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Dan Rockwell

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Wanting book cover
The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life
Luke Burgis - 2021-06-01
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Explore the theory of "mimetic desire" and its influence on our daily lives, from work to romance to politics, in this groundbreaking book. Based on the ideas of French scholar René Girard, author Luke Burgis reveals how our desires are shaped by those around us and how we can break free from chasing unfulfilling desires. Drawing on his experience as an entrepreneur and student of philosophy and theology, Burgis provides a toolkit for intentional wanting and finding meaning in our lives.
Dan Rockwell
@egobillot YES!! Some book inform, others entertain. A few books change the way you see yourself. Read "WANTING" by @lukeburgis - It changes the way you see yourself and the world.      fuente
Hábitos atómicos book cover
Hábitos atómicos
An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
James Clear - 2018-10-16
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HÁBITOS ATÓMICOS parte de una simple pero poderosa pregunta: ¿Cómo podemos vivir mejor? Sabemos que unos buenos hábitos nos permiten mejorar significativamente nuestra vida, pero con frecuencia nos desviamos del camino: dejamos de hacer ejercicio, comemos mal, dormimos poco, despilfarramos. ¿Por qué es tan fácil caer en los malos hábitos y tan complicado seguir los buenos? James Clear nos brinda fantásticas ideas basadas en investigaciones científicas, que le permiten revelarnos cómo podemos transformar pequeños hábitos cotidianos para cambiar nuestra vida y mejorarla. Esta guía pone al descubierto las fuerzas ocultas que moldean nuestro comportamiento —desde nuestra mentalidad, pasando por el ambiente y hasta la genética— y nos demuestra cómo aplicar cada cambio a nuestra vida y a nuestro trabajo. Después de leer este libro, tendrás un método sencillo para desarrollar un sistema eficaz que te conducirá al éxito. Aprende cómo… • Darte tiempo para desarrollar nuevos hábitos • Superar la falta de motivación y de fuerza de voluntad • Diseñar un ambiente para que el éxito sea fácil de alcanzar • Regresar al buen camino cuando te hayas desviado un poco
Dan Rockwell
@rick_silva Great book.      fuente
Coach 'Em Way Up book cover
Coach 'Em Way Up
5 Lessons for Leading the John Wooden Way
Lynn Guerin - 2020-11-17
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"Coach 'Em Way Up" is a leadership guide inspired by the teachings of legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden. It provides effective strategies for creating a culture of excellence in the modern workplace, emphasizing the importance of becoming a great coach and leader. Readers will learn how to set good examples, teach effectively, lead with confidence, and mentor others to achieve great success. This book will inspire you to pursue not just greatness but also goodness, and guide you to achieve true success. Let John Wooden be your coach and mentor for the future, and coach yourself, your team, and business up - all the way up.
Dan Rockwell
Great review of, "Coach'Em Way Up," by Nicole Killian on @mobyorkcity ! I recommend this book by ! It's great!      fuente
Focus book cover
Desarrollar la atención para alcanzar la excelencia
Daniel Goleman - 2013-10-08
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En este esperado libro, el psicólogo y periodista Daniel Goleman, autor del best-seller mundial Inteligencia emocional, nos ofrece una visión radicalmente nueva del recurso más escaso y subestimado de nuestra sociedad, una capacidad que resulta ser el secreto para la excelencia: la atención. Las personas que logran un máximo rendimiento (ya sea en los estudios, los negocios, el deporte de competición o las artes) son precisamente aquellas que cultivan formas de focalización o de meditación inteligente. Combinando la investigación de vanguardia con conocimientos prácticos, Focus profundiza en la ciencia de la atención en todas sus variedades (el foco interno, el foco en los demás y el foco exterior). En la era de la distracción permanente, Goleman sostiene convincentemente que ahora más que nunca tenemos que aprender a cultivar la atención, tanto como forma de autocontrol, de mejorar la empatía o para comprender la complejidad que nos rodea.
Dan Rockwell
If you haven't read "Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence," by @DanielGolemanEI ... You should! Great book to start your new year. #book      fuente
Burnout to Breakthrough book cover
Burnout to Breakthrough
Building Resilience to Refuel, Recharge, and Reclaim What Matters
Eileen McDargh - 2020-08-04
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Learn to manage your energy and overcome burnout with Burnout to Breakthrough. Renowned speaker Eileen McDargh provides unique insights, humor, and practical strategies for managing your brain and achieving resilience. After a short survey to determine your burnout and resiliency profile, McDargh helps you identify the causes of burnout and energy drains. With an in-depth energy analysis, you'll master the four dimensions of resilience: head, heart, hands, and humor. Whether you're struggling with work demands or seeking to design a better life, this book offers a refreshing perspective and actionable solutions.
Dan Rockwell
Thanks for making this happen. It's a great book.      fuente
The Leader You Want to Be book cover
The Leader You Want to Be
Five Essential Principles for Bringing Out Your Best Self--Every Day
Amy Jen Su - 2019-10-22
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Discover how to become the leader you want to be every day with this insightful and actionable book. Leadership expert Amy Jen Su shares her five key elements for effective leadership - Purpose, Process, People, Presence, and Peace - and provides inspiring stories and research-backed advice to help you increase your impact while reducing stress and improving your overall well-being. Whether you're a manager, artist, athlete, or simply someone who wants to be their best, this book is an indispensable guide to expanding your leadership capacity and thriving as a leader.
Dan Rockwell
Love Amy's book. I received a pre-pub version. It rocks.      fuente