21 books on the list
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Embark on a culinary journey through Italy with Jewish Flavours of Italy. This book offers over 100 kosher recipes that are a unique collection of authentic Italian-Jewish dishes. Follow family stories and history, learn practical tips, and discover centuries-old culinary traditions. From everyday home-cooked meals to special celebration menus for Jewish holidays, this book has it all. Try delicious recipes such as eggplant parmigiana, Jewish-style fried artichokes, and Haman's ears. Silvia Nacamulli's friendly and conversational tone will make you feel as though you're cooking with a friend. With stunning photography and a personal touch, this culinary experience will be cherished by generations to come.
Adam Wagner
2022-11-25T12:32:09.000Z"Why We Get the Wrong Politicians" is an insightful examination of the UK political system by award-winning journalist Isabel Hardman. Based on interviews with MPs ranging from fresh-faced recruits to Prime Ministers, Hardman investigates why politicians are consistently voted the least trusted professional group by the UK public. She lifts the lid on the strange world of Westminster and considers the legacy of a political system that dissuades large parts of society from taking part. This landmark book is a must-read for anyone who wants to see a future with better government.
Explore the role of Parliament in today's changing world with the third edition of this comprehensive guide. From Brexit to COVID-19, this timely resource covers recent developments and their impact on parliamentary procedures. Written by a team of multidisciplinary experts, this book delves into topics like treaty scrutiny, legislation and scrutiny, votes of confidence, and parliamentary financing. Perfect for anyone interested in politics, law, or government.

How to Stay Safe Online
A digital self-care toolkit for developing resilience and allyship
"Learn how to navigate the online world safely and effectively with this urgent guide from leading activist for online equality. With practical advice, personal experiences, and interviews with important figures, you'll discover how to spot, respond to, and proactively defend against online abuse. From setting boundaries to creating a digital self-care plan, this book empowers readers and offers a crucial tool for promoting resilience, compassion, and allyship in the digital age."
Adam Wagner
The China Boom and its Discontents
The Violence Against Women and How to End It
This book explores the economic boom in China and the challenges that come with it. From an insatiable demand for resources to deepening integration with the world economy, author Harriet Johnson takes a critical look at the financial and social issues that have arisen in the wake of China's rapid development. Demographics, labor, finance, social security, urbanization, and trade agreements are all analyzed, revealing the unfinished progress of reforms in China.
Adam Wagner
2022-04-14T06:23:28.000ZExplore the concept of the rule of law with this insightful short book by former senior law lord Tom Bingham. Delve into the idea that the rule of law is the foundation of a fair and just society, offering guarantees for responsible government, economic growth, and peace. Discover the historical origins of this vital concept and the eight conditions that capture its essence in western democracies today. This thought-provoking book is a must-read for anyone interested in politics, society, and the state of our world.
Adam Wagner
2020-09-08T15:11:26.000ZExplore the rich history and meaning of liberalism with A Thousand Small Sanities. Written by a renowned New York Times bestselling author, this book presents a compelling defense of liberalism against the relentless attacks from the right and the left. Through the stories of Montaigne, Mill, Middlemarch, and the civil rights movement, the author shows how liberalism is a great moral adventure that seeks radical change through humane measures. In a time of crisis for democracy and liberal institutions, this manifesto reminds us why liberalism is more important than ever.
Adam Wagner
2020-03-05T07:55:39.000ZUncover the truth about the recent rise of authoritarianism in the West with this compelling contemporary history book. From Putin's Russia to the nationalist movements in Europe and the 2016 election upsets in the US and UK, the threat to democracy is clear. But this book also presents an opportunity to rediscover the pillars of Western political order and make a way forward in a time of uncertainty. The choice between equality or oligarchy, individuality or totality, truth and falsehood has never been more stark.
Adam Wagner
2020-03-05T07:55:39.000ZDiscover the gift of the Enlightenment in this groundbreaking assessment of the human condition in the 21st century. Follow cognitive scientist Steven Pinker as he encourages readers to step away from the doom and gloom headlines and embrace reason and science. Through stunning data and graphs, Pinker illustrates that life, health, prosperity, safety, peace, knowledge, and happiness are on the rise. But, Pinker warns, we must defend the Enlightenment ideal against human nature's tribalism, authoritarianism, demonization, and magical thinking. With literary flair, Enlightenment Now makes the case for reason, science, and humanism - the ideals we need to confront our problems and continue our progress.
Adam Wagner
2020-03-05T07:55:39.000ZExplore the debate surrounding the UK's Human Rights Act with Conor Gearty's book. Gearty examines the anti-Human Rights Act arguments through the lens of British law, history, politics, and culture, ultimately dismissing them as 'English exceptionalism'. Divided into three parts, the book exposes the myths behind the case for repeal, outlines the true impact of the Act, and considers how its survival will shape Britain's future. A must-read for anyone interested in human rights and the law.
Adam Wagner
2020-03-05T07:55:39.000ZInvisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez
East West Street by Philippe Sands
Christian Human Rights by Samuel Moyn
Liberty and Security by Conor Gearty
The Evolution of the European Convention on Human Rights by Ed Bates
The Last Utopia by Samuel Moyn
Human Rights Transformed by Sandra Fredman Fba
The Human Stain by Philip Roth
I Married a Communist by Philip Roth
Sabbath's Theater by Philip Roth
Portnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth