Best Electrical Engineering Books
Power up your knowledge with these top electrical engineering books. Essential reads for students and professionals, they come highly rated from leading engineering blogs and educational forums.

52 books on the list
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Electrical Engineering 101
Everything You Should Have Learned in School...but Probably Didn't
Discover the ins and outs of electrical engineering with this introductory guide. Starting with the basics of electricity, this book explains fundamental principles and components, relating them to real-world examples. Learn about tools, troubleshooting, and how to create and maintain your own electronic designs. Written in an accessible style, it breaks down jargon and technical terms as they arise. This updated edition includes new topics like microcontrollers, memory, and high-speed design. Take your electronics education to the next level with this comprehensive resource.
Featured in 11 articles
Advance your electronics knowledge with this fully-updated guide, offering step-by-step instructions, schematics, and illustrations to help you develop and construct your own functioning gadgets. Written by experienced engineers and dedicated hobbyists, Practical Electronics for Inventors provides essential insights on components, circuits, microcontrollers, digital electronics, and much more. Discover how to design and build your own creations, work with new software tools, and test and tweak to perfection. With additional instruction on semiconductors, voltage regulators, and logic gates, this no-nonsense guide is perfect for both beginners and experienced hobbyists.
Featured in 7 articles
Discover the essential principles of electricity in this comprehensive guide. From batteries to circuits, conductors to transformers, this book covers all the basics of electrical theory and its practical applications. Originally used as a training course text, its nontechnical approach makes it accessible to everyone. With 349 illustrations and a plethora of questions and answers, this edition is a must-read for beginners and professionals alike.
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This comprehensive guide covers every aspect of electric power engineering, with in-depth discussions from over 100 experts. The seventeenth edition features new sections on smart grids, wind and solar power generation, and the electricity market. Explore measurement and instrumentation, power system analysis, operation, and protection, and more. Perfect for professionals and students alike.
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This comprehensive textbook is perfect for engineering students studying power electronics. From power diodes and transistors to inverters and choppers, each chapter progresses gradually for easy comprehension. With a multitude of illustrations and worked examples, students will have no trouble grasping the concepts. The book also includes plenty of unsolved problems for testing knowledge, making it a valuable reference text for professional careers. Written by retired professor Dr. P.S. Bimbhra, this book is suitable for those pursuing electrical, electronics, telecommunications, instrumentation, and mechatronics courses.
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Learn how to diagnose and repair all types of electronic devices, from digital gadgets to antique electronics, in this updated guide. With step-by-step instructions, case studies, and expert insights from an electronics guru, you'll discover how to set up a workbench, test equipment, identify and replace dead components, and reassemble devices. Complete with detailed instructions for specific devices, including stereos, laptops, and mobile devices, this do-it-yourself guide is a must-have for any budding electronics enthusiast.
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This book delves into the concepts of power systems and provides you with the necessary tools to apply them in real-world situations. The authors begin with simple theories and models, and progress towards more complex concepts. The latest content and software tools assist you in tackling design problems and staying up-to-date with industry trends.
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Covering topics such as circuit analysis, digital systems, electronics, and electromechanics, this electrical engineering textbook is designed for both beginners and non-majors. The 7th edition features technology and content updates throughout the text, and is designed to present basic concepts in a general setting to help students understand how they apply to real-world problems. With a variety of pedagogical features and online resources available, this book aims to enhance the overall learning process and engage students in the material.
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This engineering book offers an integrated treatment of continuous-time and discrete-time systems for undergraduate or postgraduate courses. The examples span various engineering disciplines to illustrate the basic system concepts with a strong emphasis on practical hardware systems modeling. The book covers time and frequency domain analysis and design techniques for control systems, digital control systems, state variables, Liapunov stability, optimal control, and recent advances like adaptive and fuzzy control. Features include simplified design and generalizations built on examples, and a chapter on nonlinear systems.
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A comprehensive guide to electronic circuit design, this book is widely considered the best in its field. The newly updated third edition features enhanced coverage, 90 oscilloscope screenshots, dozens of graphs, and 80 tables listing essential characteristics of circuit components. The book remains accessible and informal, making it invaluable to students, researchers, and professionals alike.
Featured in 3 articles
Power Electronics by Muhammad H. Rashid
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits by Charles Alexander
Microwave Engineering by David M. Pozar
American Electricians' Handbook, Sixteenth Edition by Terrell Croft
Power System Engineering by D. Kothari, I. J. Nagrath
Solid State Electronic Devices by Ben Streetman
Electrical Engineering by Clive Maxfield
Basic Electrical Engineering by T. K. Nagsarkar, M. S. Sukhija
Basic Electrical Engineering by V. K. Mehta
Modern Control Systems by Richard Dorf
An Introduction to Electrical Engineering Materials by C. S. Indulkar
Electrical Engineering Reference Manual for the Electrical and Computer PE Exam by John A. Camara
Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory by Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky
The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz
Study Guide for Fundamentals of EngineeringElectrical & Computer CBT Exam by Wasim Asghar Pe
Electrical Engineering Fundamentals by Vincent Del Toro
Delmar's Standard Textbook of Electricity by Stephen L. Herman
Discrete-Time Signal Processing by Alan Oppenheim
Antenna Theory by Constantine A. Balanis
Signal and Power Integrity - Simplified by Eric Bogatin
A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation by A. K. Sawhney
Digital Logic and Computer Design by M. Morris Mano
EMC for Product Designers by Tim Williams
Practical Electrical Engineering by Sergey N. Makarov
Basic Electrical Engineering by C.L. Wadhwa
Principles of Electrical Engineering and Eletronics by Rohit Mehta
Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals by Stephen Chapman
Electrical Machinery by P. S. Bimbhra
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics by Fawwaz Ulaby
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering by S. K. Bhattacharya
Basic Electrical Engineering by Arthur Eugene Fitzgerald
Electronics For Dummies by Cathleen Shamieh
Basic Electrical Engineering by Nagsarkar, Sukhija
Electrical Wiring Commercial by Phil Simmons
Electrical Power Systems by C. L. Wadhwa
An Integrated Course in Electrical Engineering by J. B Gupta
Instrumentation and Measurement in Electrical Engineering by Roman Malaric
Engineering Electromagnetics by William H. Hayt Jr.
Introduction to Electrical Engineering by MC Graw Hill India
Signals and Systems by Nagoor Kani
Engineering Circuit Analysis by William H. Hayt Jr., Jack E. Kemmerly
Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. J. Norminton Erwin Kreyszig