Jonathan Cohn
Libros Recomendados
Jonathan Cohn is an American author and journalist who writes mainly on United States public policy and political issues. Formerly the executive editor of The American Prospect and a senior editor at The New Republic, Cohn is now a senior national correspondent at The Huffington Post.
14 libros en la lista
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Discover the heroic story of women lawyers who fought and won against the racism, sexism, and xenophobia of Donald Trump's presidency in Lady Justice. Dahlia Lithwick, Slate Senior Editor, tells thrilling tales of women like Sally Yates, Becca Heller, Roberta Kaplan, and Stacy Abrams who marched, ran for office, sued neo-Nazis, protected voting rights, and opposed the Muslim travel ban. With unparalleled access to her subjects, Lithwick writes a luminous book about the heroes of the Trump years, a celebration of tireless efforts, legal ingenuity, and indefatigable spirit. Lady Justice is a must-read for all optimistic and hopeful Americans.
Jonathan Cohn
Jesus and John Wayne
How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation
Explore the relationship between white evangelicalism and Donald Trump in Jesus and John Wayne. Historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez reveals how culture and popular media have shaped the beliefs of millions of evangelical Americans, replacing Jesus of the Gospels with a mythical warrior idol of rugged masculinity and Christian nationalism. From Ronald Reagan to John Wayne, these muscular heroes have instilled patriarchal, authoritarian, and aggressive values within white evangelicalism that have become deeply rooted within the community. This thought-provoking book challenges the assumption that evangelicals supported Trump purely for pragmatic reasons, instead showing how his values align with their own, and how it will have an enduring impact on the nation long after he's gone.
Jonathan Cohn
2022-07-10T12:34:38.000ZRecomendado por
Katharine Hayhoe
Burning Down the House
Newt Gingrich, the Fall of a Speaker, and the Rise of the New Republican Party
Discover how the rhetoric and tactics of Newt Gingrich and his allies launched an era of brutal partisan politics that still haunts America today. In Burning Down the House, author Julian Zelizer traces the story of how Gingrich's calculated campaign of attacks against his political opponents set the stage for decades of ruthless Republican tactics. From weaponizing good government reforms to plotting the destruction of the political career of Speaker Wright, Gingrich introduced the methods that shaped modern Congress and the Republican Party. His legacy extended beyond his own tenure in office, creating a new normal in Washington that is still felt today.
Jonathan Cohn
2022-05-26T22:15:38.000ZRecomendado por
Jason Stanley"Breaking the Cost Barrier: Providing Affordable Childcare for America's Middle Class. This book exposes the heartbreaking reality of hard-working parents struggling to afford high-quality childcare. The middle class is hit hard, and the next generation suffers as a result. The author proposes a bold solution: free childcare. Don't miss out on this important call for change in America's policies."
Jonathan Cohn
El Imperio del Dolor
La Historia secreta de la dinastía que reinó en la industria farmacéutica
El retrato demoledor de una dinastía cuya fortuna se construyó gracias a Valium y cuya reputación fue destruida por OxyContin.
El imperio del dolor empieza en la Gran Depresión, con la historia de tres hermanos dedicados a la medicina: Raymond, Mortimer y el infatigable Arthur Sackler, dotado de una visión especial para la publicidad y el marketing. Años después, contribuyó a la primera fortuna familiar ideando la estrategia comercial de Valium, un revolucionario tranquilizante, para una gran farmacéutica.
Con el paso de las generaciones, el apellido Sackler adorna los muros de las instituciones más distinguidas: Harvard, el Metropolitan, Oxford, el Louvre. Es una de las familias más ricas del mundo, benefactora de las artes y las ciencias. El origen de su patrimonio siempre fue dudoso, hasta que salió a la luz que lo habían multiplicado gracias a OxyContin, un potente analgésico que catalizó la crisis de los opioides en Estados Unidos.
Tras unas décadas fue Richard Sackler, el hijo de Raymond, quien pasó a dirigir los negocios del clan, incluida Purdue Pharma, su propia empresa fabricante de medicamentos. Basándose en las tácticas agresivas de su tío Arthur para vender el Valium, lanzó un fármaco que había de ser definitivo: OxyContin. Con él ganaron miles de millones de dólares, pero terminaría por arruinar su reputación.
Desde 2017, Patrick Radden Keefe ha investigado los secretos de la dinastía Sackler: las complicadas relaciones familiares, los flujos de dinero, sus dudosas prácticas corporativas# El resultado es una bomba periodística que relata el auge y declive de una de las grandes familias americanas y su oscuro emporio de la salud.
Jonathan Cohn
2021-06-29T13:38:48.000ZThe Very Hungry Caterpillar is inarguably one of the most popular children's books of all time. Now, here is the Spanish board book version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar , filling an important niche for the youngest of Spanish-speaking children.
Jonathan Cohn
2021-05-27T13:11:33.000ZThis exposé sheds light on why life-saving prescription drugs are so expensive. Merrill Goozner argues that American taxpayers are actually funding drug research twice, once through government funding and again through high drug prices. Goozner shows that most of the important new drugs are developed through taxpayer-funded research, but pharmaceutical companies profit from the work. He highlights dedicated scientists who drive medical breakthroughs, and suggests ways the government could expand its role in testing new medicines to eliminate private sector waste. This book is a must-read for all concerned with drug pricing, healthcare, and the role of pharmaceutical companies.
Jonathan Cohn
2021-04-29T13:23:09.000ZDiscover a new vision for America's economic future in "Economic Dignity" by Gene Sperling. As a former director of the National Economic Council, Sperling explores the importance of promoting economic dignity as the ultimate end goal for our country's economic policy. With a focus on three pillars - caring for family, pursuing potential and purpose, and economic participation with respect - Sperling presents a roadmap for policymakers and citizens to follow towards a more fulfilling and equitable economic future. Join Sperling on a thoughtful and compelling exploration of America's economic challenges and opportunities.
Jonathan Cohn
Fighting for Our Health
The Epic Battle to Make Health Care a Right in the United States (Rockefeller Institute Press)
Discover the inspiring story of how grassroots organizers played a crucial role in President Obama's signing of historic health reform legislation. Insider Richard Kirsch takes readers inside the Beltway and across the United States, recounting the fight against powerful opponents like the health insurance industry and the US Chamber of Commerce. This vivid first-person account of the biggest issue campaign in American history is a must-read for anyone interested in the power of grassroots organizing.
Jonathan Cohn
2021-02-23T15:56:15.000ZAlbion's Seed by David Hackett Fischer
The Teacher Wars by Dana Goldstein
Muu. Beee. ¡Así fue! by Boynton
A Bright Shining Lie by Neil Sheehan
But Not the Hippopotamusby Sandra Boynton[Boardbook] by Sandra Boynton