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Greg Iles

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Greg Iles is a novelist who lives in Mississippi. He has published seventeen novels and one novella, spanning a variety of genres.
9 libros en la lista
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Mystery book cover
Peter Straub - 2002-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1990)
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Explore the theme of death and the aftermath of a tragic event in this captivating mystery novel. Follow along as protagonist Tom Pasmore investigates two murders, one from the past and one in the present. But be warned, as Pasmore delves deeper into his investigation, he uncovers dark truths that nobody should know.
Greg Iles
You probably know Peter Straub from his collaboration with Steve, or from his "Ghost Story," but he wrote many excellent books--some of the best I've ever read. Try Koko, The Throat, Mystery etc. You won't regret it.      fuente
Koko book cover
Peter Straub - 2001-05-08 (publicado por primera vez en 1988)
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A group of Vietnam veterans, united by a shattering secret, are forced to confront their past when they realize that someone from their past has returned to kill. Bestselling author Peter Straub delivers a gripping psychological thriller that blurs the lines between horror and reality in Koko. Follow the journey of a doctor, a lawyer, a working stiff, and a writer as they embark on a quest that will take them all around the world.
Greg Iles
You probably know Peter Straub from his collaboration with Steve, or from his "Ghost Story," but he wrote many excellent books--some of the best I've ever read. Try Koko, The Throat, Mystery etc. You won't regret it.      fuente
Recomendado por
Stephen King
The Throat book cover
The Throat
Blue Rose Trilogy (3)
Peter Straub - 1994-03-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1993)
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In "The Throat," acclaimed novelist Tim Underhill returns home to help investigate a copycat killer who is mimicking the Blue Rose murders from decades earlier. With the help of Tom Pasmore, an aging expert sleuth, they uncover horrifying secrets and a twisted killer who is far more dangerous than they ever imagined. Peter Straub expertly ties together the events from his chilling Blue Rose Trilogy, proving himself to be a master of suspense.
Greg Iles
You probably know Peter Straub from his collaboration with Steve, or from his "Ghost Story," but he wrote many excellent books--some of the best I've ever read. Try Koko, The Throat, Mystery etc. You won't regret it.      fuente
John Prine Beyond Words book cover
John Prine Beyond Words
John Prine - 2017-04-18
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Discover the magic of award-winning songwriter John Prine in his first official book. Explore a curated selection of his best loved songs, complete with lyrics, guitar chords, commentary, and over 100 rare photographs from his personal collection. Immerse yourself in the American musical heritage with Prine's iconic classics like "Angel from Montgomery," "Sam Stone," "Paradise," and "Hello in There," which speak to the everyday experience of ordinary people with simple honesty and an extraordinary ability to connect with the heart.
Greg Iles
Great song lyrics are as valid a part of American literature as any novel. Read this songbook and you'll understand why one U.S. poet laureate said of John Prine: "He did a better job of holding up the mirror of art to the '60s and '70s than any of our official literary poets."      fuente
Una mujer en Berlín book cover
Una mujer en Berlín
Eight Weeks in the Conquered City
Anonymous - 2006-07-11 (publicado por primera vez en 1953)
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Quien quiera enterarse de lo que en realidad ocurrió en las postrimerías de la Segunda Guerra Mundial tendrá que preguntárselo a las mujeres. Así lo ve la autora de este libro, que vivió el final de la guerra en Berlín. Sus observaciones aparecieron publicadas por primera vez en 1954, gracias a los esfuerzos del crítico Kurt W. Marek. Además del epílogo que Marek adjuntó a dicha primera edición en inglés, Anagrama recoge una introducción de Hans Magnus Enzensberger donde relata las vicisitudes por las que han pasado estas memorias desde su creación y la razón por la que la autora decidió no revelar su identidad. En este documento único no se ilustra lo singular sino lo que les tocó vivir a millones de mujeres: primero la supervivencia entre los escombros, acuciadas por el hambre, el miedo y el asco, y posteriormente, por la venganza de los vencedores.«Depurado estilo...,su agudeza analítica y su tema rebasan con creces el mero testimonio» (Cecilia Dreymüller, El País).«Una implacable observadora que no se deja llevar por el sentimentalismo o los prejuicios» (Hans Magnus Enzensberger).«Lo sobrecogedor es que no hay en su testimonio la más leve autocompasión ni truculencia» (Robert Saladrigas, La Vanguardia).
