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The Science of Shopping--Updated and Revised for the Internet, the Global Consumer, and Beyond
Paco Underhill
"Why We Buy" reports on evolving shopping culture. It's a book about us, from moms & dads to seniors & kids, what we do & don't do in restaurants, showrooms & stores. It's about the struggle among merchants, marketers & increasingly knowledgeable customers for control. With insight, anecdote & data, retail anthropologist Underhill leads a journey into shopping heaven & hell. For those in retailing & marketing, "Why We Buy" is a remarkably fresh guide, offering concrete & usable advice on how to adapt to changing customers. For the public, it's a charming, sometimes disconcerting mirror of who we really are.
Underhill & his Envirosell company, are credited as being the founders of the science of shopping. For decades, he's been leading blue-chip clients into retail trenches. Like a modern-day Margaret Mead observing the local mail, his firm records & measures what goes on in stores as we wander or rush about, find what we want & sometimes do the unexpected. From base camps in NYC, Milan & Sydney, he & his colleagues follow in person & on videotape between 50-70,000 shoppers a year thru their retail experiences in stores, banks & public offices. (They record some 20,000 hours of what he reports to be generally some of the most dull videotape imaginable.) He explains how consumer & retail marketing has gone from being a war to being a bar fight, an environment in which Coke iscompeting not only with Pepsi, but with every product on promotional display.
The marketing tools of retail & package-goods industries no longer work as well as they used to. The gender models that have driven stores & designers have become obsolete. There's a reason why the Jeep Cherokee comes with a driver's side makeup mirror. "Why We Buy" looks at men trying to buy gifts in lingerie stores & women seeking attention, service & respect in car dealerships & technology stores. It reveals men as more promiscuous buyers & softer touches for klds, as well as how a woman will stay longer in a store if she's with a woman friend.
"Why We Buy" explains why we do what we do, notice what we notice, ignore what we ignore & buy what we buy. It tells why women won't linger in narrow aisles, why the Internet cannot replace shopping mails, how hardware stores are learning to adapt to women & how men are beginning to shop like women, how working women have altered the way supermarkets are laid out & why the person in charge at a branch bank sits farthest from the front door. "Why We Buy" amuses & instructs. It will change forever the way you look at stores & at yourself.
Дата публикации
впервые опубликовано в 1999
Рейтинг Goodreads
Many of the better designed ones do. There’s a whole book about this kind of stuff called “Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping” and I highly recommend it. – источник