Serie de The Darkest Minds
Libros de The Darkest Minds en orden

4 libros en la serie
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Cuando Ruby despierta en su décimo cumpleaños, algo en ella ha cambiado. Algo lo suficientemente alarmante como para que sus padres la encierren en el garaje y llamen inmediatamente a la policía buscando ayuda. Ha sucedido. Un fenómeno inexplicable le ha arrancado de la vida que siempre ha conocido, y la ha repudiado a Thurmond, el escalofriante campo de rehabilitación del gobierno donde se destinan a los supervivientes. Ruby no ha sucumbido a la misteriosa enfermedad que ha aniquilado a la mayoría de niños de Estados Unidos, pero ella y los demás prisioneros se han convertido en algo mucho peor: porque han desarrollado poderosas habilidades mentales que no pueden controlar.
This book follows Ruby, a girl with abilities she never asked for, as she leads dangerous missions to take down a corrupt government and confront enemies in the Children’s League. When Ruby is given an explosive secret, she must leave behind the only home she's ever known to find the truth about the disease that turned her and others into outcasts. As she navigates a lawless country to find the answers, she struggles with losing herself while trying to protect those she loves.
A group of kids with special abilities travel north after a devastating attack on Los Angeles by the government. With them is a powerful prisoner who only Ruby can control. They have proof of a conspiracy to cover up the cause of the disease that gave them their abilities, but internal conflicts threaten their mission to save others like them. Ruby must also confront the consequences of tampering with Liam's memories, with the help of his troubled older brother. A thrilling story of power, sacrifice, and the fight against corruption.
This gripping novel follows seventeen-year-old Suzume "Zu" Kimura as she fights for the rights of Psi kids against misinformation and prejudice. Accused of a shocking crime, Zu teams up with two mysterious Psi to clear her name and uncover the darker truths lurking beneath the country's supposed recovery. With the fate of all Psi hanging in the balance, Zu must use her powerful voice to fight back against those seeking to drive them into shadow. From bestselling author Alexandra Bracken comes a story of resilience, resistance, and reckoning that will captivate new readers and loyal fans alike.