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Mark Pitcavage

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Mark Pitcavage is a historian and analyst of far right wing groups. He works with the Anti-Defamation League and was the creator of the now archived Militia Watchdog website.
22 libros en la lista
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The Wars of Watergate book cover
The Wars of Watergate
The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon
Stanley I. Kutler - 1992-03-17 (publicado por primera vez en 1990)
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Discover the explosive political history of the 1970s with this comprehensive, firsthand account. Drawing on contemporary documents, memoirs, and personal interviews, Stanley Kutler reveals how President Nixon's abuse of power culminated in the Watergate scandal that still reverberates today. Learn how this tumultuous time was shaped by the personality and history of Richard Nixon, and delve into the patterns of corruption that marked his entire presidency.
Mark Pitcavage
@scoopercooper @Janni_Joy I think the best book on this subject is Stanley Kutler's The Wars of Watergate. It might interest you.      fuente
The Fate of Liberty book cover
The Fate of Liberty
Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties
Mark E. Neely - 1992-08-20 (publicado por primera vez en 1991)
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A Pulitzer Prize-winning history delves into the controversial constitutional policies of Abraham Lincoln. The book explores the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, detailing who was jailed and why. The author argues that Lincoln's actions were a response to unprecedented events, including disintegrating public order in border states, contraband trade with the South, and corruption among army contractors. The book also highlights abuses of power under martial law, including anti-Semitism among Union generals and officials and the routine torture of suspected deserters. Despite flaws in the justice system, the author finds that Lincoln remained dedicated to prosecuting the war effectively and was concerned with political realities. This is a must-read for anyone interested in civil liberties during the Civil War era.
Mark Pitcavage
There's a lot I could say about this letter but I'll take a pass on most of it. I will say that if you want to read an interesting and *accurate* account of Lincoln and civil liberties, there's a solid book on the subject by Mark Neely: It won a Pulitzer.      fuente
The Silent Brotherhood book cover
The Silent Brotherhood
Inside America's Racist Underground
Kevin Flynn - 1990-11-06 (publicado por primera vez en 1989)
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Explore the frightening truth behind America's most heinous domestic terror group - the "silent brotherhood." Uncover the dangerous and radical-right hate group that threatens our nation's safety, with their mission to save white Christian America. This gripping insider account sheds light on their anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi beliefs, and their efforts to establish an Aryan homeland. Discover the chilling reality of this group, packaged as patriots but ultimately endangering our society.
Mark Pitcavage
@rockstar_ There are some good "true crime" style books about extremists, including Every Knee Shall Bow by Jess Weaver about Ruby Ridge. You might also look for The Silent Brotherhood by Gary Gerhardt and Kevin Flynn.      fuente
The Polygamists book cover
The Polygamists
A History of Colorado City, Arizona
Benjamin G. Bistline - 2004-02-01
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Explore the shocking truth behind the hidden community of excommunicated Mormons who continue to practice polygamy in Arizona. Discover the events that shaped and sustained their beliefs and the persecution they've faced from outside forces and within. Respected historian Benjamin Bistline shares a detailed history of the community, including the descent into one-man tyrannical rule and the disturbing practices like child brides and driving out young boys. Bistline's powerful narrative sheds light on a world where residents live in fear of disobeying the Prophet and are forced to endure third-world country living conditions.
Mark Pitcavage
@dpassmore54 I think the best and most nuanced book on the FLDS is the one written by Benjamin Bistline (either edition):      fuente
The Creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787 book cover
The Creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787
Gordon S. Wood - 1998-04-06 (publicado por primera vez en 1969)
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Explore the revolutionary transformation of American political theory from a classical to a modern world in this classic work. Author Gordon Wood details the evolution of political thought from the Declaration of Independence to the ratification of the Constitution, shedding light on the origins of the current American political system. A new preface discusses the ongoing debate over republicanism, making this book a must-read for anyone interested in the history of American politics.
Mark Pitcavage
@mooremi @Ibishblog If you ever get a chance, one of the best books ever written on American history is Gordon Wood's The Creation of the American Republic, which details the key influence of radical whig ideology/republicanism on the formation of the U.S.      fuente
Ruby Ridge book cover
Ruby Ridge
The Truth and Tragedy of the Randy Weaver Family
Jess Walter - 2012-06-26 (publicado por primera vez en 1995)
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"Every Knee Shall Bow" relives the deadly siege that shook the nation on the last hot day of summer in 1992. One well-armed family battled the full might of Federal law enforcement on Ruby Ridge, leaving three dead. Jess Walter's remarkable reporting reveals the violence, hatred, and racism of government that still affects us today. A moving and insightful read.
