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Богатый папа, бедный папа book cover

Богатый папа, бедный папа

What the Rich Teach their Kids About Money

Robert T Kiyosaki

Эта аудиокнига докажет вам, что для того, чтобы разбогатеть, совсем не нужно много зарабатывать; разубедит вас в том, что дом - это удачное капиталовложение; даст родителям понять, что нельзя целиком полагаться на школу в образовании детей относительно денег; раз и навсегда объяснит куда лучше вкладывать деньги; поможет вам научить детей правильно обращаться с деньгами и достигнуть материального благополучия в будущем.
Дата публикации
впервые опубликовано в 1997
Рейтинг Goodreads
I wanted my kids to read this book in order to be able to have a financial comprehension to not be slave to the work and money, the way my mind has been for a really long time.      источник
Love that book . It altered a lot of my ideologies about property and ownership. Great book.      источник
@toriioriori It’s an amazing intro book into wealth building!! Changes the way you think about your resources!      источник
Robert and I are friends. Highly recommend Rich Dad Poor Dad book. We disagree on debt.      источник
My biggest piece of advice to every single person who approaches me for insights is always to prioritize financial literacy and educating yourself on personal finance. This audiobook may break down finance into simple terms, but the results you can get from listening to it are life-changing      источник
Twitter accounts recommended: @maynardpaton @richardbeddard @jpsc01 @wolfejosh Books recommended: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki      источник
3. Rich Dad Poor Dad Read it at 20 This book shattered all my preconceived notions about money. The biggest one being how buying things is not equal to building assets. Classic, in so many ways.      источник
@journeyofage All great books      источник
I bought Rich Dad's books and games for my children also. Robert Kiyosaki is one of my top authors. Life is about being deliberate      источник
@cheesewizbandit @lilearthangelk Wait rich dad poor dad is actually a great book      источник
First of all best wishes to your daughter. Simple books which will make her journey interesting & kudos for being a RESPONSIBLE parent: -Rich Dad Poor Dad:Robert Kyoski -Richest Man in The Bablyon:George Clason -One up on the wall street:Peter Lynch -Let's talk money:Monika Halan      источник
@PATSFANIVLYFE What if I told you this $10 book can help get you financial freedom      источник
@iefamharris @motaraaa One mistake I’ve always made is just assuming very popular books are just hype. Richest man in Babylon, art of war, rich dad poor dad are so simple, yet powerful. I hope you don’t reply with grammar corrections when you’re done reading this book 😂      источник
A list of books that have influenced me - 1. Personal Finance: Rich Dad, Poor Dad 2. Trading: Trading in the Zone 3. Mindfulness: The Power of Now 4. Philosophy: The Shortness of Life, Letters from a Stoic, Incerto 5. Life: A Book of Simple Living What's your list?      источник
Do yourself a favour....read these 2 books again and again... 1. Rich Dad Poor Dad: 2. Richest Man in Babylon: These two books helped me immensely in achieving financial freedom.. #investing #books #personalfinance #StockMarket      источник