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Megan Devine

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El asombroso color del después book cover
El asombroso color del después
Emily X. R. Pan - 2018-03-20
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Hay una cosa de la que Leigh Chen Sanders está absolutamente segura: cuando su madre murió, se convirtió en un pájaro. Leigh, que es mitad asiática y mitad blanca, viaja a Taiwán para ver por primera vez a sus abuelos maternos. Allí espera encontrar a su madre, el pájaro. En su búsqueda puede que acabe persiguiendo fantasmas, revelando secretos familiares y forjando nuevas relaciones. Y mientras tanto deberá intentar reconciliarse con la idea de que en el mismo momento en que por fin besó a su mejor amigo, Axel, su madre se estaba quitando la vida. El asombroso color del después es una novela preciosa sobre la familia, el arte, el amor, la pérdida y la identidad que alterna relidad y magia, pasado y presente, desesperación y esperanza.
Megan Devine
One of my all time favorite grief-y fiction books, The Astonishing Color of After by @exrpan      fuente
I Had a Miscarriage book cover
I Had a Miscarriage
A Memoir, a Movement
Jessica Zucker - 2021-03-09
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A heartfelt memoir meets manifesto about pregnancy loss that challenges the silence, shame, and stigma surrounding it. Written by a psychologist specializing in maternal and reproductive mental health, the book offers a poignant exploration of grief and the necessity of truth-telling. Through her own story and those of other women, the author emphasizes the transformative power of speaking openly about this ubiquitous experience.
Megan Devine
Recommended Reading: I Had a Miscarriage by Dr. Jessica Zucker @DrZucker      fuente
It's OK That You're Not OK book cover
It's OK That You're Not OK
Megan Devine - 2017-11-01
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This book tackles the taboo subject of grief and challenges the way society treats it like a disease. The author, Megan Devine, shares her insight as both a therapist and a grieving partner who lost her beloved through accidental drowning. Devine debunks traditional stages and unrealistic expectations of how grief should unfold, offering a more holistic approach to acceptance as a mystery to be honored rather than a problem to be fixed. The book offers practical guidance for managing stress and anxiety without trying to “fix” pain and provides a guide for helping those who are grieving. It's OK That You're Not OK is a valuable read for those seeking to love themselves and others better.
Megan Devine
If you are a human being, read this book. If you want to be a better human being, read this book. #itsokyourenotok      fuente