Mark Pitcavage
If you are interested in the Ruby Ridge event, the best book on the subject is still Jess Walter's Ruby Ridge: The Truth and Tragedy of the Randy Weaver Family (originally published as Every Knee Shall Bow).      fuente
Apostles Of Discord book cover
Apostles Of Discord
A Study Of Organized Bigotry And Disruption On The Fringes Of Protestantism
Ralph Lord Roy - 2009-07-23
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Apostles of Discord is a comprehensive study of organized bigotry and disruption on the fringes of Protestantism, written by Ralph Lord Roy. The book delves into the history and ideology of various extremist groups that have emerged within Protestantism, such as the Ku Klux Klan, the John Birch Society, and the Christian Identity movement. Roy exam...
Mark Pitcavage
If you think there are a lot of crazy extremists running around now, including many with troubling influence, I invite you to read the book "Apostles Of Discord: A Study Of Organized Bigotry And Disruption On The Fringes Of Protestantism," by Ralph Lord Roy, published in 1953.      fuente
Lemberg, Lwów, L'viv, 1914–1947 book cover
Lemberg, Lwów, L'viv, 1914–1947
Violence and Ethnicity in a Contested City (Central European Studies)
Christoph Mick - 2015-11-15 (publicado por primera vez en 2011)
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Discover the tumultuous history of the city of L'viv in modern Ukraine, known as Lemberg and Lwów in the past. Explore how the city's diverse Roman Catholic Polish, Greek Catholic Ukrainian, and Jewish inhabitants reacted to sweeping political changes during and after World Wars I and II. With a focus on archival research and contemporary sources, this book delves into the intergroup tensions and episodes of violence that arose during shifts in political control, and how ethnic and national ideologies shaped their dealings with each other.
Mark Pitcavage
Another borderlands book that I found surprisingly interesting is the study of this (now) western Ukrainian city by Christoph Mick: Lemberg, Lwów, L'viv, 1914–1947: Violence and Ethnicity in a Contested City      fuente
Tierras de sangre book cover
Tierras de sangre
Europa entre Hitler y Stalin
Timothy Snyder - 2010-10-12
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Es sabido que la Alemania nazi asesinó cerca de seis millones de judíos. Lo que no lo es tanto es que, junto al horror del Holocausto, los regímenes de Hitler y de Stalin asesinaron a otros ocho millones de civiles, la mayoría mujeres, niños y ancianos, solo en lo que Timothy Snyder denomina las «Tierras de Sangre».Se suele identificar el horror del siglo xx con los campos de concentración. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las víctimas del nacionalsocialismo y del estalinismo nunca vio un campo de concentración ni de exterminio.Del mismo modo, los asesinatos en masa en Europa suelen asociarse con la muerte en cámaras de gas. Pero no fue el gas el método más empleado. Más de siete millones de civiles y prisioneros de guerra murieron porque se les negó la comida. Por primera vez, el historiador Timothy Snyder describe en este libro la amplitud del horror que supuso el asesinato de catorce millones de ciudadanos europeos en solo doce años, los que van desde 1933 a 1945.El presente estudio implica aspectos militares, políticos, económicos, sociales, culturales e intelectuales, y se basa en la extensa documentación aparecida con la apertura de los archivos de la Europa oriental y los testimonios de las víctimas y de algunos verdugos.Las Tierras de sangre no son un territorio político real o imaginario: son simplemente los lugares donde los regímenes políticos de Europa realizaron su obra más mortífera.
Mark Pitcavage
Snyder also wrote another interesting book on an area I am interested in--the borderlands between central and eastern Europe, with mixed nationalities and shifting geographies. It's a complicated story. His Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin looks at the region broadly.      fuente
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Peter ThielAlan Cooper
Romania's Holy War book cover
Romania's Holy War
Soldiers, Motivation, and the Holocaust (Battlegrounds
Grant T. Harward - 2021-11-15
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Explore Romania's role in World War II and the shocking truth behind their brutal campaign in the Eastern Front in Romania's Holy War. Grant T. Harward dispels the myth of Romania being a reluctant member of the Axis and reveals the nation's strong ideology which underpinned soldiers' motivation to commit atrocities. Using official military records, soldiers' diaries and interviews, Harward uncovers the true story of Romania's involvement in the war and its devastating impact on the Jewish population. This groundbreaking book offers a complete history of Romania's holy war and sheds light on a previously unknown aspect of the conflict.
Mark Pitcavage
An interesting recent book is Grant Harward's Romania's Holy War: Soldiers, Motivation, and the Holocaust.      fuente
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