Serie de Alex Cross
Libros de Alex Cross en orden
Dr. Alex Cross is a specialist in forensic psychology, originally working for the Washington DC police department and later as an FBI senior agent. Each book in the series is a whole story with a beginning and an ending, however there are references to prior stories in the series.

29 libros en la serie
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Orden de la serie
Gary quiere sembrar el terror en la ciudad.
Desea cometer el crimen del siglo.
Alex, brillante detective y psicólogo que sabe entrar en la mente de los asesinos en serie, intentará detenerlo. ¿Lo logrará?
La hora de la araña ya ha llegado.
Maggie Rose, la hija de una famosa actriz de Hollywood, ha sido secuestrada. También el hijo del secretario del Tesoro. La vida de ambos pende de un hilo y no hay tiempo que perder. Están en manos de Gary Sonejl, un asesino en serie que desea ser el centro de atención y que desde hace años tiene un objetivo: cometer el crimen del siglo.
Alex Cross es un sagaz detective de la Brigada de Homicidios y también psicólogo. Vive y trabaja en Washington. Es un tipo duro, que ha crecido en la calle y a quien le encanta su trabajo, pero, por encima de todo, adora a sus dos hijos. Hará todo lo posible para impedir los planes de Gary, aunque entrar en la mente de un psicópata no será su único reto. Escondido entre los hilos de la tela de la araña, le espera algo mucho más terrorífico, algo que acecha su vida y la de su familia.
Follow detective Alex Cross through a chilling investigation of two cunning serial killers who are terrorizing the country. As Cross races against the clock to solve the most complex case of his career, the tension builds to an explosive conclusion that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
A U.S. senator is found murdered, and a cryptic message signed "Jack and Jill" hints at more killings to come. Enter Alex Cross, a homicide detective whose own son becomes a victim in a terrifying plot that targets both the rich and powerful and innocent children. As Cross races against time to find the killers, James Patterson keeps readers on a relentless roller coaster of heart-pounding suspense and jolting plot twists.
A vengeful and dying ex-convict, a detective with a personal vendetta, and a unique killer with gruesome methods are all on the loose, and it's up to Alex Cross and Thomas Augustine Pierce to catch them before it's too late. With a body count rising and tension at its peak, this thrilling novel will leave you wondering who will come out on top.
A string of twisted murders in Washington, D.C. threatens Detective Alex Cross's happiness with his newfound love. The suspect, a British diplomat named Geoffrey Shafer, proves to be a deadly adversary as he engages in a brilliant series of counter moves. Cross and his fiancee must navigate through dangerous and unpredictable terrain in order to catch the cleverest nemesis Cross has ever faced.
A thrilling crime novel follows Detective Alex Cross as he chases down a mysterious criminal dubbed "the Mastermind." With a series of precise and deadly bank robberies in Washington, D.C., Cross must solve the case before the criminal perpetrates one last crime. This heart-pounding but romantic thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat.
A brutal murder case in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park has D.C. Detective Alex Cross on edge. Even the FBI is stumped as the carnage spreads across America. As his own life is threatened by the Mastermind, a ruthless criminal, Cross must solve the mystery before it's too late.
A retired detective is faced with an irresistible case when his friend from Vietnam is arrested for murder by the US Army. With deep roots in military training, the duo goes beyond the borders of their jurisdiction in search of evidence to prove their friend's innocence. Meanwhile, back home, Alex uncovers a disturbing mystery about his beloved Nana Mama.
In this thrilling murder mystery, FBI agent Alex Cross must track down the Wolf, a ruthless criminal mastermind who is buying and selling ordinary people as slaves. As he navigates bureaucratic red tape, Alex goes rogue to rescue victims and stop the Wolf's reign of terror. But he also has to contend with personal drama when his ex-fiancée resurfaces.
A devastating bomb blast hits a town in Nevada, and a notorious criminal group claims responsibility. The clock is ticking as they threaten to destroy major cities worldwide. Alex Cross, joined by international authorities, races against time to uncover the truth and stop the impending catastrophe. With thrilling action and twists, it will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end.
Mary, Mary by James Patterson
Cross by James Patterson
Double Cross by James Patterson
Cross Country by James Patterson
Alex Cross's Trial by James Patterson
I, Alex Cross by James Patterson
Cross Fire by James Patterson
Kill Alex Cross by James Patterson
Merry Christmas, Alex Cross by James Patterson
Alex Cross, Run by James Patterson
Cross My Heart by James Patterson
Hope to Die by James Patterson
Cross Justice by James Patterson
Cross the Line by James Patterson
The People vs. Alex Cross by James Patterson
Target by James Patterson
Criss Cross by James Patterson
Deadly Cross by James Patterson
Fear No Evil by James Patterson