Daniel W. Drezner
Libros Recomendados
Daniel W. Drezner is an American professor of international politics at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, an author, a blogger, and a commentator. He is also a nonresident senior fellow at the Project on International Order and Strategy at the Brookings Institution.
14 libros en la lista
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Explore the forgotten tragedy of the Spanish flu pandemic in Pale Rider. With up to one hundred million deaths globally, it was one of the greatest disasters of all time - yet it remains only a footnote to World War I. Laura Spinney recounts the evolution of the virus through firsthand accounts, revealing how it both tested humanity's vulnerability and showed off its ingenuity. Drawing on research in multiple disciplines, Pale Rider paints a vivid picture of how this catastrophe transformed the decades to come.
Daniel W. Drezner
2022-09-12T16:30:06.000ZYoung readers will love this classic tale of furry old Grover as he begs them not to turn the page, all to avoid the monster at the end of the book. But, what if the monster is Grover himself? A favorite among generations, this interactive Little Golden Book is now available in a larger format for even more lap-time fun.
Daniel W. Drezner
2021-01-30T13:54:53.000ZUn inesperado virus mortal acaba con la humanidad tal y como la conocemos: ya no quedan trenes que unan los lugares, ni internet que nos permita conocer el mundo, ni siquiera ciudades en las que vivir, solo quedan asentamientos hostiles al visitante ocasional. En este desolador panorama un pequeño grupo de actores y músicos tienen una iniciativa sorprendente: crear la Sinfonía Viajera, con el fin de mantener vivo un resquicio de humanidad. Pero en este libro nada es fácil y pronto este rescoldo de civilización también se verá amenazado por un violento profeta. Esta novela va más allá de su argumento y escritura, originales y ambiciosos: nos sumerge en un mundo distinto y nos obliga a reflexionar sobre el presente, sobre lo que tenemos y qué valor le damos. En definitiva, un homenaje inteligente y sobrio a los pequeños placeres de la vida. Un libro difícil de dejar y, más aún, de olvidar.
Daniel W. Drezner
2020-03-07T14:32:07.000ZA team of presidential historians, led by James M. Banner Jr., compiled the 1974 report commissioned by the House Judiciary Committee in the midst of Nixon's impeachment. This new edition goes beyond Watergate, covering misconduct charges against every US president from George Washington to Barack Obama. From rigging elections to scandals involving advisors, learn how past presidents have responded to charges of wrongdoing and judge for yourself how the actions of today's administration stack up against historical context.
Daniel W. Drezner
2019-06-20T11:24:20.000ZDiscover an American masterpiece of evil, greed, and dark obsession in this suspenseful novel from the creator of Hannibal Lecter and The Silence of the Lambs. Ruthless men have long sought 25 million dollars in cartel gold hidden beneath a Miami Beach mansion, and they are closing in. Cari Mora, a beautiful and skilled caretaker, is caught in the middle of their dangerous hunt. But with surprising talent and an unwavering will to survive, Cari is more than just a vulnerable victim. Prepare to be terrified by the monsters that lurk between male desire and female survival.
Daniel W. Drezner
2019-06-20T11:24:20.000ZRecomendado por
Stephen King
Clear and Present Safety
The World Has Never Been Better and Why That Matters to Americans
Discover how national security fear-mongering has been used to distract Americans from real issues affecting their lives. In this eye-opening account, the authors challenge commonly-held beliefs about terrorism and the world's greatest threats. Instead, they argue for more focus on serious national security challenges at home such as gun violence, income inequality, inadequate healthcare and schooling. Learn why policymakers and journalists have misrepresented global threats and why we should focus on promoting cooperation and development.
Daniel W. Drezner
El quinto riesgo
Un viaje a las entrañas de la Casa Blanca de Trump
El día siguiente a la victoria de Donald Trump en las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos, los empleados del Departamento de Energía —un ministerio que gestiona algunos de los riesgos más peligrosos a los que se enfrenta la humanidad— esperaron, como es habitual, la llegada del equipo del nuevo presidente. Sin embargo, nadie se presentó para gestionar el periodo de transición. Nadie llamó ni dio señales de vida.
El que iba a ser el próximo gobierno no parecía interesado en gobernar, y mucho menos en dejar de lado la ideología para afrontar cuestiones eminentemente pragmáticas y comprender y abordar los problemas reales del país. La administración de Trump, con una enorme arrogancia y un desprecio absoluto por el trabajo de gran parte de las instituciones, entró en la administración con la única ambición de deshacerse de las políticas implementadas por Barack Obama, denunciar a quienes creyeran en el cambio climático y lucrarse personalmente del desmantelamiento paulatino de varios servicios públicos.
En una historia tan increíble que a veces parece mentira, Michael Lewis relata, con su característico y fascinante estilo, la peligrosa combinación de ignorancia, desprecio a la ley e intereses privados que guiaron los primeros pasos del gobierno de Donald Trump.
Daniel W. Drezner
2018-12-13T00:00:00.000ZExplore the American past through a new lens with this groundbreaking history book. Renowned author Jill Lepore places truth itself at the heart of the nation's story, examining its three founding ideas of political equality, natural rights, and sovereignty of the people. But has America lived up to these truths? Lepore takes a deep dive into the state of politics, slavery, inequality, and technology. Engaging and thought-provoking, this book will forever alter your understanding of American history.
Daniel W. Drezner
Taxing Wars
The American Way of War Finance and the Decline of Democracy
This book asks a crucial question: why have the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq lasted longer than any other in US history? The answer lies in two key factors that have allowed these conflicts to continue almost unnoticed for years. Firstly, advancements in military technology have lessened the apparent burden of war on American citizens. Secondly, the ways in which the US pays for its wars have changed, eroding accountability and contributing to the phenomenon of perpetual war. This book traces the history of how America has paid for its wars, from war taxes to contemporary borrowing, and argues that the latter undermines the basis for democratic restraint in wartime.
Daniel W. Drezner
2018-12-13T00:00:00.000ZMaxwell's Demon and the Golden Apple by Randall L. Schweller
Choose Your Own Disaster by Dana Schwartz
Wars of Law by Tanisha M. Fazal
The Happiness Curve by Jonathan Rauch
War on Peace by Ronan Farrow