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Patrick Bet-David

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Patrick Bet-David is a startup entrepreneur, CEO of PHP Agency, Inc., emerging author and Creator of Valuetainment on Youtube.
21 libros en la lista
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El Poder frente a la fuerza book cover
El Poder frente a la fuerza
Los determinantes ocultos del comportamiento humano
David R. Hawkins - 2002-03-05 (publicado por primera vez en 1985)
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El doctor Hawkins nos presenta una explicación muy clara y comprensible de los niveles de la conciencia humana, asociados con las emociones, así como de algunos de los pasos clave que hay que dar para transitar de uno a otro, ofreciendo así valiosas herramientas para el cambio personal y social. Aunando su amplísima experiencia terapéutica con el estudio de la física cuántica y la ciencia de vanguardia, nos presenta conceptos novedosos, como el de “atractor” que sirven para ilustrar su sistema de pensamiento. También nos enseña la prueba kinesiológica para distinguir lo verdadero de lo falso, y realiza un amplio repaso de la dimensión social del estudio de la conciencia. Pero la clave del libro está en el estudio y la distinción entre poder y fuerza, entre aquellos estados en los que interviene el yo personal y están marcados por el esfuerzo, y aquellos otros en los que nos alineamos con el verdadero poder y podemos fluir con él. Querido Lector, estás ante uno de esos libros que solo aparecen cada diez o quince años, ante una obra maestra.
Patrick Bet-David
I cant recommend this book enough. I read it back in 2000. Life changing to say the least. Do yourself a favor and read the book if you haven’t already. You can thank me later!      fuente
Unreasonable Hospitality book cover
Unreasonable Hospitality
The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect
Will Guidara - 2022-10-25
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National Bestseller...
Patrick Bet-David
A must read book! The concept of “unreasonable hospitality” could be a major edge for any business.      fuente
Recomendado por
Tina Roth Eisenberg
From Dictatorship to Democracy book cover
From Dictatorship to Democracy
A Conceptual Framework for Liberation
Gene Sharp - 2003-06-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1993)
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Overthrow oppressive governments and create democracy with this revolutionary handbook. It's a go-to guide for revolutionary leaders across the Middle East, from Tunisia to Egypt.
Patrick Bet-David
Couldn’t put this book down. It’s a book every Iranian or those curious on the subject should read. The author argues why a peaceful protest is more affective than a violent one to cause the empire to fall. Enjoy the read      fuente
How The Mighty Fall book cover
How The Mighty Fall
And Why Some Companies Never Give In (Good to Great)
Jim Collins - 2009-05-19
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Learn how to avoid, detect, and reverse corporate decline in this insightful book. Through his research, the author identified five stages of decline that organizations typically go through. By understanding these stages, leaders can prevent their companies from falling all the way to the bottom. Even great companies can stumble and recover, and the path to recovery lies largely within our own hands. This book offers well-founded hope for leaders who want to stave off decline or reverse course.
Patrick Bet-David
A must read book for every executive. Especially with todays climate.      fuente
After Steve book cover
After Steve
How Apple Became a Trillion-Dollar Company and Lost Its Soul
Tripp Mickle - 2022-05-03
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This book delves into the untold story of what happened at Apple after the passing of Steve Jobs. Tripp Mickle follows the company's top lieutenants, Jony Ive and Tim Cook, and how their differing personalities led to Apple losing its innovative spirit. While Jony designed the products that made Apple a household name, Tim skyrocketed the company's revenue growth through maximizing margins. The book showcases how Apple lost its soul in its pursuit of operational excellence, and is based on conversations with 200 current and former Apple executives and key figures like Anna Wintour.
