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Discover the shocking truth about the American impact on Nazi Germany's notorious Nuremberg Laws. In Hitler's American Model, James Whitman reveals the real, sustained, significant, and revealing interest the Nazis took in American race policies. Learn how American citizenship and antimiscegenation laws proved directly relevant to the two principal Nuremberg Laws, and uncover the ultimate, ugly irony that when Nazis rejected American practices, it was sometimes not because they found them too enlightened, but too harsh. This groundbreaking book will upend your understanding of America's influence on racist practices in the wider world.
Orin Kerr
2022-09-19T05:44:00.000ZRecommended by
Jason StanleyThis biography explores the life of H.L.A. Hart, the pre-eminent legal philosopher who revolutionized our understanding of law as a social institution. The book examines Hart's approach to legal philosophy and how his ideas were shaped by his personal life and experiences. Through previously unpublished diaries and letters, the author reveals the complex interior life of a man who outwardly achieved great success but grappled with doubts about his intellect, sexual identity, and relationships. This inspiring biography offers a fascinating look at the life and contributions of a highly influential legal theorist.
Orin Kerr
William Hastie
Grace Under Pressure by Ware Gilbert (1985-01-31) Hardcover
Traces the career of Hastie, the first Black federal judge, describes his education and civil rights activities, and discusses his influence on voting rights and the desegregation of the military...
Orin Kerr
2021-05-01T22:06:39.000ZA renowned legal scholar delves into the crisis facing law schools, exposing the misleading practices and lack of preparation for graduates to enter the profession. The cost of obtaining a law degree is approaching $200,000, while the job market is the worst in decades. The root of the problem lies in the economic demands and competitive pressures on law schools, driven by rankings. With high-profile media attention and potential congressional scrutiny, this book is the perfect resource to understand and fix the broken system.
Orin Kerr