9 libros en la lista
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The Secret of Our Success
How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter
Unlock the mystery of why humans have been able to thrive in such diverse environments with "The Secret of Our Success." This insightful book delves into the collective nature of human intelligence and how it has driven our biological and cultural evolution. Drawing on a range of intriguing examples, from lost European explorers to ancient bones, Joseph Henrich explores how cultural and social evolution have allowed us to learn from one another and develop new innovations, ultimately explaining our species' immense success and uniqueness.
Stephan Guyenet, PhD
The Resilient Gardener
Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times
"The Resilient Gardener" is not just a gardening book, but a comprehensive guide to living a more sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle. Scientist and gardener Carol Deppe incorporates resilience science, climate change, paleontology, and sustainable agriculture to help gardeners of all experience levels create and maintain vegetable gardens that can withstand personal, regional, and global challenges. From growing your own staple crops to raising your own laying flock, this book offers practical advice and delicious gluten-free recipes. Discover how to garden with confidence in unpredictable weather and climate conditions and create a thriving community for generations to come.
Stephan Guyenet, PhD
How to Grow More Vegetables, Ninth Edition
(and Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Grains, and Other Crops) Than You Ever Thought Possible on Less Land with Less Water Than You Can Imagine
Decades before the terms “eco-friendly” and “sustainable growing” entered the vernacular, How to Grow More Vegetables demonstrated that small-scale, high-yield, all-organic gardening methods could yield bountiful crops over multiple growing cycles using minimal resources in a suburban environment. The concept that John Jeavons and the team at Ecolo...
Stephan Guyenet, PhD
Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades
The Complete Guide to Organic Gardening
This comprehensive guide to organic vegetable gardening covers soil, seeds, compost, and watering, with a new formula for complete organic fertilizer in its sixth edition. The Pacific Northwest's pioneer of organic gardening, Steve Solomon, refined the best practices to suit any climate or region. Gain expert advice on specific crops and principles with universal application, all while being encouraged to think for yourself and grow your own garden.
Stephan Guyenet, PhD
The New Organic Grower
A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener
This must-have farming book covers innovative methods developed by Eliot Coleman, a pioneer of the organic movement in the United States. The New Organic Grower has helped numerous farmers build successful farms in harmony with nature. This 30th Anniversary Edition is fully illustrated and updated, featuring new tools and techniques developed by Coleman over the last 35 years. The approachable and productive European intensive growing style is especially useful for small-scale market growers and home gardeners. The book includes beautiful color photographs and updated information throughout, making it a valuable resource for young farmers and gardeners alike.
Stephan Guyenet, PhD
2021-10-15T23:12:19.000ZThis groundbreaking book by John E. Sarno reveals the connection between stress, psychology, and chronic back pain. Learn how to be pain-free without relying on drugs, exercise, or surgery. With case studies and mind-body research, discover how anxiety and repressed anger can trigger muscle spasms and how to identify the emotional roots of Tension Myoneural Syndrome. Find relief and take control of your back pain today.
Stephan Guyenet, PhD
The Way Out
A Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven Approach to Healing Chronic Pain
Eliminate chronic pain without surgery or medication with this revolutionary step-by-step solution. Based on the idea that pain starts in the brain, not the body, Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) has helped 98% of patients reduce their pain levels, with 66% completely cured. Psychotherapist Alan Gordon provides an easy-to-follow guide to this groundbreaking approach, including mindfulness techniques and long-term strategies to live pain-free. Essential reading for anyone looking for a way out of the cycle of pain.
Stephan Guyenet, PhD
2021-09-29T20:12:13.000ZRecomendado por
Jared Leto
The Nature of Nutrition
A Unifying Framework from Animal Adaptation to Human Obesity
Explore the complex and fascinating role of nutrition in biology with The Nature of Nutrition. This groundbreaking book introduces the Geometric Framework, a comprehensive theoretical approach to analyzing nutrition and its impact on individual organisms, populations, and ecosystems. Dive into a wealth of examples and learn how this framework can help tackle issues in applied nutrition, from optimizing diets for livestock to addressing the epidemic of human obesity and metabolic disease. With important applications in ecology, evolution, and physiology, The Nature of Nutrition offers promising solutions for human health, conservation, and agriculture.
Stephan Guyenet, PhD
Western Diseases, Their Emergence And Prevention
Their Emergence and Prevention
This insightful book delves into the emergence and prevention of 25 common metabolic and degenerative diseases prevalent in advanced Western nations. An interdisciplinary team of 34 experts examine the incidence of these diseases in developing countries and among hunter-gatherers and peasant agriculturalists. Findings suggest that diseases like hypertension, lung cancer, and appendicitis are maladaptations to environmental factors introduced since the Industrial Revolution. The book also highlights the importance of exercise and a simpler, healthier way of life in preventing these diseases. Essential reading for epidemiologists, nutritionists, and gastroenterologists.
Stephan Guyenet, PhD