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The Couple Next Door book cover
The Couple Next Door
A Novel
Shari Lapena - 2016-08-23
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A twisty tale of lies and betrayal, this domestic suspense debut centers around a young couple and their seemingly friendly neighbors. But everything changes when a terrible crime is committed at a dinner party next door, and suspicion immediately falls on the parents. As the truth unfolds, secrets are revealed, and the family is pushed to the brink. A chilling and unnerving read that will keep you guessing until the very end.
Richard Osman
The Husband's Secret book cover
The Husband's Secret
Liane Moriarty - 2013-07-30 (впервые опубликовано в 2015)
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This suspenseful novel centers around a letter written by a husband to his wife, not to be read until after his death. Told from multiple perspectives, the letter contains a devastating secret that could upend not just one marriage, but the lives of those around them. Author Liane Moriarty explores the complexities of relationships and the question of how well we truly know our partners.
The Silent Wife book cover
The Silent Wife
A Novel
A. S. A. Harrison - 2013-06-25
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Exploring the complexities of a marital relationship on the brink of collapse, this book delves into the devastation and despair that can consume two individuals as they struggle with the harsh realities of a crumbling union. With alternating perspectives and a raw, emotional tone, readers will be captivated by the story of a couple facing their darkest moments and grappling with the inevitable consequences of their actions.
Большая маленькая ложь book cover
Большая маленькая ложь
Liane Moriarty - 2017-02-07T00:00:00.000Z (впервые опубликовано в 2014)
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Иногда маленькая ложь может обернуться большой бедой. Убийство… трагический несчастный случай… или просто драка пьяных родителей? Роман "Большая маленькая ложь" рассказывает о жизни трех женщин, оказавшихся на перепутье. Мадлен, веселая, остроумная, страстная, мать троих детей. Она всегда готова прийти на помощь подруге, защитить тех, кого несправедливо обидели, однако ее возмущает, что ее бывший муж с новой женой поселился рядом, а их общая дочь-подросток, больше любит отца, а не мать. Селеста, богатая и ослепительно красивая, мать чудесных мальчиков-близнецов. Их с мужем считают самой счастливой парой в городке. Однако за внешне благополучным фасадом их брака скрывается страшная тайна. Джейн, молодая мать-одиночка, недавно переехала в городок на побережье, а потому ее нередко принимают за няню, а не за мать собственного сына. Близнецы Селесты, младшая дочь Мадлен и сын Джейн учатся в одном подготовительном классе. Селеста и Мадлен опекают Джейн. Казалось, ничто не предвещает беды, но зачастую, когда человек начинает верить в собственную ложь, это приводит к трагедии…
Elin Hilderbrand
Where'd You Go, Bernadette book cover
Where'd You Go, Bernadette
A Novel
Maria Semple - 2012-08-14
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A family trip to Antarctica takes an unexpected turn when fiercely intelligent shut-in Bernadette Fox vanishes. Her daughter Bee takes it upon herself to uncover the secret past her mother has been hiding for decades by piecing together emails, invoices, and school memos. Where'd You Go, Bernadette is an entertaining novel that explores family dynamics, the importance of self-discovery, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and daughter.
Miracle Creek book cover
Miracle Creek
A Novel
Angie Kim - 2019-04-16
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A group of people in a small town come together at a treatment center with a hyperbaric chamber. But when the chamber explodes and two people die, it's clear it wasn't an accident. The story moves across characters who are all keeping secrets and hiding betrayals, leading to a gripping showdown.
The Rumor book cover
The Rumor
A Novel
Lesley Kara - 2019-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2018)
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A single mother becomes obsessed with a rumor about a notorious killer living under a new identity in her seaside town. As her curiosity leads her down a dangerous path, she will learn just how far she must go to protect her loved ones from harm. A gripping thriller that shows how one rumor can become a deadly game of cat and mouse.
My Husband's Wife book cover
My Husband's Wife
A Novel
Jane Corry - 2017-01-31 (впервые опубликовано в 2016)
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A young lawyer, Lily, marries Ed and takes on her first murder case, where she meets a convicted killer named Joe. As Lily grows closer to him, secrets begin to emerge from all sides, including from her next-door neighbor, Carla. When Carla re-emerges twelve years later, a chain of events begins that can only end in one way.
The Widow book cover
The Widow
Fiona Barton - 2016-02-16
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A woman's life changes when her husband dies, freeing her from the perfect wife facade she put on for him. She's finally able to speak about the crime he was suspected of committing and the secrets that were kept in their marriage. But can anyone handle the truth?
You Will Know Me book cover
You Will Know Me
A Novel
Megan Abbott - 2016-07-26
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The devotion to a dream becomes tested when a gymnastics prodigy, Devon Knox, is thrown into a close-knit community of aspiring Olympic athletes. When a violent death shatters their world, Devon's mother, Katie, desperately tries to keep her family from falling apart. But as she becomes more involved in the investigation, she begins to question how far she'll go to see her daughter succeed.
The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks
Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough
The Trophy Child by Paula Daly
Sister by Rosamund Lupton
The Gifted School by Bruce Holsinger
The Twilight Wife by A. J. Banner
Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty
The Fifth Letter by Nicola Moriarty
Little Children by Tom Perrotta
Behind Closed Doors by B. A. Paris
The Party by Robyn Harding