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Уроки истории book cover

Уроки истории

Закономерности развития цивилизации за 5000 лет

Will Durant

Собрание эссе двух выдающихся мыслителей нашего времени, охватывающее более 5000 лет истории человечества. Авторы, профессиональные историки и академические ученые выявили закономерности общественного и исторического развития, цикличность исторического процесса и конечность любого социально-экономического строя. Основываясь на своих исследованиях и на философском подходе, они очень образно и увлекательно рассказали о том, какой путь прошла Западная цивилизация (от истоков до начала XIX века) и почему ее путь был сложен именно из этих вех.
Дата публикации
впервые опубликовано в 1968
Рейтинг Goodreads
It’s excellent.      источник
This is a great book I really liked which summarizes some of the larger themes of history, very incisive. And unlike most history books, it's actually really small, and it covers a lot of ground.      источник
This is the Durants. They were maybe the greatest historians of all time.      источник
They wrote the massive 11-volume 10,000-page “Story of Civilization” covering Western history, then wrote this tiny 100-page book succinctly summing up its lessons for our present day.      источник
A great book.      источник
This audiobook is incredible The book itself is an all-timer, but the audiobook includes old interviews with the Durants at the end of each chapter. The interviews are seemingly longer than the book, and the Durants are among the best historians ever. Hearing them is wild.      источник
@natbrunell @LynAldenContact It's a great book!      источник
Summer Reading Book #20 is THE LESSONS OF HISTORY by Will & Ariel Durant “With their accessible compendium of philosophy and social progress, the Durants take us on a journey through history, exploring the possibilities and limitations of humanity over time.”      источник
This book is a must read 👇. Imagine going through entire world history and the lessons from it, all in a couple of hours!      источник
Is this the highest wisdom-per-word book ever? If it's not, what is?      источник
In some way you look back on Will and Arial Durant’s The Lessons of History or Ron Chernow’s book on Alexander Hamilton, and you realize, man, you can get an awful lot out of people who have been through this sort of thing and studied the ones who did it before.      источник