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Книги автора Michael Parenti
American political scientist, historian and culture critic. Parenti is most known for his criticism of capitalism and American foreign policy. He holds a doctorate from Yale University.
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"Profit Pathology and Other Indecencies" by Michael Parenti is a thought-provoking investigation into the class power at the core of our political and economic systems. Parenti unveils the exploitative economic forces that have shaped American history, while also examining how big-moneyed interests tilt the game in their favor. He argues that unrestrained capitalism ultimately endangers itself, and calls for a solution based on democratic diversity and public ownership. A must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of power, politics, and economics.

Waiting for Yesterday is a captivating Literary Nonfiction Memoir that provides readers with a revealing picture of Michael Parenti's early years as a youth in New York's East Harlem. The book offers delightful vignettes about growing up in a three-generation, working-class, Italian family, along with amusing predicaments of a street kid's life. It challenges many stereotypes faced by Italian Americans and offers both vivid imagery and sharp political observation against a backdrop of impoverished tenements, stoops, punitive classrooms, and a neighborhood church with its ornate celestial offerings. This delightful and sometimes touching story is the human comedy at its best.
Sucias verdades is a powerful book that sheds light on often-overlooked truths and injustices faced by the underprivileged. Michael Parenti takes readers on a political and personal journey to reveal how corporations and official politics manipulate and ignore certain viewpoints. With refreshing insights on poverty, fascism, media, culture, and class power, Parenti challenges readers to step outside the dominant ideological bubble and embrace uncomfortable truths for a better understanding of our world.
Explore the true face of US imperialism and its impact on the world in this insightful book by Michael Parenti. Delving into the relationship between economic and military power, Parenti exposes the unjust policies promoted by the US including expropriation of natural resources, privatisation, debt burdens and suppression of democratic movements. He connects this to deteriorating living standards and impending ecological disaster in the US, revealing the deep-rooted connection between US military interventions overseas and domestic problems. The Face of Imperialism is a compelling read that redefines empire and sheds light on the urgent need for change.

Radical Religion
Contemporary Perspectives on Religion and the Left (Logos
Paul Apostolidis - 2010-10-11
Discover a diverse collection of scholars' insights on the complex relationship between the political Left and religion. Radical Religion offers valuable perspectives from both religious and secular standpoints, as well as a snapshot of contemporary progressive thinking. Ideal for those seeking a deeper understanding of the role of religion in social critique and reform.
"God and His Demons" by Michael Parenti delves into the dark side of religion, from the violence committed in the name of "holy causes" to the exploitation of faithful followers by those in power. The author scrutinizes religious texts and figures, exposes the hypocrisies of "family-values" religionists and politicos, and warns of the danger posed by present-day fundamentalists and theocratic reactionaries. This eloquent indictment of religion's dangers is historically anchored yet sharply focused on the contemporary scene. A must-read for committed secular laypersons and progressive religionists alike.
This collection of essays by Michael Parenti, an award-winning political analyst, covers a wide range of topics including real history, political life, wealth, class power, ethnicity, and the environment. Parenti's unique perspective goes beyond the parameters of mainstream opinion, making for a thought-provoking read. The revised and updated selections are drawn from previously published works and some appear here for the first time. A must-read for those interested in progressive politics and critical analysis.
Marshall Kirkpatrick
Democracy for the Few
Michael Parenti - 2007-02-15
The Culture Struggle by Michael Parenti is a poignant exploration of the interplay between culture, social and political interests. Parenti reveals how beliefs and practices can be manipulated for political gain, and how many aspects of culture are being commodified for profit. Drawing from diverse cultures around the world, Parenti argues that corporate culture is replacing folk culture, and even social institutions like marriage have been misused for oppressive ends. This engaging and well-written book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the changing nature of culture and society.
Explore the dangers of blind patriotism and American exceptionalism with this thought-provoking book by progressive political analyst Michael Parenti. Superpatriotism takes a critical look at the nationalistic hype propagated by the media and politicians, and questions the actions of those who claim to be the most patriotic. Parenti examines the relationship between superpatriotism and various institutions, like religion and Big Business, and offers an alternative view of what it means to truly love one's country. With humor and insight, Parenti challenges readers to educate themselves about America's past and present, and to speak out against unjust conditions and policies.
The Assassination of Julius Caesar by Michael Parenti
Propaganda, Inc. by Nancy Snow
The Terrorism Trap by Michael Parenti
To Kill a Nation by Michael Parenti
History as Mystery by Michael Parenti
America Besieged by Michael Parenti
Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti
Dirty Truths by Michael Parenti
Against Empire by Michael Parenti
Land of Idols by Michael Parenti
Make-Believe Media by Michael Parenti
The Sword and the Dollar by Michael J. Parenti
Power and the Powerless by Michael Parenti
Ethnic And Political Attitudes by Michael Parenti
Trends and Tragedies in American Foreign Policy by Michael Parenti
The Anti-Communist Impulse by Michael Parenti
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