Jay McTighe
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Jay McTighe brings a wealth of experience developed during a rich and varied career in education. He served as director of the Maryland Assessment Consortium, a state collaboration of school districts working together to develop and share formative performance assessments.
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Enhance your teaching methods with this exceptional book of creative and practical ideas. Written by esteemed educator Frank T. Lyman, it offers tools to help students think critically, develop their own questions, and apply problem-solving techniques. The ideas are relevant to all subjects and grades and cultivate a true love for learning that can be adapted in various contexts. The book's flexible format allows you to select activities according to your professional journey, making it a valuable addition to your teaching repertoire.
Jay McTighe
The Best Class You Never Taught
How Spider Web Discussion Can Turn Students into Learning Leaders
Transform your classroom into a student-led and collaborative environment with a simple technique called the Spider Web Discussion. This technique empowers students to think critically, work collaboratively, participate fully, behave ethically, ask and answer high-level questions, support their ideas with evidence, and evaluate their own work. In this step-by-step guide, educator Alexis Wiggins provides all the tools necessary to implement the Spider Web Discussion approach and create a community of independent learners. Gain proven success in all subject areas and age groups.
Jay McTighe
2020-01-15T08:13:33.000Z"Upgrade Your Teaching" delves into how teachers can use insights from neuroscience to improve curriculum, instruction, and assessment for deep learning and understanding. By merging neuroscience research with the framework of Understanding by Design, educators can fully engage all students, understand how the brain processes information, and create a brain-friendly classroom climate. With practical guidance and translated research findings, this book empowers teachers to capitalize on the brain's capacity for learning at all grade levels and subject areas.
Jay McTighe