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Series de LibrosInuyashiki

Manga de Inuyashiki

Subscribe to this series and get chapters automatically delivered to your library when they're released. You won’t get any prior issues, backlist items, or collections. New chapters only. Ichiro Inuyashiki is down on his luck. While only 58 years old, his geriatric looks often have him written off as a pathetic old man by the world around him and he's constantly ignored and disrespected by his family despite all that he's done to support them. On top of everything else, his doctor has revealed that he has cancer and it appears that he has little time left in this world. But just when it seems things couldn't get any worse, a blinding light in the night sky strikes the earth where Ichiro stands. He later wakes up to find himself unscathed, but he soon starts to notice that there's something … different about himself. However, it turns out that these strange, new changes are just what Ichiro needs to take a new lease on life and now it seems like there's nothing to stop him from being a hero worthy of the respect that he never had before … unless, that is, there was someone else out there with these same "changes" …
Inuyashiki, Vol. 2 book cover
Inuyashiki, Vol. 1 book cover
Inuyashiki, Vol. 3 book cover
10 libros en la serie
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Inuyashiki, Vol. 1 book cover
Libro 1
Inuyashiki, Vol. 1
Hiroya Oku - 2015-08-25 (publicado por primera vez en 2014)
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Geriatric-looking Ichiro Inuyashiki is written off by the world as a pathetic old man. His family ignores and disrespects him, and he has cancer with little time left. But when a blinding light strikes the earth where Ichiro stands, he wakes up unscathed, with strange new changes. Now with a new lease on life, he becomes a hero, out to earn the respect he never had before. But he may not be the only one with these new abilities. Explore this thrilling story filled with different twists and turns of Ichiro's journey in this graphic novel.
Inuyashiki, Vol. 2 book cover
Libro 2
Inuyashiki, Vol. 2
Hiroya Oku - 2015-11-24 (publicado por primera vez en 2014)
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A middle-aged salaryman's life drastically changes after a mysterious object from the sky transforms him into something other than human. Now with a newfound purpose, he decides to save as many people as he can. Discover the thrilling new world created by Hiroya Oku, the creator of GANTZ, in this captivating second volume.
Inuyashiki, Vol. 3 book cover
Libro 3
Inuyashiki, Vol. 3
Hiroya Oku - 2016-02-23 (publicado por primera vez en 2015)
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人ならざる力を持った二つの存在。犬屋敷壱郎(いぬやしき・いちろう)と獅子神皓(ししがみ・ひろ)。ついに出会ってしまった二つのモノは、果たして世界に何をもたらすのか――? そして、罪無き者を救うという使命に目覚めた犬屋敷は、理不尽な暴力に脅える者を救うため、新たなる力を解放する!!...
Inuyashiki, Vol. 4 book cover
Libro 4
Inuyashiki, Vol. 4
Hiroya Oku - 2016-06-28 (publicado por primera vez en 2015)
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This gripping manga explores the opposing forces of two characters with immense power - one who saves lives and one who relishes in taking them. Can the former stop the latter from committing heinous acts? But as the story progresses, even the killer begins to exhibit signs of change. Discover what happens when two extraordinary beings intersect with the world around them.
Inuyashiki, Vol. 5 book cover
Libro 5
Inuyashiki, Vol. 5
Hiroya Oku - 2016-10-18 (publicado por primera vez en 2015)
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This manga tells the story of Inuyashiki and Shishigami, two characters with opposite personalities despite having the same powerful abilities. Inuyashiki aims to save lives while Shishigami finds joy in taking them. As they clash, Shishigami undergoes a transformation, but what does this mean for the world they both inhabit? Discover the captivating conflict that will keep you on the edge of your seat in Inuyashiki, Vol. 5.
Inuyashiki Vol. 6 book cover
Libro 6
Inuyashiki Vol. 6
Hiroya Oku - 2016-04-22
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Prepare for an epic battle as Hiro Shishigami, once determined to use his powers for good, is forced to face his own demons and fight all who oppose him. In a gripping and action-packed story, witness the consequences of Hiro's choices and his ultimate fight for survival.
Inuyashiki Vol. 7 book cover
Libro 7
Inuyashiki Vol. 7
Hiroya Oku - 2017-06-20 (publicado por primera vez en 2016)
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Inuyashiki Vol. 7 is a gripping graphic novel about two superhumans, Inuyashiki and Shishigami, whose paths collide when Shishigami turns his deadly powers on Japan. With innocent lives at stake, Inuyashiki must step up as the hero people need to confront Shishigami. But with his own family at risk, will Inuyashiki be able to stop Shishigami's terrifying spree?
Inuyashiki 8 book cover
Libro 8
Inuyashiki 8
Hiroya Oku - 2017-08-22
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Get ready for a showdown of epic proportions in this latest installment of a beloved manga series. Inuyashiki and Shishigami clash in a battle for the ages, as the fate of Inuyashiki's daughter hangs in the balance. Will he emerge victorious or lose all in his quest for justice? Find out in this thrilling, action-packed volume.
Inuyashiki Vol. 9 book cover
Libro 9
Inuyashiki Vol. 9
Hiroya Oku - 2017-10-17
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In Inuyashiki Vol. 9, the aftermath of a brutal fight with Shishigami leaves Inuyashiki victorious and aiming for a peaceful life. However, the calm is short-lived as the threat of Shishigami's fate and a catastrophic new danger loom. Discover the next chapter of this thrilling story about repairing relationships, telling the truth, and fighting for what we hold dear.
Inuyashiki Vol. 10 by Hiroya Oku