Patrick Bet-David
If you’re a founder or an executive, this is a must read. It’s a book about the moves Apple made after Steve Jobs. Couldn’t put it down.      fuente
The Founders book cover
The Founders
The Story of Paypal and the Entrepreneurs Who Shaped Silicon Valley
Jimmy Soni - 2022-02-22
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Explore the untold story of the PayPal founders and their meteoric rise to becoming the technology industry’s most powerful network. With unprecedented access to internal material and interviews with key players including Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, The Founders is an engrossing, intensely magnetic chronicle of iteration, inventiveness, and how their collaboration ultimately changed the world forever. Discover how the seeds of modern digital start-ups and cashless currency concepts were planted two decades ago, and the stories of countless individuals who were central to PayPal’s success.
Patrick Bet-David
Good book. 👇🏽      fuente
Confianza en uno mismo y otros ensayos book cover
Confianza en uno mismo y otros ensayos
Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1993-10-13 (publicado por primera vez en 1844)
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Essayist, poet, and philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882) propounded a transcendental idealism emphasizing self-reliance, self-culture, and individual expression. The six essays and one address included in this volume, selected from Essays, First Series (1841) and Essays, Second Series (1844), offer a representative sampling of his views outlining that moral idealism as well as a hint of the later skepticism that colored his thought. In addition to the celebrated title essay, the others included here are "History," "Friendship," "The Over-Soul," "The Poet," and "Experience," plus the well-known and frequently read Harvard Divinity School Address.
Patrick Bet-David
Timeless book to read. Highly recommend it.      fuente
Recomendado por
Patrick OShaughnessy
Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know book cover
Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know
And Many Others You Will Find Interesting
Ronald Bailey - 2020-08-31
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Discover the truth about the world's major trends with this eye-opening book. Contrary to popular belief, the world is not getting worse. With data showcasing falling fertility rates, reduced global poverty, and expanding forests since 1982, author Ronald Bailey shows readers the facts about our planet's most significant trends. Although problems like climate change and declining wildlife populations still persist, reading this book will provide insight into the world's true state and provide inspiration for positive change.
Patrick Bet-David
If you like statistics & predictions, get yourself a copy of this book. 👇🏽      fuente
Amplitud (Range) book cover
Amplitud (Range)
Por qué los generalistas triunfan en un mundo especializado
David Epstein - 2019-05-28
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Este gran éxito del New York Times, ha sido uno de los libros de no ficción más vendidos de Estados Unidos en el 2019 y ha generado debates y discusiones en el ámbito de la gestión empresarial, la educación, la formación, el deporte, la psicología y la crianza de los hijos. Es el mismo autor del exitoso "El gen deportivo". Un interesante debate acerca de la amplitud de conocimientos y herramientas, que es más necesaria que nunca, en un mundo que nos quieren vender como cada vez más especializado y parcelado.
Patrick Bet-David
@AdeshraNikunj Excellent book. He made a great argument on how different people in by taking different approaches.      fuente
¡Basta ya de ser un Tipo Lindo! Un plan probado para que obtengas lo que quieras en la vida, el sexo y el amor book cover
¡Basta ya de ser un Tipo Lindo! Un plan probado para que obtengas lo que quieras en la vida, el sexo y el amor
A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex, and Life
Robert A. Glover - 2003-01-08 (publicado por primera vez en 2000)
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El doctor Robert Glover ha dedicado su carrera como psicoterapeuta a liberar a los hombres de lo que él llama “el síndrome del Tipo Lindo”. Dicho síndrome se caracteriza por el intento de satisfacer a los demás mientras se descuidan las necesidades propias, lo cual causa infelicidad y resentimiento. El doctor Glover explica cómo los tipos lindos pueden dejar de buscar la aprobación de los demás y comenzar así a obtener lo que quieren de la vida. El libro ¡Basta ya de ser un Tipo Lindo! presenta información y herramientas para ayudar a que los hombres consigan satisfacer sus necesidades, expresar sus emociones, vivir una vida sexual satisfactoria, aceptar su masculinidad, construir relaciones significativas con otros hombres y explotar todo su potencial creativo.
Patrick Bet-David
A book EVERY man must read. 👇🏽 Especially today’s men. You’ll thank me later!      fuente
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