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Carl Bildt

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Nils Daniel Carl Bildt is a Swedish politician and diplomat who was Prime Minister of Sweden from 1991 to 1994. He was the leader of the Moderate Party from 1986 to 1999.
15 libros en la lista
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The Age of AI and Our Human Future book cover
The Age of AI and Our Human Future
And Our Human Future
Henry A Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, Daniel Huttenlocher - 2021-11-02
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Explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with three of the world's top thinkers. From AI-powered jets beating human pilots to machines creating groundbreaking scientific discoveries, this groundbreaking book examines how AI is revolutionizing everything from medicine to education. Discover what this means for the world and our future, and gain an essential roadmap to this new era in human history.
Carl Bildt
Much to reflect on in this thought-provoking book on what lies ahead for our world. @ericschmidt      fuente
Statesman of Europe book cover
Statesman of Europe
A Life of Sir Edward Grey
Thomas G. Otte - 2020-11-26
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'The lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our life-time.' The words of Sir Edward Grey, looking out from the windows of the Foreign Office at the end of August 1914, are amongst the most famous in European history, and encapsulate the impending end of the nineteenth-century world....
Carl Bildt
Times like these require good books, and here is one I enjoyed. Sir Edward Grey belonged to an era when British foreign policy carried global consequences. Most importantly, in July 1914 he led international efforts to forestall war.      fuente
Trieste o el sentido de ninguna parte book cover
Trieste o el sentido de ninguna parte
Jan Morris - 2002-09-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2001)
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«Hay momentos en mi vida en los que Trieste se presenta con tal exactitud en mi inconsciente que, dondequiera que esté, me siento transportada hasta allí. Es una sensación comparable a esos instantes arcanos de quietud que en ocasiones interrumpen una conversación absolutamente banal, en los que se dice que ha pasado un ángel.» Jan Morris, la gran autora británica, nos entrega el melancólico relato de Trieste. Un viaje en el tiempo, evocando los cafés y los muelles que fascinaron a Joyce y persiguiendo el fantasma de Italo Svevo, ciudadano ilustre de este «no lugar». Una ciudad donde cada cual es libre de descubrir su propia identidad y de vivir sin restricciones. Paradero ideal para almas errantes y solitarias y para todo aquel que no encuentra su lugar en el mundo. Trieste es ante todo un refinado estudio sobre la identidad. Morris hace un recorrido por su turbulenta historia: único puerto del Imperio austrohúngaro, propulsora de una civilización irrepetible, Trieste siempre fue fiel a la Casa de Habsburgo, a pesar de las tres breves ocupaciones napoleónicas. Con la caída del Imperio fue anexionada a Italia por razones meramente geográficas, hecho que marcaría el principio de su declive Un «no lugar» que Morris siente como encarnación de una utopía, ajena al concepto de nación o nacionalismo, un híbrido de razas, lenguas y culturas, una ciudad espejismo. El sentimiento predominante del libro es la sehnsucht: la nostalgia del poder que le ha sido arrebatado, la fascinación por la grandeza perdida que ya no volverá. Un libro poético, una acertada reflexión sobre la idea de identidad y sobre la influencia de la Historia en el destino de las ciudades, Trieste pasea por estas páginas como una gran dama que vive en el recuerdo del antiguo esplendor, incapaz de adaptarse a la modernidad y a su propia nacionalidad.
Carl Bildt
Jan Morris deserves a superb obituary. Her books - Venice, Trieste and many others - are jewels for eternity.      fuente
Recomendado por
Neil Gaiman
Venecia book cover
Jan Morris - 1993-10-07 (publicado por primera vez en 1960)
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Desde cualquier punto de vista, Venecia es una ciudad extraordinariamente singular: su ubicación, su arquitectura, sus gentes, su historia... Ningún otro lugar del mundo se le parece. Por más que se intenten encontrar semejanzas con otras ciudades del mundo, Venecia tiene una belleza incomparable. Y de eso deja constancia el agudo, ameno y documentado libro de Jan Morris. A través de las páginas de Veneciainiciamos un viaje por una de las ciudades más fascinantes del mundo y por su laguna. Se trata de una obra imprescindible tanto para los admiradores de la ciudad como para los amantes de la buena literatura, que nos permite conocer a los venecianos, los espacios en que viven y se mueven, el glorioso pasado de la capital del Véneto e innumerables anécdotas relacionadas con la ciudad.
