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Armageddon Insurance
Civil Defense in the United States and Soviet Union, 1945–1991 (The New Cold War History)
This book delves into the dangerous arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War and asks a crucial question: how did they plan to survive a nuclear strike? Through previously unexamined archives, author Edward M. Geist provides a pioneering reassessment of American and Soviet civil defense programs and reveals the cultural preoccupations and blind spots which impacted their development. This work challenges historical assumptions and uncovers the power struggles between institutions pursuing their own self-interests which shaped nuclear weapons policies.
Alex Wellerstein
2021-03-02T13:11:15.000ZAlex Wellerstein
2020-06-22T19:48:31.000ZEl planeta Arbre estuvo al borde del colapso hace miles de años. Los nuevos intelectuales, los avotos, se reunieron en monasterios para iniciar un nuevo tipo de vida cenobítica sin elemento religioso alguno. El ritmo de evolución y cambio de los avotos es lento, mientas el planeta sufre todo tipo de transformaciones. Ahora, casi cuatro mil años después de la Reconstitución y la fundación del sistema cenobítico, el Poder Secular parece ocultar que hay una nave alienígena orbitando el planeta. Descubrirla, establecer contacto y comprender a esos extraños seres procedentes de otro lugar es el gran trabajo que espera al protagonista, fra Erasmas, discípulo del heterodoxo Orolo.
Tras grandes éxitos indiscutibles como Criptonomicón, La era del diamante, la brillante trilogía del Ciclo Barroco o Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson vuelve a sorprendernos con una excepcional e inesperada novela. Esta vez, Stephenson ha creado un nuevo mundo mezclando elementos de la mejor aventura futurística con retazos de matemáticas, física y filosofía. Con elementos de Dune, El nombre de la rosa o la serie Fundación de Isaac Asimov, y llena de ricas ideas nacidas en el Congreso de Hackers de 1999, Anatema es una novela exigente, entretenida, amena y adictiva, cuya única pega es que, después de leerla, durante un tiempo todo te parecerá poco en comparación con ella.
Una novela imprescindible para entender el siglo XXI.
Alex Wellerstein
2019-12-11T22:55:01.000Zwas called, became a popular movement that sought to create a healthier and superior human race. However, Diane B. Paul's book tells the chilling story of how this movement ultimately led to atrocities such as forced sterilization and even genocide. She explores the ethics and scientific principles that underpinned eugenics, and the ways in which it was used to justify persecuting minority groups. This thought-provoking book challenges readers to confront the dark history of eugenics and to reflect on its continuing legacy in modern society.
Alex Wellerstein
2019-12-10T15:33:17.000ZA gripping account of the worst commercial nuclear power accident in US history: Three Mile Island. J. Samuel Walker weaves a tale of the human drama surrounding the crisis, the debates over nuclear power, and the social, technical, and political issues it raised. With a moment-by-moment account of the accident, readers will gain a clear understanding of the events that unfolded and the players involved. Walker also explores the aftermath and long-term health effects on the surrounding area. This book provides an authoritative account of a critical event in recent American history.
Alex Wellerstein