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Шпион и предатель book cover

Шпион и предатель

Самая громкая шпионская история времен холодной войны

Ben MacIntyre

Олег Гордиевский казался идеальным продуктом системы — его отец работал в НКВД, брат стал нелегалом-разведчиком КГБ, сам он окончил элитарный МГИМО, поступил на службу в Первое главное управление, получил звание полковника КГБ. Однако больше десяти лет он работал на МИ-6 и стал одним из ключевых агентов британской разведки, сыгравшим немалую роль в истории холодной войны. По его словам, делал он это исключительно из идейных соображений. В книге "Шпион и предатель", основанной в числе прочего на интервью с Гордиевским, британский писатель и историк Бен Макинтайр пытается разобраться, что заставило этого человека, столь глубоко укорененного в системе, восстать против нее.
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This nonfiction account focuses on Oleg Gordievsky, a KGB officer who became a double agent for the British, and Aldrich Ames, the American turncoat who likely betrayed him. Macintyre’s retelling of their stories comes not only from Western sources (including Gordievsky himself) but also from the Russian perspective. It’s every bit as exciting as my favorite spy novels.      источник
just finished this yesterday. absolutely fantastic book. super recommend if you're into spycraft and espionage. bravo @BenMacintyre1      источник
A very very good start of the year 2023. As January ends, I read 5 books, 3 of which on Angola. I feel Angolan Expert already 🤣🤣. Very thought-provoking books written by authors with deep knowledges and grasps of subject matter. Found the month ending fast!      источник
@iainkevanmorris My favourite book of the year. I’m guessing you’ve read his others?      источник
@dceiver @samstein Truly excellent books. Picked up The Spy and the Traitor randomly and it was so good that i did realize it was a true story until i googled.      источник
Finished the book "The Billion dollar spy". Fascinating details about how the craft really works. This and ' The spy and the traitor" are 2 of the good books i hv read recently. Read both if u like such stuff.      источник
@tomhappens I understand. That makes perfect sense. Listen, Ben McIntyres books, I think you'd enjoy them IMMENSELY. Theyre non-fiction about MI5 and spying and whatnot and they're TRULY great. The Spy and the Traitor is where I began 😘😘😘😘😘😘      источник
@yogabykate @mojaveb @alexrblackwell Ok, here we go. There are so many good books. I'll focus on the ones that are good/accurate and fun to read. There are a bunch that are good but not really enjoyable. First, Ben McIntyre's books are fun reads - Agent Sonya, The Spy and Traitor, Op Mincemeat, Zigzag...      источник
@holland_tom @BenMacintyre1 Oh it’s a brilliant book isn’t it. Another one I was sad to finish.      источник
Book 16 on year: Spy and Traitor by Ben Macintyre - an absolutely riveting story of the life of a Russian double agent. Fascinating book about the craft, but the actual story of the Russian spy is really something.      источник
Brilliant book by @BenMacintyre1 (The Spy and the Traitor), the true story of Oleg Gordievsky. Recommended. (cc @JonnyGeller)      источник