Serie de Fever
Libros de Fever en orden
Takes place in the same world as the Highlander series. Includes the Dani O'Malley trilogy.MacKayla Lane’s life is good. She has great friends, a decent job, and a car that breaks down only every other week or so. In other words, she’s your perfectly ordinary twenty-first-century woman.Or so she thinks... until something extraordinary happens.When …

11 libros en la serie
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MacKayla Lane no se puede quejar: tiene buenas amistades, un trabajo que no está mal y un coche que sólo se le avería un par de veces al mes. En otras palabras, es la típica mujer del siglo XXI. Pero cuando su hermana es asesinada, Mac decide ir a Irlanda en busca de una respuesta. Su investigación la arrastra a un oscuro reino donde nada es lo que parece, donde el bien y el mal presentan la misma máscara seductora. Mac no tardará en hacer frente a un desafío aún mayor: seguir viva el tiempo suficiente para aprender a servirse de un poder que desconocía y que le permite ver más allá del reino del hombre, dentro del peligroso reino de las criaturas mágicas...
Discover an ancient Celtic bloodline of powerful sidhe-seers, people who can see the Fae, terrifying otherworldly race. In Bloodfever, MacKayla Lane's ordinary life transforms when she becomes embroiled in a world of deadly sorcery and ancient secrets. Mac must find the million-year-old book of blackest magic imaginable--the Sinsar Dubh--which holds the key to power over both Fae and Man, while pursued by Fae assassins and torn between two deadly and irresistible men. As the walls between the human and Fae realms break down, Mac becomes the only thing standing between them.
Enter a world of ancient sorcery, seduction, and shadows as one woman explores the limits of her mysterious powers and confronts an enemy more insidious than she could ever have imagined. When MacKayla Lane embarks on a quest for an ancient book of dark magic, she finds herself in a dangerous triangle of alliance with an insatiable Fae prince and a man of primal desires and untold secrets. As she races against time to prevent a deadly race of immortals from shattering the walls between worlds, the shocking truth about the Dark Book is finally uncovered. Get ready for a thrilling ride into a world of magic and darkness.
El velo entre el mundo humano y el mundo Fae está a punto de caer y entonces los insaciables Unseelie serán libres. Pero MacKayla Lane está apresada en una trampa mortal. MacKayla Lane se halla indefensa bajo el hechizo de lord Master, el señor de los Fae. Salir de su prisión y encontrar el camino es el primer paso que Mac deberá dar para afrontar una senda llena de peligros. Las calles de Dublín se verán tomadas por los integrantes de una antigua secta tan secreta como el mismo mundo Fae y que reclaman para sí el reino oculto tras el velo. Nada es lo que parece y Mac deberá afrontar una verdad que puede terminar por quebrarle el alma. El enigmático Jericho Barrons es la piedra firme en la que apoyarse y el sensual Príncipe Fae V'lane quien la hace anhelar con cada poro de su piel la pasión que está dispuesto a entregarle. La lucha por la posesión del Sinsar Dubh llega a su fin.
MacKayla Lane era solo una niña cuando su hermana, Alina, y ella fueron dadas en adopción y se marcharon de Irlanda para siempre. Veinte años más tarde, Alina está muerta y Mac ha regresado al país que las expulsó para cazar al asesino de su hermana. Pero después de descubrir que desciende de un linaje maldito y bendito a la vez, Mac se ve arrastrada a una historia secreta: un antiguo conflicto entre humanos inmortales que han vivido ocultos entre nosotros durante miles de años. Del lujo del ático de lord Master a las sórdidas profundidades de un club nocturno Unseelie, de la erótica cama de su amante al aterrador lecho del rey Unseelie, el viaje de Mac la obligará a enfrentarse a la verdad de su exilio y a tomar una decisión que salvará el mundo… o lo destruirá.
In a Dublin overrun by Dark Fae, Dani O'Malley plays by her own rules - survival at all costs. Armed with the Sword of Light and rare talents, she can defend herself against the Unseelie. But now, with the Unseelie princes after her and people randomly frozen to death, Dani must strike dangerous deals and form alliances to save the city she calls home. From the author of the Fever series comes this gripping urban paranormal novel, where bullets, fangs, and fists are the least of Dani's worries.
In a world where humans are fighting for control against ancient immortals, gifted sidhe-seer MacKayla Lane must decide who to trust and what her survival is ultimately worth. With dangerous alliances and blurred lines between good and evil, staying alive is a constant struggle. The only one Mac can depend on is the powerful, dangerous immortal Jericho Barrons, but even their fiery bond is tested by betrayal. An epic battle against dark forces awaits in this gripping tale.
In this installment of the bestselling Fever series, ancient evil threatens Earth's existence and only the long-lost Song of Making can save it. Mac, Barrons, Ryodan, and Jada must overcome old wounds, new enemies, and burning passions to solve the riddle and save the planet. But as Dublin becomes more magical, Mac must also confront her own savage enemy: herself.
Experience the thrilling conclusion to Karen Marie Moning's Fever series, as Dublin faces increasing danger with every passing moment. Mac, Barrons, Ryodan, and Jada form unlikely alliances and make heart-wrenching decisions to restore control and save the world from destruction. Facing insurmountable obstacles and dangerous enemies, they must destroy the Sinsar Dubh and find the long-lost Song of Making. But the battle for Mac's soul comes with a tremendous price, and every decision exacts an irrevocable loss. Don't miss this epic tale of sacrifice, risk, and the power of love.
High Voltage by Karen Marie Moning
Kingdom of Shadow and Light by Karen Marie Moning