Serie de The Iron Fey
Libros de The Iron Fey en orden
This series is followed by The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten.The Faery realms have always weathered the clash of Summer and Winter fey, the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. Now a new breed of faery has emerged to challenge both... to their peril. Forged by Man's insatiable pursuit of technological superiority, the terrifying Iron fey are massing...and…

9 libros en la serie
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Meghan Chase tenía un destino secreto, un destino que jamás habría imaginado...
En la vida de Meghan siempre había habido algo extraño, desde que su padre desapareció cuando ella tenía seis años. Nunca había encajado en la escuela ni en casa.
Cuando un siniestro desconocido comenzó a observarla desde lejos y su mejor amigo se convirtió en su incansable guardián, Meghan presintió que su vida iba a dar un vuelco. Pero jamás habría imaginado la verdad: que era la hija mítica de un rey del mundo de los duendes y las hadas y que inmersa en una guerra implacable en la que era peón en ambos lados, tendía que descubrir hasta dónde estaba dispuesta a llegar para salvar a quien amaba, atajar un mal misterioso al que ninguna criatura mágica osaba enfrentarse... y descubrir el amor de un príncipe que quizá prefiera verla muerta a permitir que tocara su corazón helado.
In a world of faeries and humans, half-Summer princess Meghan is imprisoned by the Winter queen and deserted by her prince. As war between the seasons looms, the real threat comes from the Iron fey - and only Meghan and her prince have seen them. But no one believes her, and her powers have been cut off. With no one to trust, Meghan must rely on her wits to survive. Meanwhile, her human heart longs for love in a dangerous and unpredictable world.
When a storm brings an army of Iron fey to the mortal world, Meghan Chase is forced to face her past and confront the sacrifices she made for love. With the banished prince by her side, she must navigate the core of the conflict and fight for survival in a battle even more intense than before. No one can turn back in this thrilling tale of fey, sacrifice, and impossible choices.
Follow the journey of a cold faery prince named Ash as he faces impossible tests to earn his soul and mortal body in the Iron Realm. His path is plagued with the company of his archrival and a cait sith, but his oath to be the knight of a half-human, half-fey girl named Meghan drives him forward. Along the way, Ash must confront the truth that challenges his beliefs and could ultimately require the ultimate sacrifice.
A boy avoids the fey at all costs to protect himself and his family, until they start disappearing and he is attacked. Now he must save a girl he never thought he'd fall for and change his rules to face a forgotten danger. Will he survive until his eighteenth birthday?

A young man named Ethan Chase just wants to go back to his normal life after a week spent in the lands of the faeries. However, his sister is one of the most powerful faeries in the Nevernever and his nephew is missing. If Keirran, Ethan's nephew, does something unthinkable in the name of love it could fracture the world forever. Will Ethan's next choice determine the fate of them all?
The aftermath of a breach in the Veil has plunged the human world into chaos, as the powerful Forgotten Queen leads an uprising against the courts of Summer and Winter, with Ethan's nephew Keirran at the forefront. To stop him, Ethan and his girlfriend must seek out forgotten answers and form unlikely alliances in a battle that will change the world of the fey forever.
Meet Puck, the mischievous jester from A Midsummer Night's Dream. In this thrilling adventure, he finally shares his own story and faces a never-before-seen threat to Faery and the human world. Joined by his rivals, the Iron Queen and Ash, Puck embarks on an unforgettable journey full of danger and wonder. Don't miss this epic tale!
In the second book of the Evenfall series, The Iron Sword, Prince Ash battles ancient evil to save his family and the world. Banished for falling in love, he journeyed to the End of the World and earned a soul to always stand beside Queen Meghan. Now their son, King Keirran, is missing and a dark force threatens to shatter the world if Ash and his allies don't stop it. Perfect for fans of Julie Kagawa and the Iron Fey series.