh from Poland by Michal Korkosz
A Modern Way to Cook by Anna Jones
Power Plates by Gena Hamshaw
The Curry Guy Veggie by Dan Toombs
Whole Bowls by Allison Day
Curry Easy Vegetarian by Madhur Jaffrey
The New Farm Vegetarian Cookbook by Louise Hagler, Dorothy R. Bates
La Cocina Vegetariana de Oriente Próximo (Middle Eastern Vegetarian Cookbook) by Salma Hage
The Forest Feast for Kids by Erin Gleeson
Family by Hetty McKinnon
Little Green Kitchen by David Frenkiel, Luise Vindahl
Moon Juice Cookbook by Amanda Chantal Bacon
Prashad At Home by Kaushy Patel
In My Kitchen by Deborah Madison
Super Natural Simple by Heidi Swanson
One Pot Vegetarian by Sabrina Fauda-Role
Vegetarian Family Cookbook by Kristen Wood
Clara Cakes by Clara Polito
Nobu's Vegetarian Cookbook by Nobu Matsuhisa
Raw by Charlie Trotter, Roxanne Klein
Near & Far by Heidi Swanson
Vegan Planet, Revised Edition by Robin Robertson
Vegetarian Instant Pot Cookbook 2019 by Mohali Smith
The Runner's World Vegetarian Cookbook by Heather Mayer Irvine
The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison
Cool Beans by Joe Yonan
Dirt Candy by Amanda Cohen, Ryan Dunlavey, Grady Hendrix