Serie de Kate Daniels
Libros de Kate Daniels en orden
See also: Curran POVSpinoff: Aurelia Ryder featuring Kate and Curran's kid, Julie.DE: Stadt der FinsternisThe world has suffered a magic apocalypse. We pushed the technological progress too far, and now magic returned with a vengeance. It comes in waves, without warning, and vanishes as suddenly as it appears. When magic is up, planes drop out of t…

10 libros en la serie
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Si no fuera por la magia, Atlanta sería una ciudad agradable para vivir… Cuando la magia se extiende, los monstruos reptan de entre las sombras y los brujos urden sus hechizos, mientras que las armas de fuego dejan de funcionar y los coches se detienen. Pero la tecnología siempre regresa, y la magia retrocede tan sigilosamente como ha aparecido, dejando tras de sí una estela de molestias paranormales.
Kate Daniels es una mercenaria hecha a sí misma que se gana la vida resolviendo ese tipo de inconvenientes mágicos. Sin embargo, cuando su guardián es asesinado, su deseo de justicia la sitúa en el centro de un conflicto por el poder entre dos de las principales facciones de las altas esferas mágicas de Atlanta.
Los Señores de los Muertos, nigromantes que controlan a los vampiros, y la Manada, un clan paramilitar de cambiaformas, se acusan mutuamente de una serie de extraños asesinatos. La muerte del guardián de Kate puede ser una de las claves para la resolución del misterio. Presionada por ambos bandos en su búsqueda del asesino, Kate comprenderá demasiado tarde que el caso se le escapa de las manos. Aunque lo único que puede hacer es seguir adelante…
In Magic Burns, a flare is about to hit Atlanta, causing magic to run rampant. Kate Daniels, a mercenary who cleans up after magic gone wrong, is tasked with retrieving stolen maps for the shapeshifters. But she soon realizes that gods and goddesses will battle for power during the flare, and the city may not survive if she can't stop them.
La mercenaria Kate Daniels tiene más problemas de índole sobrenatural de los que puede afrontar en estos momentos, y en Atlanta, donde la magia va y viene como las mareas, eso es decir mucho.
Cuando su amigo Derek, el hombre lobo, es encontrado al borde de la muerte, Kate se toma el asunto como una afrenta personal y se encuentra con una serie de graves problemas. Sus investigaciones la conducen hasta los Juegos de la Medianoche –un encuentro solo para invitados, un combate donde no hay reglas, el supremo torneo de lucha sobrenatural–, donde descubrirá una oscura trama que quizás cambie para siempre la comunidad de cambiaformas de Atlanta...
"Magic Bleeds" follows the adventures of Kate Daniels, a member of the Order of the Knights of Merciful Aid tasked with solving supernatural problems. When a fight breaks out between shapeshifters and necromancers at a bar, Kate discovers a new and ancient adversary who may be too powerful for even her and the Lord of the Beasts to overcome - especially since this enemy has ties to Kate's own family. A thrilling and action-packed read for fans of the paranormal genre.
In a world plagued by a war between magic and technology, Kate Daniels is on the job to solve paranormal problems. But starting her own business has proven to be tougher than expected, with the Order disparaging her name and potential clients afraid of upsetting her mate, the Beast Lord. When the city's premier Master of the Dead calls for help with a vampire on the loose, Kate takes the chance for some paying work. But it turns out to be just the beginning of a dangerous investigation that puts her loved ones in jeopardy.
In a magical Atlanta plagued with problems, mercenary Kate Daniels and the Beast Lord Curran are struggling to save the shapeshifting Pack's children. But the medicine to cure them is closely guarded by European packs. When they're offered the medicine in exchange for arbitrating a dispute, Kate and Curran know it's a trap - but they have to risk it for the Pack's future.
In Magic Breaks, Kate Daniels finds herself juggling more responsibilities than ever as she prepares her pack for an attack from an all-powerful ancient being. With Roland's shadow looming closer, Kate must attend the Conclave and solve a murder before war breaks out. But if she fails, she'll risk losing everything she holds dear.
In this thrilling novel, magic in post-Shift Atlanta is unpredictable and dangerous. After leaving the Pack life, mercenary Kate Daniels and her mate are adjusting to a new pace. When the Pack offers them a stake in the Mercenary Guild, Curran seizes the opportunity, but their odd jobs expose an ancient enemy seeking to destroy their city. Kate and Curran must stop it before it's too late.
This book follows mercenary Kate Daniels as she navigates the dangers of post-Shift Atlanta, where magic can be deadly. As she prepares to marry the former Beast Lord Curran Lennart, her father kidnaps a demigod and threatens the city with chaos. With a Witch Oracle predicting disaster if Kate marries, and her only hope long dead, Kate must find a way to save her loved ones and defies the odds.
Magic Triumphs by Ilona Andrews