Henry Louis Gates Jr
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Henry Louis "Skip" Gates Jr. is an American literary critic, professor, historian, filmmaker, and public intellectual who serves as the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and Director of the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University.
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Teaching White Supremacy
America's Democratic Ordeal and the Forging of Our National Identity
This eye-opening book takes a deep dive into the roots of America's white supremacy, exploring its inception during the Revolutionary years and tracing its impact on everything from literature and science to religion, medicine, and law. The author reveals how this toxic ideology has infiltrated every aspect of our culture and national identity, and argues that it is the North - not the South - that bears the greater responsibility for creating and perpetuating race theory. This is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding how we got to where we are today, and why dismantling white supremacy remains a critical task.
Henry Louis Gates Jr
The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks
Adapted for Young People (ReVisioning History for Young People)
This striking biography delves into the six-decade-long activism of Rosa Parks, challenging the commonly-held notion of her as a quiet seamstress and accidental actor of the civil rights movement. Through archival images and personal papers, readers gain insight into her participation in the movement, which aimed to expose and eradicate the American racial-caste system in various aspects of daily life. Brandy Colbert brings the comprehensive narrative to life for young adult readers, inspiring them to question dominant narratives and search for overlooked histories.
Henry Louis Gates Jr