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Waleed Shahid

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16 libros en la lista
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Immortal X-Men, Vol. 1 book cover
Immortal X-Men, Vol. 1
Kieron Gillen - 2022-12-06
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"Explore the thrilling and tumultuous world of the Krakoan age in Immortal X-Men, Vol. 1. As the Quiet Council seeks to hold their nation together, their secrets are exposed and tensions rise. Magneto's departure leaves a void, and the mutant seer Destiny's prophecies prove timely. Don't miss out on this page-turning collection."
Waleed Shahid
More fav books I read in 2022: Lying Life of Adults by Elana Ferrante Visit From The Goon Squad Paper Girls by Brian Vaughn Acts of Service by Lillian Fishman Mating in Captivity by @EstherPerel Immortal X-Men by @kierongillen 120 Days in Medieval Baghdad by Emily Selove      fuente
Acts of Service book cover
Acts of Service
A Novel
Lillian Fishman - 2022-05-03
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A bold debut exploring the complexities of sex and sexuality. Eve, a young and queer woman in Brooklyn, seeks answers through exploring her desire. After a impulsive action online, she meets Olivia and Nathan leading to a relationship that raises questions about responsibility and the extent to which desires determine who we are. Acts of Service takes an incisive look at our ideas about desire and power, challenging readers to face the contradictions written all over them. It's both juicy and intellectually stimulating, making it a must-read for anyone seeking thought-provoking fiction.
Waleed Shahid
More fav books I read in 2022: Lying Life of Adults by Elana Ferrante Visit From The Goon Squad Paper Girls by Brian Vaughn Acts of Service by Lillian Fishman Mating in Captivity by @EstherPerel Immortal X-Men by @kierongillen 120 Days in Medieval Baghdad by Emily Selove      fuente
La vida mentirosa de los adultos book cover
La vida mentirosa de los adultos
Elena Ferrante - 2020-09-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2019)
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«Dos años antes de irse de casa, mi padre le dijo a mi madre que yo era muy fea». Así empieza esta novela extraordinaria sobre el descubrimiento de la mentira, el amor y el sexo, narrada por la inolvidable voz de Giovanna, una joven empeñada en conocer a su tía Vittoria, incomprensiblemente borrada de las conversaciones y álbumes de fotografías. Con ello desencadenará sin saberlo el desmoronamiento de su familia intelectual y burguesa, perfecta solo en apariencia. Maestra absoluta de la intriga, Ferrante siembra la trama de sorpresas y anuda prodigiosamente la misteriosa historia familiar y amorosa en torno a una pulsera que pasa de mano en mano. Nadie como ella para describir la complejidad de las pasiones humanas y todas las intermitencias del pensamiento y el corazón.
Waleed Shahid
More fav books I read in 2022: Lying Life of Adults by Elana Ferrante Visit From The Goon Squad Paper Girls by Brian Vaughn Acts of Service by Lillian Fishman Mating in Captivity by @EstherPerel Immortal X-Men by @kierongillen 120 Days in Medieval Baghdad by Emily Selove      fuente
Recomendado por
Rob Delaney
El tiempo es un canalla book cover
El tiempo es un canalla
Jennifer Egan - 2010-06-08
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En plena crisis de madurez, Bennie Salazar, que en los setenta formó parte de una banda punk y ahora es un alto ejecutivo de la decadente industria discográfica, se echa copos de oro en el café para recuperar el apetito sexual. Sasha, su asistente, después de haber viajado mucho y no siempre en circunstancias felices, se trata de su cleptomanía con un psicoanalista que viste jerséis estrambóticos. En torno a ellos se despliega una variopinta red de personajes, desde una relaciones públicas que intenta lavarle la cara a un general genocida hasta un periodista que ha estado en prisión por abusar de una estrella de cine adolescente. Con el rock palpitando en cada una de sus páginas, El tiempo es un canalla es un entramado fascinador que pasa por lugares como Nueva York, San Francisco, Kenia, Nápoles o el desierto de California, y cubre un período que va de los años setenta hasta el 2020. La mirada punzante de Jennifer Egan aúna lo cómico y lo trágico, y consigue que los fragmentos de tiempos y espacios dispersos converjan en una novela polifónica e innovadora que recurre a técnicas narrativas insólitas para acabar trazando un lúcido retrato de la era digital.
Waleed Shahid
More fav books I read in 2022: Lying Life of Adults by Elana Ferrante Visit From The Goon Squad Paper Girls by Brian Vaughn Acts of Service by Lillian Fishman Mating in Captivity by @EstherPerel Immortal X-Men by @kierongillen 120 Days in Medieval Baghdad by Emily Selove      fuente
Recomendado por
Lee Pace
Inteligencia erótica book cover
Inteligencia erótica
Unlocking Erotic Intelligence
Esther Perel - 2006-09-05
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Cual es la causa de que las relaciones sexuales empeoren en parejas que dicen quererse mas que nunca? La autora explica la paradoja de que en estos dias de revolucion sexual liberacion femenina y normalizacion de lo que anteriormente se consideraban tabues las parejas tengan menos relaciones que antes. Descubre la manera de evitar que el estres una vida demasiado ocupada o la llegada de los hijos influyan en tus relaciones de pareja y aprende a superar los obstaculos y las inquietudes que surgen cuando la necesidad de una relacion estable se enfrenta a la busqueda de la pasion. Un libro que te anima a cuestionarte a ti mismo a que hables sobre lo que normalmente no se habla y a que no tengas miedo de desafiar lo sexual y emocionalmente correcto.