Carl Bildt
Jan Morris deserves a superb obituary. Her books - Venice, Trieste and many others - are jewels for eternity.      fuente
Putin's People book cover
Putin's People
How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took On the West
Catherine Belton - 2020-06-23
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Discover the untold story behind Putin's rise to power and how he and a small group of KGB men surrounding him looted their country, subverted Russia's economy and legal system, and extended the Kremlin's reach into the United States and Europe. Through interviews with key inside players and a cast of colorful characters, investigative journalist Catherine Belton's Putin's People is a chilling and revelatory exposé of the KGB's revanche and the consequences for the world.
Carl Bildt
This book by @CatherineBelton is imperative reading for anyone trying to understand the evolution of Putin’s Russia. It’s an impressive work of research that deepens our understanding of what really happened.      fuente
Recomendado por
John Sipher
Black Wave book cover
Black Wave
Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Forty-Year Rivalry That Unraveled Culture, Religion, and Collective Memory in the Middle East
Kim Ghattas - 2020-01-28
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Black Wave explores the Sunni-Shia conflict in the Middle East, tracing its origins back to the 1979 Iran Revolution. This paradigm-shifting recasting of modern Middle Eastern history reveals the largely unexplored story of the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran, born from the sparks of the revolution. Kim Ghattas follows everyday citizens whose lives have been affected by the geopolitical drama, making her account both immediate and intimate. The book shows how religion became a tool for the two countries in their competition for dominance, igniting the culture wars that led to major global events from the 1991 American invasion of Iraq to the rise of ISIS. Black Wave is a must-read for those looking to understand the real roots of the Middle East conflict.
Carl Bildt
Less traveling and more reading these days. And that will remain the case for some time. Here two highly readable books that I can recommend. The religious fervor of the Middle East has always affected and influenced us. @KimGhattas      fuente
Recomendado por
isabella steger
The Bible book cover
The Bible
A Biography (Books That Changed the World)
Karen Armstrong - 2007-11-10
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Discover the fascinating story of Christianity's spiritual guide in this best-selling book. The Bible is the world's most widely-distributed and translated book, but its rich history and complex contents remain obscure. Written by various authors and translated into thousands of languages, it has evolved into a sacred text with manifold meanings. In this seminal analysis, historian Karen Armstrong delves into the book's social and political background, exploring its journey from oral history to written scripture. Whether you're a person of faith or simply curious, this captivating book is a must-read.
Carl Bildt
Less traveling and more reading these days. And that will remain the case for some time. Here two highly readable books that I can recommend. The religious fervor of the Middle East has always affected and influenced us. @KimGhattas      fuente
Our Man book cover
Our Man
Richard Holbrooke and the End of the American Century
George Packer - 2019-05-07
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"Discover the story of a brilliant and controversial man who shaped America's greatest diplomatic achievement post-Cold War era. From the peace agreement that put an end to the Balkan wars to his tireless efforts to end the war in Afghanistan, witness his vigorous belief in his own foreign policy ideas. Uncover the intimate and epic tale of an extraordinary and deeply flawed man in this nonfiction narrative that sheds light on the elite circles of society and government he inhabited."
Carl Bildt
Excellent writing, powerful personalities, profound policy lessons. A book well worth reading.      fuente
Recomendado por
Clara Jeffery
The Empty Throne book cover
The Empty Throne
America's Abdication of Global Leadership
Ivo H. Daalder - 2018-10-16
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"The Empty Throne" delves into the erosion of the postwar order, highlighting the danger in American diplomacy's daily chaos. The book reveals how America emerged from WWII convinced that global engagement and leadership would prevent another conflict and economic devastation. However, in recent times, America seems to have abdicated this leadership role, which threatens the country's security alliances, free markets, democracy, and human rights. The author provides an inside portrait of the greatest lurch in US foreign policy since WWI, presenting an alarming picture of an America unmaking the world that it made.
Carl Bildt
Enjoyed reading @IvoHDaalder latest book. Most important subject. Good read.      fuente
Russia under the Old Regime by Richard Pipes
Unwinnable by Theo Farrell
The Naked Diplomat by Tom Fletcher
Choices by Shivshankar Menon
Iron Curtain by Anne Applebaum
The Politics of Diplomacy by James A. Baker III