6 libros en la lista
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India's New Capitalists
Caste, Business, and Industry in a Modern Nation
Explore the fascinating transformation of India's business landscape in India's New Capitalists. Harish Damodaran's groundbreaking social history delves into the emergence of a diverse and dynamic group of entrepreneurs, including middle and lower caste peasants, who have challenged traditional mercantile castes. With impeccable research and engaging writing, this book offers essential insights into the evolution of business in contemporary South Asia.
Prasanna Viswanathan
Let's Talk Money
You've Worked Hard for it, Now Make It Work for You
"Let's Talk Money" by Monika Halan is the ultimate guide to taking control of your finances. From bills and rent to retirement planning, this book offers a comprehensive system for achieving financial security in the Indian context. Halan's jargon-free approach and practical advice will help you get more value out of your hard-earned money and live your dream life, without worrying about the "perfect" investment or insurance plan. Don't miss this trusted and proven resource for building a super good life today.
Prasanna Viswanathan
2021-01-01T07:35:28.000ZRecomendado por
Abhishek KarExplore a new vision for India's political, social, and economic future, free from biased narratives that have hindered its progress. This insightful book sheds light on outdated ideologies, from socialism to group identity politics, and introduces new frameworks for growth, individual liberty, and government reform. Written by two brilliant young authors with firsthand experience of the challenges India faces, this well-researched and fluently written work is a must-read for anyone seeking a fresh perspective on India's path forward.
Prasanna Viswanathan
2020-10-15T09:56:31.000ZA leading philosopher provides a devastating critique of modern left-wing thinking in Fools, Frauds and Firebrands. Scruton examines the influential thinkers who have shaped the New Left and analyzes the key strands in their thinking. Can resistance to the left's agenda exist without religious faith? Scruton explores these issues with clarity and skill, and includes biographical and bibliographical summaries of the major left-wing thinkers discussed in the book.
Prasanna Viswanathan
2020-01-13T10:23:41.000Z"Awakening Bharat Mata" is a thought-provoking exploration of Hindu nationalism and its impact on modern India. From the rise of the BJP to the intellectual challenges it presents, this book examines the contrasting views of nationhood and identifies the roots of Indian conservatism. Through careful analysis of multiple sources, including individuals like Swami Vivekananda and the Arya Samaj movement, this collection provides a deeper understanding of Hindu nationalism as a social and political movement, and its relevance in Indian life beyond mere elections.
Prasanna Viswanathan
2019-06-29T11:26:45.000ZGet ready to be both fascinated and terrified as you delve into the intriguing world of Nagin. This book features a collection of stories about women who will stop at nothing to protect themselves from danger, even if it means unleashing their deadly serpent-like powers on their enemies. From a scorned lover seeking revenge to a housewife unraveling a murderous plot, these powerful and fierce women will leave you on the edge of your seat. But be warned, their venomous nature may just scare you away.
Prasanna Viswanathan