Serie de Shopaholic
Libros de Shopaholic en orden
Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series featuring Becky Bloomwood and Luke Brandon

9 libros en la serie
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La primera aventura de Becky Bloomwood, la incorregible «Loca por las compras»
Si uno acabara de conocer a Rebecca diría que es una chica como muchas otras, activa, alegre y con ganas de marcha. Pero si intentara compartir con ella un placentero e inocente sábado por la tarde, paseando por, digamos, King’s Road, constataría de inmediato que Becky, como la llaman sus amigos, está total, absoluta, perdida e irremisiblemente... ¡loca por las compras!
Pese a sus denodados esfuerzos por controlar esos devastadores impulsos consumistas, Becky ha sucumbido tantas veces a la tentación que las deudas empiezan a volverse una seria amenaza para sus inmaculados antecedentes penales. Necesitada de una solución urgente y en el punto álgido de su desesperación, Becky ha ideado un plan que, o bien la saca de apuros para siempre, o de lo contrario tendrá que hacerse a la idea de una tranquila vida en una remota y solitaria isla en los Mares del Sur.
Las tiendas de tu ciudad se te han quedado pequeñas, y tu tarjeta de crédito se muere de aburrimiento... ha llegado la hora de ampliar horizontes: Nueva York te espera con los brazos abiertos
Si en Loca por las compras dejábamos a Becky más o menos recuperada de un importante bache económico, ahora, con la lección bien aprendida, se ha propuesto comprar únicamente lo necesario para vivir, y parece que poco a poco lo va consiguiendo. Sin embargo, de repente, un inesperado viaje a Nueva York hace tambalear sus buenos propósitos. Becky aterriza en Manhattan junto a su novio y descubre un mundo lleno de tiendas maravillosas, grandes almacenes de superlujo y ventas de muestrario, esos fantásticos lugares en los que ofrecen ropa de diseño a mitad de precio. ¿Cómo resistir a semejante tentación? Desde luego, una opción sería recordar al temible señor Gavin, el nuevo director de su banco, que carece de la sensibilidad necesaria para comprender las necesidades de Becky; y la otra, pensar en las maliciosas portadas de los periódicos ingleses, que aparentemente se han confabulado para exponer al mundo el eterno problema de liquidez de una inocente chica londinense.
A personal shopper in Manhattan with a fabulous boyfriend, Becky Bloomwood's life is finally smooth sailing - until she gets engaged. With her mum and mother-in-law-to-be clashing, Becky's got a decision to make - but she's having too much fun trying on dresses and cakes to focus. This hilarious and fast-paced tale is a must-read.
Married life, best friends, and a long-lost sister are at the heart of this hilarious and heartwarming book. Join one-woman shopping phenomenon Becky Bloomwood as she navigates the perils of owning a coveted Angel handbag. A New York Times bestseller that is sure to make you laugh out loud!
A witty novel about a shopaholic and mom-to-be, navigating her way through pregnancy and trying to create the perfect life for her family. But when the celebrity obstetrician ends up being her husband's ex, things start to get complicated. Enjoy this hilarious tale from the beloved author with millions of copies in print.
A humorous and heartwarming story about Becky, a shopaholic who must navigate married life and parenthood, while trying to throw her husband a fabulous surprise party on a budget. With a mischievous and unpredictable two-year-old daughter, Becky faces challenges at every turn, including a sudden financial crisis. Will she be able to pull off the celebration of the year and find the happiness she's been searching for?
Follow Becky Brandon as she navigates the glitz and glamor of Hollywood in this latest addition to the beloved Shopaholic series. Follow her journey as she pursues her dream of becoming a personal stylist while living the A-list lifestyle, complete with shopping sprees and celebrity sightings. But when a chance to dress a rival actress arises, Becky must weigh her desires against true happiness. Will she be able to have it all, or is the grass not always greener on the other side?
Join Becky on a rescue mission through the American West to Las Vegas in this hilarious tale by the #1 New York Times bestselling author. Becky's dad has disappeared with the husband of her best friend, and it's up to her to get to the bottom of things, all while containing an unwanted companion and reuniting her fractured family. With trademark ingenuity, Becky pulls off her most daring plan yet. Escape into this delightful and funny story of family, friendship, and adventure.
Embrace the season with Christmas Shopaholic, a hilarious and heartwarming tale about Becky Brandon's return to her hometown and her attempt to host her family's Christmas. With her love for mindfulness and holiday traditions, Becky's plans take an unexpected turn when her family's demands and surprises threaten to ruin everything. Can Becky bring comfort and joy to Christmas, or will chaos ensue?