Serie de Legend
Libros de Legend en orden
Set in a dark, futuristic Los Angeles, the western United States has become home to the warring Republic. A young government prodigy, June, and the infamous, most-wanted criminal, Day, cross paths in this thrilling, romantic young adult series from the bestselling author Marie Lu. "Legend doesn't merely survive the hype, it deserves it." --The New …

4 libros en la serie
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La República, situada en lo que en tiempos fue la costa oeste de los Estados Unidos, está embarcada en una guerra interminable con el país vecino, las Colonias. June y Day, dos ciudadanos de la República, tienen la misma edad –quince años– y viven en la misma ciudad –Los Ángeles–. Y sin embargo, habitan en mundos opuestos: mientras que June es una chica privilegiada, destinada a ocupar un lugar en la elite del país por su condición de niña prodigio, Day vive en la clandestinidad y se dedica a sabotear los manejos de un gobierno que considera corrupto y asesino.
No hay ninguna razón para que los caminos de June y de Day se crucen... hasta el día en que Metias, el hermano de June, es asesinado, y Day se convierte en el principal sospechoso del crimen. Entonces, June y Day emprenden un mortal juego del ratón y el gato, en el que él lucha por la supervivencia de su familia mientras ella busca vengar la muerte de su hermano.
This thrilling novel follows June and Day as they flee for their lives from the Republic after barely escaping Los Angeles. With Day believed to be dead and June labeled as a traitor, they turn to a vigilante rebel group for help. But can they trust the Patriots, or will they become pawns in a dangerous political game?
Two former rebels, June and Day, have fought for their country and each other. Now, with a peace treaty on the horizon, a deadly plague puts everything at risk. June holds the key to saving thousands, but it means asking Day to give up everything. In the final book of the bestselling trilogy, Marie Lu delivers heart-pounding action and suspense as the fate of their country hangs in the balance.
Discover a world of legends, prodigies, and rebels. Step into the shadow of a brilliant inventor and a national hero, both struggling to accept who they've become. Follow Eden Wing as he ventures into the dangerous side of Ross City, Antarctica, and realizes even his legendary brother may not be able to save him. Written by #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu, Rebel is a grand finale filled with new dangers, unmatched suspense, and unforgettable characters.