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The Copernican Revolution book cover

The Copernican Revolution

Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought

Thomas S. Kuhn

Explore the significance of the Copernican Revolution in this thought-provoking book for scientists and laymen alike. Thomas S. Kuhn presents a comprehensive analysis of the development of scientific theory, demonstrating how a technical problem can alter our basic thought processes and attitudes. Kuhn blends technical, philosophical, and humanistic elements to provide a perspective on Western man's concept of his relation to the universe and to God. This book is perfect for readers wanting to delve into the evolution of ideas and the curious interplay of hypothesis and experiment at the heart of modern science.
Дата публикации
впервые опубликовано в 1957
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Q: What should I read to learn more about history? PG: The way to do it is piecemeal. You could just sit down and try reading Roberts's History of the World cover to cover, but you'd probably lose interest. I think it's a better plan to read books about specific topics, even if you don't understand everything the first time through. Here are the most exciting ones I can think of:      источник