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Lenard McKelvey

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Lenard McKelvey, known professionally as Charlamagne tha God, is an American radio presenter, television personality, and author.
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El ego es el enemigo (Empresa) book cover
El ego es el enemigo (Empresa)
Ryan Holiday - 2016-06-14
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Es frecuente ver en el entorno los obstáculos para lograr nuestras metas. Sin embargo, hay un poderoso enemigo interior que es en realidad la causa que nos impide avanzar en muchos sentidos: el ego. Al inicio de nuestras carreras, el ego nos impide aprender y desarrollar talentos. Si logramos el éxito, nos ciega al punto que negamos nuestras propias falencias; y ante el fracaso, el ego magnifica cualquier falla y hace más difícil recuperarnos. El ego, en cualquier etapa, es la verdadera traba para nuestro crecimiento personal y profesional. De ahí que en este libro Ryan Holiday nos lleve por poderosas lecciones, tácticas y estrategias de cómo personalidades de diversas ocupaciones y campos consiguieron aplacar su ego (esa versión distorsionada que habían creado de sí mismos) como el primer paso para alcanzar niveles más altos de autoconocimiento e influencia. En una época en la que se privilegia la individualidad y la autopromoción, es necesario entender qué es el ego y cómo dominarlo antes de que domine nuestras vidas. “A menudo se nos dice que para lograr el éxito, necesitamos confianza. Con una franqueza refrescante, Ryan Holiday desafía esa suposición, destacando cómo podemos ganar confianza buscando algo más grande que nuestro propio éxito”. –Adam Grant, autor de Originales “Este libro nos da una receta: la humildad. Está lleno de historias y citas que le ayudarán a salir de su propio camino. Ya sea que esté empezando o comenzando de nuevo, encontrará algo que sacar de aquí”. –Austin Kleon, autor de Roba como un artista “De una manera inspiradora y práctica, Ryan Holiday nos enseña cómo manejar y domesticar nuestro ego, esta bestia insaciable que vive dentro de nosotros para que podamos concentrarnos en lo que realmente importa y producir el mejor trabajo posible”. –Robert Greene, autor de Las 48 leyes del poder
Lenard McKelvey
This is one of my favorite authors on the planet @ryanholiday one of his many books is titled “Ego Is The Enemy.” So if you want more from him on the subject of ego than what’s in this 60 second clip that’s the book…      fuente
Minimalismo digital book cover
Minimalismo digital
En defensa de la atención en un mundo ruidoso (Divulgación)
Cal Newport - 2019-02-05
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Most of us know that addiction to digital tools is costing us both productivity and peace. But giving them up completely isn't realistic. We're addicted to texting, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter not because we're stupid or shallow, but because they provide real value in the form of connection, community, affirmation, and information. Instagram is how you see new photos of your school friend's baby. Texting is how you let your mum know you're safe in a storm. Twitter is how you hear about breaking news in your industry. But these tools can also disrupt our ability to focus on meaningful work and live fully in the present. Must we choose between one or the other? Newport's answer is no. In Digital Minimalism, he outlines a practical philosophy and plan for a mindful, intentional use of technology that maximises its benefits while minimising its drain on our attention, focus and time. Demonstrating how to implement a 30 day digital detox, this book will help you identify which uses of technology are actually helping you reach your goals, and which are holding back. If you care about improving your effectiveness but don't want to become a Luddite or a social dropout this book can lead you to increased control over your time, attention, and energy and ultimately, a richer life. Read Digital Minimalism and you'll never again mindlessly sacrifice your productivity to clickbait or lose 40 minutes of your evening to your Instagram feed.Cal Newport is a tenured professor of computer science at Georgetown University. He is the author of five books, including So Good They Can't Ignore You and the bestselling Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World. Newport's ideas have been published in top print publications, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, the Financial Times and the Guardian, but as a dedicated digital minimalist, Newport has never had a social media account. On Cal Newport's bestselling book Deep Work: 'Cal Newport is a clear voice in a sea of noise, bringing science and passion in equal measure' - Seth Godin author of Purple Cow 'A compelling case for cultivating intense focus, and offers immediately actionable steps for infusing more of it into our lives' - Adam Grant, author of Originals
Lenard McKelvey
This book is incredible. I’m a have to read it at least 3x and reference it forever. Disconnecting is very important because as the book says “Human Beings are not wired to always be…      fuente