Aaron Doughty
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Aaron Doughty is a YouTuber known as the mind behind the show Expand Your Awareness. The show on his self-titled YouTube channel has earned him more than 1.1 million subscribers through guided meditation videos, advice videos, and other tips and tutorials on expanding self-awareness and personal empowerment.
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It Didn't Start with You
How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle
This groundbreaking book explores how trauma can be passed down through generations and offers fresh, powerful tools for healing. Mark Wolynn offers a prescriptive guide to his method, the Core Language Approach, which includes diagnostic self-inventories and techniques for creating a family tree that maps back through generations. Through visualization, active imagination, and direct dialogue, readers can uncover hidden emotional legacies and reclaim their emotional and physical health. It Didn't Start With You is a transformative approach to resolving longstanding difficulties that traditional therapy, drugs, or other interventions have not had the capacity to touch.
Aaron Doughty
2021-02-26T17:43:10.000ZRecommended by
Heidi N. Moore