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Gil's All Fright Diner book cover
Gil's All Fright Diner
A. Lee Martinez - 2006-06-27 (впервые опубликовано в 2005)
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Zombie attacks, vampire and werewolf hunters, and a diner owner seeking help for her supernatural problems make for an exciting and hilarious adventure in this blood-soaked, laugh-out-loud novel. As Duke and Earl navigate through the eerie town of Rockwood, they'll encounter all sorts of spooky obstacles, including undead cattle and an amorous ghost. And with the fate of the world hanging in the balance, they'll need to use all their supernatural abilities to save the day. Gil's All Fright Diner is a gore-filled, sexy, and side-splitting romp that horror fans won't want to miss.
Звездная пыль book cover
Звездная пыль
Neil Gaiman - 2006-08-29 (впервые опубликовано в 1999)
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Повесть о юноше Тристране Терне из деревни Застенье, отправившегося в Волшебную Страну за звездой для легкомысленной красавицы Виктории Форестер, а вместо этого нашедшего свою Мечту — самая настоящая сказка, с эльфами и гоблинами, призраками и единорогами, злодеями в черном и многочисленными ведьмами.
Long Dark Tea-Time Of The Soul book cover
Long Dark Tea-Time Of The Soul
Douglas Adams - 1991-02-15 (впервые опубликовано в 1988)
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In "Long Dark Tea-Time Of The Soul," holistic detective Dirk Gently investigates a mysterious explosion at Heathrow Airport that's been deemed an act of God. As he uncovers the truth behind the incident, he also delves into the strange case of his latest client, whose head is found spinning atop a hit record. With the help of his wit and deductive skills, Gently navigates through the chaos and turmoil of the universe to solve these puzzling mysteries.
Ученик воина book cover
Ученик воина
Игра форов
Lois McMaster Bujold - 2003-07-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1997)
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Майлз Форкосиган – сын высокопоставленного сановника при дворе императора планеты Барраяр – один из самых известных героев американской фантастики 80 – 90-х годов. Его приключениями зачитываются миллионы читателей во всем мире. Роман "Ученик воина" – настоящий подарок любителям фантастики.
Night in the Lonesome October book cover
Night in the Lonesome October
Roger Zelazny - 1994-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1993)
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Join the loyal dog Snuff and his knife-wielding master Jack as they collect grisly ingredients for an unearthly rite in the dark and mysterious streets of 19th-century London. But they're not alone – a host of participants, human and not, are preparing for the dread night. As Snuff tracks the Players and keeps Things at bay, he stays one step ahead of the Great Detective's knowledge. A Night in the Lonesome October is a darkly entertaining and original blend of horror, humor, mystery, and fantasy that many consider to be the best book from the fantasy master Roger Zelazny.
Скотт Пилигрим и его прекрасная маленькая жизнь book cover
Скотт Пилигрим и его прекрасная маленькая жизнь
Precious Little Life (1)
Bryan Lee O'Malley - 2004-08-18
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Скотт Пилигрим встречается со старшеклассницей, но когда в его разуме начинает кататься на роликах Рамона лауэрс, все меняется. Пока Скотт ищет Рамону, кое-кто еще обращает внимание на Скотта: семь злых бывших Рамоны. Если он хоче построить отношения с Рамоной, ему надо победить всех семерых - но даже этого героического подвига может быть недостаточно!
Никогде book cover
Neil Gaiman - 2003-09-02 (впервые опубликовано в 1996)
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Под улицами Лондона существует мир, о котором большинство людей и не подозревает. В нем слово становится настоящей силой. Туда можно попасть, только открыв Дверь. Этот мир полон опасностей, населен святыми и монстрами, убийцами и ангелами...
The Man Who Spoke Snakish book cover
The Man Who Spoke Snakish
Andrus Kivirähk - 2015-11-03 (впервые опубликовано в 2007)
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Discover a fantastical version of medieval Estonia in this imaginative and moving story. Follow Leemet, the last speaker of the ancient tongue of snakish, tasked with preserving ancient traditions in the face of modernity. With lothario bears, a giant louse, a legendary flying frog, and more, this novel is perfect for fans of David Mitchell, Sjón, and Terry Pratchett.
Dark Lord of Derkholm book cover
Dark Lord of Derkholm
Diana Wynne Jones - 2003-08-01
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Enter a world where tourism isn't always welcomed. For forty years, Mr. Chesney's Pilgrim Parties have been destroying Wizard Derk's world through packaged excursions. When Derk is forced to play the role of Dark Lord in order to save his own land, he's determined to put an end to the sinister tourist industry for good. Will Derk be able to lead his minions to victory against the Forces of Good and stop Mr. Chesney's evil plans once and for all?
On a Pale Horse book cover
On a Pale Horse
Anthony - 1986-09-12 (впервые опубликовано в 1983)
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When Zane shoots Death, he has to take the job, speeding over the world riding Mortis, his pale horse/limo, measuring souls for the exact balance of Good and Evil, sending each to Heaven or Hell instead of Purgatory. The new Thanatos is superbly competent, ends pain when he ends lives. But Satan is forging a trap for Luna, the woman Death loves....
Lamb Gospel According to Biff Christs Childhood Pal by unknown author
Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett
Цвет волшебства by Terry Pratchett
The Epic Crush of Genie Lo by F. C. Yee
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams
John Dies at the End by David Wong
Дело Джен, или Эйра немилосердия by Jasper Fforde
Джонатан Стрендж и мистер Норрелл by Susanna Clarke
Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore
Евангелие от Локи by Joanne M. Harris
Fair Peril by Nancy Springer
One Hundred Apocalypses and Other Apocalypses by Lucy Corin
The Honours by Tim Clare
Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente
The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud
Заколдованная Элла by Gail Carson Levine
Мор, ученик Смерти by Terry Pratchett