Waleed Shahid
More fav books I read in 2022: Lying Life of Adults by Elana Ferrante Visit From The Goon Squad Paper Girls by Brian Vaughn Acts of Service by Lillian Fishman Mating in Captivity by @EstherPerel Immortal X-Men by @kierongillen 120 Days in Medieval Baghdad by Emily Selove      fuente
Recomendado por
Brian EarpDan Engle
All This Could Be Different book cover
All This Could Be Different
A Novel
Sarah Thankam Mathews - 2022-08-02
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Follow Sneha as she navigates post-college life in the midst of an American recession. Her corporate job in Milwaukee brings her financial stability, new friendships, and even a budding romance with a beautiful dancer. But as painful secrets and unexpected obstacles arise, Sneha must learn to open up and confront her problems before it's too late. Full of complex characters and unexpected twists, this book is a must-read for anyone struggling to find their place in the world.
Waleed Shahid
My favorite books I read in 2022: Immortal King Rao by @vauhinivara No One Is Talking About This by @TriciaLockwood Everything I Never Told You by @pronounced_ing All This Could Be Different by @smathewss Sea of Tranquility by @EmilyMandel      fuente
El mar de la tranquilidad book cover
El mar de la tranquilidad
A novel
Emily St. John Mandel - 2022-05-05
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Ninguna estrella arde para siempre. En 1912, Edwin St. Andrew busca una nueva vida en la colonia británica de Columbia al ser exiliado por sus ideas políticas. En 2020, Mirella busca a la responsable de la muerte de su marido. En 2203, Olive Llewelyn, autora de éxito, viaja por la Tierra para promocionar una novela que, aunque ella no lo sabe, será profética. En 2401, el detective Gaspery-Jacques Roberts recibe el encargo de investigar una anomalía en el tiempo. Pronto descubrirá que sus acciones pueden cambiar el rumbo de la historia. Y a todos ellos los une una melodía de violín, tocada en una terminal aeroespacial, y un arce milenario que trascienden ambos el espacio y el tiempo. El mar de la tranquilidad es una novela sobre los universos paralelos y sus posibilidades, que juega con la propia línea que debería seguir el tiempo, y que habla sobre el arte, el amor y las relaciones humanas.
Waleed Shahid
My favorite books I read in 2022: Immortal King Rao by @vauhinivara No One Is Talking About This by @TriciaLockwood Everything I Never Told You by @pronounced_ing All This Could Be Different by @smathewss Sea of Tranquility by @EmilyMandel      fuente
Recomendado por
Kurt Busiek
The Immortal King Rao book cover
The Immortal King Rao
A Novel
Vauhini Vara - 2022-05-03
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This debut novel explores the life of King Rao, a tech CEO and leader of a corporate-led global government, through the eyes of his daughter Athena. With climate change threatening the planet, Athena believes saving it requires a radical act of communion. She sets out to tell the world about King's life on a South Indian coconut plantation, migration to the U.S., marriage to an ambitious artist, and invention of his most ambitious creation - Athena herself. Written by a former Wall Street Journal tech reporter, this book blurs the line between literary and speculative fiction, historical and dystopian, exploring the age of technological capitalism and where our actions may lead.
Waleed Shahid
My favorite books I read in 2022: Immortal King Rao by @vauhinivara No One Is Talking About This by @TriciaLockwood Everything I Never Told You by @pronounced_ing All This Could Be Different by @smathewss Sea of Tranquility by @EmilyMandel      fuente
No One Is Talking About This book cover
No One Is Talking About This
A Novel
Patricia Lockwood - 2021-02-16
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Experience a unique and urgent exploration of the social media landscape with this genre-defying book. Follow a woman who grapples with an unshakable conviction that a vast chorus of voices is now dictating her thoughts, while existential threats loom. As reality collides with the increasingly absurd antics of the portal, the woman confronts a world that seems to contain both empathy and injustice. Written in a fragmentary and omniscient style, No One Is Talking About This offers a profound meditation on love, language, and human connection from a singular voice in American literature.
Waleed Shahid
My favorite books I read in 2022: Immortal King Rao by @vauhinivara No One Is Talking About This by @TriciaLockwood Everything I Never Told You by @pronounced_ing All This Could Be Different by @smathewss Sea of Tranquility by @EmilyMandel      fuente
Recomendado por
Rob DelaneyKen Jennings
Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng
Paper Girls by Brian K. Vaughan
The Socialist Manifesto by Bhaskar Sunkara
Frederick Douglass by David W. Blight
A Quiet Revolution by Jimmy Carter Mary King
Prisoners of the American Dream by Mike Davis
Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men by Eric Foner