Greg Iles
Written by a female journalist living in Red Army–occupied Berlin and rediscovered and republished anonymously years later, this diary remains one of history's most harrowing documents of human depravity. The author's frank description of all she did to survive will take your breath away — and make you understand how lucky you are if you've been untouched by war.      fuente
El silencio de los corderos book cover
El silencio de los corderos
Thomas Harris - 2002-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1988)
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A Clarice Starling, joven y ambiciosa estudiante de la academia del FBI, le recomiendan que entreviste a Hannibal Lecter, brillantepsiquiatra y despiadado asesino, para conseguir su colaboración en la resolución de un caso de asesinatos en serie. El asombroso conocimiento de Lecter del comportamiento humano y su poderosa pe rsonalidad cautivarán de inmediato a Clarice, quien, incapaz de dominarse, establecerá con él una ambigua, inquietante y peligrosa relación.
Greg Iles
Lambs proves "genre" authors can be every bit as observant and insightful as literary giants... Try it sometime. Harris knows of what he writes, at every level.      fuente
Todos los hombres del rey book cover
Todos los hombres del rey
Robert Penn Warren - 1996-09-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1946)
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Willie Stark –inspirado en una figura histórica, Huey Long, el célebre y discutido gobernador populista de Louisiana– es un personaje de poderosa y compleja personalidad: orador amado por las multitudes y dictador sin escrúpulos que se mantiene en el poder mediante la corrupción y el chantaje. Robert Penn Warren ha escrito una de las grandes novelas políticas del siglo XX y una original exploración del tema inagotable del conocimiento de uno mismo, donde se entrelazan varios destinos. En el centro, Willie Stark, abogado de origen humilde que llegará a gobernador del estado, que seduce a Anne Stanton, a su hermano Adam y a Jack Burden, los insatisfechos hijos de las familias poderosas del estado. Adam Stanton es el idealista puro y Jack Burden es un desarraigado que pretende ser sólo un espectador inteligente.
Greg Iles
A political novel written by a poet whose pitiless insight into human fallibility penetrates MRI-deep. Inspired by the surreal saga of Louisiana politician Huey Long, All the King's Men is more relevant today than the year it was written. Some passages are as fine as any in American literature.      fuente
Recomendado por
Garry Kasparov
Different Seasons book cover
Different Seasons
Four Novellas (No Series)
Stephen King - 1995-02-16 (publicado por primera vez en 1982)
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Four novellas, each taking on the theme of a journey with different tones and characters, are bound together by the changing seasons in this hypnotic collection. From an unjustly imprisoned convict seeking revenge to a top high school student's obsession with the dark past of an older man, these gripping tales showcase Stephen King's consummate storytelling skills. The novellas became the basis for award-winning films The Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me.
Greg Iles
King's ability to reincarnate our childhood experiences remains unmatched, and without apparent effort he drops us into the shoes of an unjustly convicted prisoner. Like all great illusionists, King makes magic look easy; it's not.      fuente
Presunto inocente book cover
Presunto inocente
Scott Turow - 1988-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1987)
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Es una gris y áspera primavera en Kindle County, un condado del Medio Oeste donde el abogado Rusty Sabich, miembro de la oficina del fiscal, está investigando el asesinato de una colega, Carolyn Polhemus. Carolyn era fuerte y magnética, pero también ambiciosa y posiblemente sin escrúpulos. Su asesinato ha avergonzado al jefe de Rusty, Raymond Horgan, quien se enfrenta a un gran desafío en las próximas elecciones y exige a Rusty una solución rápida al caso que podría salvar su carrer política. Lo que Horgan no sabe es que, pocos meses antes del asesinato, Carolyn y Rusty eran amantes.   Con su matrimonio y su carrera estancados, la investigación de Rusty le permite sumergirse en su obsesión con Carolyn, quien había terminado abruptamente su relación con él seis meses antes, y en la búsqueda de su asesino. Pero al perder Hogan la elección, Rusty de repente se encuentra acusado del asesinato de Carolyn y atrapado en una desesperada lucha por demostrar su inocencia. Emocionante y absorbente, Presunto inocente nos presenta las luces y las sombras de una ciudad del Medio Oeste americano, un mundo de intensas lealtades y nublosas verdades —un mundo que perseguirá al lector mucho después de que el misterio central de esta novela magistral se haya resuelto.
Greg Iles
No one has done first-person-present narration better. From the first line to the last, Turow guides us through the maze of a marriage on the rocks, all the while concealing the killer standing right in front of us.      fuente