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Lexi Alexander

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Alexandra Mirai, known professionally as Lexi Alexander, is an Arab-German film and television director, martial artist, and actress of Palestinian descent.
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El arte sueco de ordenar antes de morir book cover
El arte sueco de ordenar antes de morir
Si no lo amas, tíralo; si no lo usas, tíralo también
Margareta Magnusson - 2018-01-02 (publicado por primera vez en 2017)
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A charming, practical, and unsentimental approach to putting a home in order while reflecting on the tiny joys that make up a long life. In Sweden there is a kind of decluttering called döstädning, dö meaning “death” and städning meaning “cleaning.” This surprising and invigorating process of clearing out unnecessary belongings can be undertaken at any age or life stage but should be done sooner than later, before others have to do it for you. In The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, artist Margareta Magnusson, with Scandinavian humor and wisdom, instructs readers to embrace minimalism. Her radical and joyous method for putting things in order helps families broach sensitive conversations, and makes the process uplifting rather than overwhelming. Margareta suggests which possessions you can easily get rid of (unworn clothes, unwanted presents, more plates than you’d ever use) and which you might want to keep (photographs, love letters, a few of your children’s art projects). Digging into her late husband’s tool shed, and her own secret drawer of vices, Margareta introduces an element of fun to a potentially daunting task. Along the way readers get a glimpse into her life in Sweden, and also become more comfortable with the idea of letting go.
Lexi Alexander
@kejames And this is my favorite audio book      fuente
Tolerance Is a Wasteland book cover
Tolerance Is a Wasteland
Palestine and the Culture of Denial
Saree Makdisi - 2022-04-05
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Discover how an alleged progressive and democratic Israel sustains a violent project of dispossession and discrimination. Despite well-documented evidence of racism and human rights abuses, Israel has long been embraced by the most liberal sectors of society for its ideals of tolerance and inclusivity. However, Tolerance Is a Wasteland argues that this is achieved through a specific form of denial, negating the Palestinian presence in Palestine in such a way that the act of denial is itself denied. Author Saree Makdisi explores this through various examples, including the haunted landscape of depopulated Palestinian villages, the theater of "pinkwashing," and the controversial Museum of Tolerance. Discover the system of emotional investments and perceptions that makes this cognitive dissonance possible.
Lexi Alexander
You know how y'all ask me all the time what you should read to learn about Palestine? This is it. Read this book. It's written by Professor Makdisi @sareemakdisi & you can tell he's a good teacher because he explains seemingly complicated issues in a manner anybody can understand      fuente
The History of White People book cover
The History of White People
Nell Irvin Painter - 2010-03-15
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An eminent historian takes us through more than two thousand years of Western civilization, tracing the invention of the idea of race and the worship of whiteness for economic, social, scientific, and political ends. The concept of race did not exist in Greek and Roman antiquity, only geography and the opportunity to conquer and enslave others. Obsession with whiteness flourished in the eighteenth century with the German invention of the notion of Caucasian beauty. Spread by intellectuals such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, white race theory reached North America with a vengeance, excluding blacks and all ethnic groups not of Protestant, northern European background. This book forces us to confront our notions of race and the history behind them.
Lexi Alexander
Wouldn’t hurt to buy this writer’s book btw. Nell Irvin Painter, The History of White People. It’s great.      fuente
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Tressie McMillan Cottom
El valor del miedo book cover
El valor del miedo
Gavin de Becker - 2000-07-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1996)
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Este libro extraordinario e innovador nos demuestra que todos somos capaces de predecir la conducta violenta. Recurriendo a docenas de casos fascinantes conocidos en el curso de su carrera, De Becker extiende ante el lector las piezas que componen el rompecabezas de la violencia humana y nos enseña la manera de resolverlo, mediante la atención a las sutiles -o a veces obvias-- señales de la intuición. Como dice el autor, «puedes negarte a ser una víctima». A partir de singulares y asombrosas revelaciones sobre el comportamiento humano, El valor del miedo nos ayudará a distinguir el peligro real del imaginario, nos hará sentir confianza en un mundo a veces hostil y volverá nuestra vida incomparablemente más segura. Todos sabemos que existen razones válidas para, en ocasiones, sentir miedo. La cuestión es, ¿qué ocasiones son ésas? - Un desconocido en un aparcamiento se ofrece a llevarle la cesta de la compra a una mujer. ¿Es un buen samaritano o anda en busca de otra cosa? - Un empleado al que acaban de despedir "Se arrepentirán". ¿Piensa volver con una pistola? - Tras su primera salida, un hombre le dice a una mujer que es "su destino" estar juntos. ¿Qué hará cuando ella lo rechace? - Un adolescente está obsesionado con la música death metal y fascinado por las armas de fuego. ¿Va a matar a alguien? - Una madre experimenta cierta sensación de inquietud a propósito de la simpática canguro que acaba de contratar para que cuide a sus hijos. ¿Debería cambiar sus planes y quedarse en casa? - Un hombre es amenazado por el furioso ex marido de su actual compañera. ¿Debe acudir a la policía? Gavin de Becker, el principal experto estadounidense en la predicción de conductas violentas, nos dice que todos estamos capacitados para responder a las preguntas más comprometidas de la vida. "El auténtico miedo es un don", asegura, porque es una señal de supervivencia que sólo se activa en presencia del peligro; sin embargo, el miedo injustificado ha adquirido un poder sobre nosotros que no tiene sobre ninguna otra criatura del planeta. Y no tiene por qué ser así.
Lexi Alexander
@JonZilla___ Get a book called “The Gift of Fear”      fuente
The Wahhabi Code book cover
The Wahhabi Code
How the Saudis Spread Extremism Globally
Terence Ward - 2018-10-09
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Uncover the truth behind the current wave of Saudi Arabian-sponsored terrorism and its connection to ISIS, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, and more in this eye-opening read. Terence Ward exposes Saudi Arabia's role as the largest exporter of Wahhabism, the severe, ultra-conservative sect of Islam at the core of international terror groups. Through decades of funding charities, mosques, and schools promoting this ideology, the Saudi regime has expanded its influence beyond the Middle East, even targeting European cities. Gain unique insight from Ward, who has spent much of his life in the Middle East, into the culture of extremism and how it can be stopped.
Lexi Alexander
The Wahhabi Code: How Saudis Spread Extremism Globally is an excellent book people should read. Here is a great review of it by @JordanElgrably      fuente
Psychoanalysis Under Occupation book cover
Psychoanalysis Under Occupation
Practicing Resistance in Palestine (Psychoanalytic Political Theory)
Lara Sheehi, Stephen Sheehi - 2021-11-11
Heavily influenced by Frantz Fanon and critically engaging the theories of decoloniality and liberatory psychoanalysis, Lara Sheehi and Stephen Sheehi platform the lives, perspectives, and insights of psychoanalytically inflected Palestinian psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals, centering the stories that non-clinical...