9 libros en la lista
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“From the bedroom to the classroom to the courtroom, ‘consent’ is a key term in our contemporary sexual ethics. In this timely reexamination, Manon Garcia deftly reveals the hidden complexities of consent and proposes how to reconceptualize it as a tool of liberation.”...
A must-read for anyone who loves running, Good for a Girl offers an inspiring personal story and a rallying cry for reform of a sports landscape that is failing young female athletes. Author Lauren Fleshman grew up in the world of running and has seen firsthand the way that our sports systems fail young women and girls as much as empower them. Fleshman gives voice to the often-silent experience of the female athlete and argues that the time has come to rebuild our systems of competitive sport with women at their center. Written with heart and verve, this book is a joyful love letter to the running life and a vital call to reimagine sports for young women.
Kate Manne
2022-12-29T00:03:14.000ZRecomendado por
Sally BergesenBelly of the Beast is a powerful exploration of the intersection of anti-fatness and anti-Blackness. Author Da’Shaun Harrison, a fat, Black, disabled, and non-binary writer, delves into the ways in which fat Black people in the United States are subject to discrimination, abuse, and trauma, including being hyper-policed by society and the state, passed over for housing and employment, and misdiagnosed by medical professionals. Harrison offers a fresh perspective on desirability politics, healthism, hyper-sexualization, and the connection between anti-fatness and police violence, while providing strategies to combat these societal issues.
Kate Manne
2022-08-04T19:32:56.000ZThis book explores the dangerous shift in how shame is being used as a weapon in America's "shame industrial complex" - from shaming individuals for societal problems to profitting from "punching down" on the vulnerable. The author, Cathy O'Neil, dissects the relationship between shame and power, asking important questions about whom the system serves and how we can fight back. Drawing on personal experience, O'Neil warns about the destructive influence of shame in the age of social media and hyperpartisan politics.
Kate Manne
2022-03-22T02:41:27.000ZDiscover the power of anger in the fight against racial injustice with this urgent call to action. Philosopher Myisha Cherry argues that anger has been unfairly demonized and that Lordean rage, a form of anger mobilized for change, is crucial in the anti-racist struggle. Using philosophy, social psychology, and history, she shows how anger can be harnessed, cultivated, and focused to challenge racism and effect lasting change. This accessible resource is a must-read for politically and socially engaged readers seeking new tools for changing the world.
Kate Manne
2022-02-21T22:31:39.000ZRecomendado por
Brian Earp
How to Raise a Feminist Son
Motherhood, Masculinity, and the Making of My Family
This insightful and empowering book offers actionable advice for parents seeking to raise feminist sons in today's world. From teaching consent to countering problematic messages from the media and culture, there is much work to be done with our boys. Written by a professor of journalism and feminist mother, this personal story is informed by research and expert conversations. Each chapter offers takeaways and recommendations for further reading, making it a valuable resource for all.
Kate Manne
2021-05-03T18:08:24.000ZThis philosophical exploration delves into the complexities of female submission and its perpetuation by patriarchy. Using Simone de Beauvoir's work and feminist philosophy, the book challenges the traditional understanding of femininity and submission. The author argues that women's lived experiences shape their adaptation to gender hierarchies, and that women do not actively choose submission but consent to it through social norms. This sophisticated analysis moves beyond simplistic perspectives and provides a nuanced understanding of the subject.
Kate Manne
Where Is the Green Sheep?/Donde esta la oveja verde? Board Book
Bilingual English-Spanish
Little ones are sure to be lulled off to a peaceful, sheep-filled sleep by this cozy book from acclaimed author Mem Fox—now available in a bilingual English/Spanish edition. There are red sheep and blue sheep, wind sheep and wave sheep, scared sheep and brave sheep, but where is the green sheep? The search is on in this cozy, sheep-filled story from acclaimed author Mem Fox and popular Australian cartoonist Judy Horacek. In this edition, each line is translated into Spanish directly below for easy comprehension. Complete with sleepy rhymes and bright illustrations, this book is sure to delight children of all ages, from the very young to those just beginning to read.
«Me llamo Chanel. Soy una víctima, no me da reparo utilizar esta palabra, pero sí creer que eso es todo lo que soy. Sin embargo, no soy “la víctima de Brock Turner”. No soy su nada. No le pertenezco».
La historia de Chanel Miller cambió el mundo para siempre. En 2016, Brock Turner, de diecinueve años, la violó en el campus de Stanford. Lo que llegó después fue vivir bajo un pseudónimo y uno de los juicios más mediáticos de la historia de EE. UU., tras el que Turner fue sentenciado a tan solo seis meses de cárcel.
Decidió compartir en la red la carta que leyó a su violador en el juicio: «Tú no me conoces, pero has estado dentro de mí, y por eso estamos aquí hoy», empezaba. Once millones de personas la leyeron en cuatro días, y provocó la indignación de un país y la reacción internacional. Después de cuatro años viviendo en el anonimato ha dado el paso de hacer pública su identidad. Y ha contado su historia.
«Tengo un nombre» son unas memorias íntimas y profundamente conmovedoras, que transformarán para siempre nuestra percepción sobre la violencia sexual y que reclaman justicia, sobre todo, pero también el derecho a seguir viviendo.
Kate Manne