Best Objective C Books
Dive into the best resources for mastering Objective C, highlighted in numerous coder-curated lists and top tech publications for their informative content.

21 books on the list
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Learn how to program in the widely available and powerful object-oriented programming language Objective-C, the standard for iOS and OS X development, with "Programming in Objective-C." This book provides a complete introduction to the language, with step-by-step instruction and practical examples, and requires no prior experience with C or object-oriented programming. The latest edition covers changes with iOS 7, OS X Mavericks, and Xcode 5, and even provides an introduction to iOS programming. A must-have for new programmers learning Objective-C.
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Learn how to write applications for iOS and Mac with this introduction to programming and the Objective-C language. Based on Big Nerd Ranch's renowned Objective-C Bootcamp, this book covers C, Objective-C, and common programming idioms used to maximize the potential of Apple technologies. Written by Aaron Hillegass, one of the most experienced and respected voices in the iOS and Cocoa community, this guide is the only introductory-level book you'll need. You'll learn with short, motivational chapters and an engaging style, while also mastering critical thinking skills essential to programming success. Compatible with Xcode 4.2, iOS 5, and Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion).
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Learn C programming with this best-selling, second edition reference guide. Written in 1978, the book remains a must-read for aspiring developers, with an updated ANSI standard included. The book is concise, with a focus on critical features like pointers. The examples are easy to follow and have been tested directly from the text, making it a great resource for beginners and experienced developers alike.
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Effective Objective-C 2.0
52 Specific Ways to Improve Your IOS and OS X Programs (Effective Software Development) (Effective Software Development Series)
Learn how to write truly great code for iOS and OS X with Effective Objective-C 2.0. This book brings together 52 best practices, tips, shortcuts, and realistic code examples that are available nowhere else. Discover little-known quirks, pitfalls, and intricacies that powerfully impact code behavior and performance through real-world examples. You'll learn how to optimize interactions, master interface and API design, avoid memory leaks, write modular code with Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch, and more. Improve your coding skills and efficiency today!
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Learn C and structured imperative programming with Head First C - a unique guide that goes beyond the syntax and how-to manuals. This book teaches you not only the language but also how to be a great programmer. Discover key areas such as language basics, pointers and pointer arithmetic, and dynamic memory management. Advanced topics include multi-threading and network programming. Head First C also features labs to test your new skills and build confidence. Ideal as an accessible textbook for students, this book uses the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to provide a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works.
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"Learn programming in ANSI C with the updated seventh edition of this book featuring outcome-based learning and Bloom's Taxonomy. Explore graphic programming with ample programming codes and interactive simulations available through QR codes. Access case studies, write-ups, and projects for additional reference. Authored by E. Balagurusamy, renowned Chairman of EBG Foundation in Coimbatore."
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A comprehensive guide to iOS programming that covers essential concepts, tools, and techniques for developing iOS applications. Updated for Xcode 11, Swift 5, and iOS 13, this bestselling book by Big Nerd Ranch offers relevant instruction and useful insights into the iOS platform. Upon finishing the book, you will have developed the know-how and confidence to tackle your own iOS projects. New features include coverage of the Codable APIs and chapters on Container View Controllers and Custom UIControl Subclasses.
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Learn C the Hard Way
Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series)
Looking to learn modern C programming? Look no further than "Learn C the Hard Way" by Zed A. Shaw. With exercises designed to teach you modern, clean, and clear C code, you'll be able to get started in no time! This book may be called "The Hard Way," but it's easy to follow and requires only discipline, practice, and persistence. With 5+ hours of CD-based teaching video included, you'll be on your way to mastering C programming and reaping the personal and career rewards that come with it.
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Pro Objective-C is a comprehensive guide that explains the key concepts of Objective-C in a clear, easy-to-understand manner, making it the perfect book for those looking to further their expertise in this programming language. With practical examples, code excerpts, and complete applications, you can apply what you’re learning right away to develop high-quality, professional apps on the OS X and iOS platforms. Learn about its basic features, dynamic programming, runtime system, Foundation Framework, and advanced features, all of which make Objective-C more powerful and expressive. Get started today with Pro Objective-C.
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This pocket reference book provides a quick and concise introduction to Objective-C, an exciting and dynamic approach to C-based object-oriented programming. Objective-C is easy to learn and has a simple elegance that is a welcome breath of fresh air after the abstruse and confusing C++. This book covers the essentials of Objective-C syntax, as well as memory management, the Objective-C runtime, dynamic loading, distributed objects, and exception handling. With its succinct and well-organized format, it's the perfect resource for programmers who need to get to a solution quickly.
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Let Us C -16th Edition by Yashavant Kanetkar
Expert C Programming by Peter van der Linden
C Programming by K. N. King
C by Herbert Schildt
Absolute Beginner's Guide to C by Greg Perry
Book 2 by Kevin J McNeish
Ry's Objective-C Tutorial by Ryan Hodson
iOS and macOS Performance Tuning by Marcel Weiher
Objective-C Quick Syntax Reference by Matthew Campbell
Learn Objective-C on the Mac by Scott Knaster
Algorithms in C, Parts 1-4 by Robert Sedgewick