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Чему я научился за 15 лет на посту главы Walt Disney
Robert Iger
Книга Роберта Айгера, 15 лет возглавлявшего The Walt Disney Company.
Айгер — новатор, признанный одним из наиболее успешных генеральных директоров эпохи. В книге он делится главными ценностями, которых придерживался на посту генерального директора компании, воплощающей фантазию в реальность для миллионов людей.
Сегодня Disney — самая крупная медиакомпания в мире, в которую входят Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm и 21st Century Fox. Стоимость этого гиганта почти в пять раз больше, чем была до прихода Айгера.
Как ему это удалось?
Ответ в этой книге. В ней Айгер рассказывает об уроках, которые извлек из управления Disney и штатом, состоящим из более чем 220 000 сотрудников.
Дата публикации
Рейтинг Goodreads
This is one of the best business books I’ve read in several years. Iger does a terrific job explaining what it’s really like to be the CEO of a large company. Whether you’re looking for business insights or just an entertaining read, I think anyone would enjoy his stories about overseeing Disney during one of the most transformative times in its history. – источникI expected a book written by the person who has led Disney for decades to be defined by both gripping storytelling and deep leadership wisdom. The author delivers, and then some! This book is leadership gold—you won’t forget the stories or the lessons. – источник
@randallkane @RobertIger Really great book! I finished it a few months ago – источник2019-12-05T20:26:43.000Z
@bradleyghoover Yes, Bob's book is great and he's an excellent CEO. He's very different than Walt. He sits in between Roy (Walt's brother, businessperson) and Walt, little closer to Roy – источник2020-05-02T02:01:36.000Z
One of the best leadership books I've read. These usually disappoint, but I actually came away with some good leadership notes and new appreciation for what Iger pulled off in his tenure as Disney CEO. Hope to build my own Disney 2.0 one day... – источник2019-11-30T19:10:29.000Z
Lots of people said read this book by Robert Iger for the first chapter (which is very good), but I thought the whole book was interesting. Fits @michaelbatnick's definition of a book about business vs. a business book. – источник2019-12-15T16:09:25.000Z
Shoe Dog by Phil Knight is the best book I've ever read by a CEO
The Ride of a Lifetime by Bob Iger is just as good
This might be the best book about leadership I've ever read
It was fantastic and far more honest than I would've expected – источник2020-06-25T03:59:25.000Z
I didn’t see it as a how to book. It’s more of how many companies Disney was able to acquire under his leadership team.
If you’re going through any kind of M&A, this is a great book for inspiration. The stories of negationing back & forth were powerful. – источник